Lookin for a book

So I'm going to Madrid and Paris in september and to get in the Europe frame of mind I want to read a good spy or mystery novel set in either location... Any suggestions? And I've already read the divinci code... Thanks! I might just send out a thank you package to the person who gives me a good recomendation...
If you're looking for a more serious thriller, you can't go wrong with Tom Clancy. I recommend The Cardinal of the Kremlin or Rainbow Six.
I also picked up :
The Paris Option By Ludlum and some other chippy... basically she wrote it and used his name to sell it
and I am considering:
Winter in Madrid
This Night's Foul Work
and, after looking him up, almost anything by Steve Berry... Cholems, he is a great call... his books look pretty interesting... I know this wasn't a real "contest" but I think you just won...PM me your info, I'll shoot you out a little "Thanks for the recommendation" package
+1 Just about to suggest these. Read at least one of his on every vacation. Fantastic books w/ plenty of smoking (cigarettes, but still).
so this thread is old, I know, but I just got back around here and after seeing another thread on books, I remembered this.
Robby, you ever read any of Berry's stuff? If so, how'd you like them?
I have to tell you, I sometimes don't want to read a book's ending, because I always hate them. I didn't know how on earth a writer could end what was for me a 25-book series.
And it was the best ending I've ever read...
I might not even pick up the series he's in the middle of now (Everwinter) because I don't want to have it NOT end with that ending.
Ken - I picked up The Dark Elf Trilogy but haven't started it... I usually am reading 2 books at the same time... form very different authors to keep form getting the story line confused... usually one action/thriller and one fantasy/sci-fi.... Right now it's Rainbow Six and Bacta Wars, book 4 of the X-Wing series...