Cigar Oasis ultra 3.0 / humicare Turbo

anyone use the CigarOasis Ultra? or the HumiCare Turbo? they are the same thing, I have the Humicare turbo.
I tried connecting to my Wifi, but right after going through everything, the unit just restarts on it's own like every 30 seconds and is useless. this is my second unit I get from Cigar's international....
Is there a way to global reset these things to factory settings? I'll wind up returning this one and have them send me a third unit... I won't attempt to connect to the WiFi with the third one though, something certainly went wonky... but with TWO UNITS??? frustrating, as I think this thing will work a treat for me.
Mike b
Those things are notorious for being finicky with the wifi. I think that's why they aren't more popular.
How big is your humidor? Better off going with an inkbird hygrostat ...
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Tuppedore and boveda
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
it's a 150 cigar humidor. The first one worked great, until it started rebooting on me... I didn't realize it was because of the WiFi and had them send me another one, then this one did the same thing WILE I was setting up the WiFi... so it's for sure that...
It seems like this should work fine for my humidor, especially in the winter when I have a hard time keeping it at 70%....
gunna get a third one, and I won't touch the WiFi function... LOL, the app is $20 a year anyway, screw that, should be free.
Mike B
LOL, I have sticks that I paid $40+ for in there.. heck, some even more than that :-( I'm not sticking those in a tupperware container LOL
I just wish there was a way I could factory reset the darned thing....
Don’t knock the tupperdore/cooler system. They are as reliable, if not more, than anything else. $40 a stick? Impressive. There are a few of those floating around here too.
That’s funny. There’s guys on here that have thousands of dollars worth of cigars that entrust their collection to a tuppedore and bovedas. I’d be remiss if I didn’t include myself in this category. Some of us have hundreds if not thousands of cigars in these containers. Good luck.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
That might be on the low side!!???
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
1000+ cigars and trust everyone to Boveda, Gasket Bins, and Tupperdor. I'll trust my cigars to science (Boveda) and you can trust yours to hopes and dreams.
By any chance are those $40 cigars Gurkha or El Septimo?
And by the way… you really should stop trying to keep it at 70rh. That’s the point where you start to invite mold. Your cigars will also smoke a lot better at a lower rh. Somewhere between 60-65 is a good place to start and then hone it in based on your environment.
I'll throw in another $0.02, tupperdors and ammo cans. All with Boveda. 👍
Nolite Oblivisci Peniculus Dentes
Word ^
Anything from 58 to 70 is fine, depending on where you live. If you're in the southeast, then 70 is fine but you have to keep the temp lower (less than 75), otherwise, you're begging for mold.
Live somewhere else? Prolly lower humidity is better for taste and performance, but you do you.
Plastic boxes don't absorb or leak moisture, so boveda is perfect for them. If you put a boveda in a sealed plastic box with perfectly hydrated cigars, it will be in stasis until the rubber gasket dry rots.
I like wood boxes too, though.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Can you use it without the wifi? Just do that, or buy some beads from Amazon, and get a pint deli container and distilled water. Punch some holes in the top and boom, 70 percent.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.

I have used Tupperdors with 65% Boveda for many years. No mold, no bugs no issues. Little electronic hygrometers in each to keep a rough eye on the humidity. Some containers seal better than others. Buy one with a good seal and give them a try. Cheap and easy.
Tupperware doesn't go well with mahogany and leather.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Stacks well out of sight in that beautiful wood cabinet for care free storage while smoking out of the ready service 150 count desktop. 🤷♂️
Nolite Oblivisci Peniculus Dentes
Besides that, if you get drunk and leave it out in the rain all.night your cigars stay dry....... Try that with your wifi magic cigar box thingy.
Simple things keeps thing simple
Weathertight bins (or other gasket lined plastic bins) plus boveda is the most stable and safe way to store/age cigars. Wood and other forms of humidification media all have downsides in comparison.
To put it another way, I would only store my $40+ sticks, and my many many $8-$12 sticks, in Tupperware with boveda. A cooler would be a close second and both options are plastic. This from someone who’s had multiple wine fridges, fancy high priced wooden humidors and have tried nearly every humidification media there is.
I use gasket boxes and Bovidas, but I feel coolers are the best option due to less temperature fluctuation.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
The downside for coolers for me is I can’t see my digital hygrometer like I can with bins and since I keep the main stash in my closet, I’m in there at least twice a day minimum. For my smaller smoking bin I don’t even use a hygrometer and completely trust the boveda on its own. Coolers also are bulkier don’t look as nice and don’t stack well. I do agree that they work just as well and may possibly provide a better temp buffer for those without central air.
I prefer many relatively smaller totes over a cooler. If something did go wrong, bugs or mold, fewer cigars would be affected
I use the Bluetooth/wifi 2 gallon humidifier for mine
"Long ashes my friends."
I feel this may be overkill for 150ct humidor.
Probably depends on whether or not it’s Spanish cedar or fragrant cedar.
I just wiped down my selves with a little bit of bleach and Awesome Orange
Go Bluetooth

A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
What are those things?