Real Unemployment Rate?

I was doing some reading and the propaganda that the government put out about 10% unemployment rate doesn't seem to add up.
If we are loosing jobs faster than creating jobs how has the unemployment rate not changed for the past year?
(this is respectively)
I figured I'd ask you guys seeing as how socially minded you seem...
If we are loosing jobs faster than creating jobs how has the unemployment rate not changed for the past year?
(this is respectively)
I figured I'd ask you guys seeing as how socially minded you seem...
If Obama did what FDR did then we would be stagnate at best.
book recommendation set to be spent during an election year....
nothing fishy there.
the thing about government spending vs. private sector spending is this:
when the government spends money, it tends to spend money in a way that benefits politicians and their chances of getting reelected. it is very inefficiently spent, often wasted.
when the private sector spends money the people spending it have a tendency to spent it on what will get them the most bang for their buck. it will be spent in ways that will help them and others around them generate new wealth and income.
quit being greedy.
...or is that just self interest speaking? what would be even worse is if they went ahead and kept them on even though they couldnt afford to pay them, thus driving your company into the ground, killing all the jobs it has, or could have in the future.
i know cuts suck. but in the long run, if the company wants to stay alive, they need to be made.
historically, when the economy turns sour, companies cut back on employment and costs as much as they can. this is so they dont go under. then, after all those cuts are made, they start to turn a profit again. this usually leads to growth and thus hiring. yes, it sucks in the short term, but these things are on a cycle. they always have been they always will be. no amount of micromanaging the economy by the government is going to change that. the only thing it has ever done in the past was make it harder to do legal, non-rights-infringing business.
very few people in the world can head a multi billion dollar company. they pay reflects that. why would they work for less if their skills are in such high demand? one tenth of one percent of the bailout amount received by AIG went to bonus. that would come nowhere near what it would take to fix the job market.
a 5 million/year salary will pay 100 people a 50k/year job. when you are talking thousands of people at a large company like AIG, GM, etc. those 100 are small potatoes.
you are right on another thing
provided that a company does not infringe on the rights of individuals i am all about big business. they provide jobs to millions nation, and world wide. they produce products that millions, if not billions want to use, and they do it efficiently while creating wealth.
"Long ashes my friends."
Obama and the Democrats know this .. they're not stupid. The problem is that the very idea of lowering taxes or abandoning future tax increases goes against every fiber of their political being. They just have to find another way .. and that seems to be even more spending. That's right ... we're not spending ENOUGH money we don't have. So .. up next ... another $28 billion to spend on infrastructure projects.
Wait! Now Obama has a new problem! There's a study out there which says that stimulus spending on infrastructure has had no effect on local unemployment. It has also had little effect on the construction industry, which has already seen a $75 billion stimulus. The bottom line: Since the stimulus bill was passed almost a year ago, there has been no connection between stimulus money spent and the number of construction workers hired or fired. If you compare counties that received the most stimulus money per capita for road construction, and those that didn't receive any money ... there is no, I repeat, no difference in unemployment trends between the counties.
We'll wait for The ACORN Administration's spin on that one.
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
But this raises my next question.
Prisoners an untapped resource, or a burden to society?