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Lookin for a book

robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
So I'm going to Madrid and Paris in september and to get in the Europe frame of mind I want to read a good spy or mystery novel set in either location... Any suggestions? And I've already read the divinci code... Thanks! I might just send out a thank you package to the person who gives me a good recomendation...


  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    So I'm going to Madrid and Paris in september and to get in the Europe frame of mind I want to read a good spy or mystery novel set in either location... Any suggestions? And I've already read the divinci code... Thanks! I might just send out a thank you package to the person who gives me a good recomendation...
    Go with Dan Browns next one.
  • One2gofstOne2gofst Posts: 583
    It is a long book, but very good. Les Miserable. Not contemporary, but a classic.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    The Scarlet Pimpernel. It was a book made into a classical play, and now it's a broadway classic.
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    I'm thinkin something more along the lines of The Bourne Identity
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    Hmm...Hunt For Red October by Tom Clancy? That or Patriot Games.
  • badge54fdbadge54fd Posts: 241
    Winter in Madrid by C.J. Sampson
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    How about Robert Ludlum's "The Sigma Protocol" or "Apocalypse Watch".
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    anything by "Tricky Di ck" Richard Marcenko (spelling?) former Navy Seal turned Espionage writer just changes names and location to not break codes or something
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    Winter in Madrid by C.J. Sampson
    this might be the winner here... have you read it?
  • badge54fdbadge54fd Posts: 241
    I have not read it myself, but a friend of mine has and said it was very good.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    Lawrence Block has written a few dozen mystery/crime novels. Some of which take place all over Europe. One that comes to mind is "The Canceled Czech". It's one from the Even Tanner series. All very good.
    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Posts: 1,585
    How about the Venetian Betrayal, the Amber Room, The Alexandria Link, or the Third Secret by Steve Berry? All are what I call "historical fiction" - not sure if that's a real literature classification, but who cares! haha. Basically, he uses true events from history to set modern day mysteries. I like it because at the end, he'll explain what was true events that were referenced, and what he embellished. He's one of my favorite writers. If you want one of these, I'll even send you the book.
  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Posts: 1,585
    Or, check out Brad Thor. Most of his are espionage thrillers set in Europe.
  • sightunseensightunseen Posts: 2,130 ✭✭
    Hugh Laurie (as in Dr. House) wrote a book called "The Gun Seller." Suppose to be sort of a comedic spy story. By all accounts, he's a good writer and the book got good reviews.

    If you're looking for a more serious thriller, you can't go wrong with Tom Clancy. I recommend The Cardinal of the Kremlin or Rainbow Six.
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    so I decided to go with The Three Musketeers first... i went old school...

    I also picked up :
    The Paris Option By Ludlum and some other chippy... basically she wrote it and used his name to sell it

    and I am considering:
    Winter in Madrid
    This Night's Foul Work
    and, after looking him up, almost anything by Steve Berry... Cholems, he is a great call... his books look pretty interesting... I know this wasn't a real "contest" but I think you just won...PM me your info, I'll shoot you out a little "Thanks for the recommendation" package
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Any of the James Bond books by Mr. Fleming himself would do nicely
  • letsgowithbobletsgowithbob Posts: 677 ✭✭
    I highly Recommend the "Ghost" series, by John Ringo, It's an awesome series, and I honestly think everyone here would enjoy them, great spy, hero, mans man kinda book.
  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Posts: 1,585
    so I decided to go with The Three Musketeers first... i went old school...

    I also picked up :
    The Paris Option By Ludlum and some other chippy... basically she wrote it and used his name to sell it

    and I am considering:
    Winter in Madrid
    This Night's Foul Work
    and, after looking him up, almost anything by Steve Berry... Cholems, he is a great call... his books look pretty interesting... I know this wasn't a real "contest" but I think you just won...PM me your info, I'll shoot you out a little "Thanks for the recommendation" package
    Sorry bud. Just saw this. I sent you a PM.
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Posts: 979
    I would say a Lee Child book for anyone getting on a plane for 4+ hours. They are great ways to kill some time. Also totally diffrent but any of the disk world books, but it does help to start at the first one and work through them. They get better as you know more about it all.
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Posts: 2,378
    Clancy spy novel: Cardinal of the Kremlin. http://www.amazon.com/Cardinal-Kremlin-Tom-Clancy/dp/0425116840 Excellent spy novel! One of my favorite Clancy books for sure!
  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Posts: 1,585
    I would say a Lee Child book for anyone getting on a plane for 4+ hours. They are great ways to kill some time. Also totally diffrent but any of the disk world books, but it does help to start at the first one and work through them. They get better as you know more about it all.
    Great books as well. I've ready everyone of em. Basically, I've read everything put out by Lee Childs, Tom Clancy, Steve Berry, Brad Thor, and Stephen Hunter (he wrote the book the movie Sniper was based on).
  • letsgowithbobletsgowithbob Posts: 677 ✭✭
    try the ghost series, usually ringo writes scifi which I'm not really into, but the ghost series is awesome
  • JumperJumper Posts: 135
    Any of the James Bond books by Mr. Fleming himself would do nicely

    +1 Just about to suggest these. Read at least one of his on every vacation. Fantastic books w/ plenty of smoking (cigarettes, but still).
  • Alex_SvensonAlex_Svenson Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
    I have been totally sucked into "the Overton Window" by Glen Beck. Good fiction piece but very familiar to the direction our country is going. Nice amount of of suspense.
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    Alex Svenson:
    I have been totally sucked into "the Overton Window" by Glen Beck. Good fiction piece but very familiar to the direction our country is going. Nice amount of of suspense.
    I've actually heard of this before... I might give it a look... Suspense is always good
  • robbyras:
    and, after looking him up, almost anything by Steve Berry... Cholems, he is a great call... his books look pretty interesting... I know this wasn't a real "contest" but I think you just won...PM me your info, I'll shoot you out a little "Thanks for the recommendation" package

    so this thread is old, I know, but I just got back around here and after seeing another thread on books, I remembered this.

    Robby, you ever read any of Berry's stuff? If so, how'd you like them?
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Posts: 1,214
    Alex Svenson:
    I have been totally sucked into "the Overton Window"
    Definitely better than being sucked OUT a window.
  • Ken_LightKen_Light Posts: 3,537 ✭✭✭
    Late on this one, but Drizzt is calling...I just finished the last complete series, Transitions...

    I have to tell you, I sometimes don't want to read a book's ending, because I always hate them. I didn't know how on earth a writer could end what was for me a 25-book series.

    And it was the best ending I've ever read...

    I might not even pick up the series he's in the middle of now (Everwinter) because I don't want to have it NOT end with that ending.
    ^Troll: DO NOT FEED.
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    and, after looking him up, almost anything by Steve Berry... Cholems, he is a great call... his books look pretty interesting... I know this wasn't a real "contest" but I think you just won...PM me your info, I'll shoot you out a little "Thanks for the recommendation" package

    so this thread is old, I know, but I just got back around here and after seeing another thread on books, I remembered this.

    Robby, you ever read any of Berry's stuff? If so, how'd you like them?
    I half read and half listened to the Paris Vendetta... i enjoyed it for sure... I actually finished it on the place to madrid... I picked up some of his books on ebay but haven't gotten around to reading them yet... I picked up some Lee Child and Vince Flynn too... The Killing Floor by Child is pretty good... it's entertaining while not earth shattering... Transfer of Power by Flynn is awesome... i'm hooked on his Mitch Rapp stuff... great books... I'm actually reading Rainbow Six by Clancy now... just started a few days ago...

    Ken - I picked up The Dark Elf Trilogy but haven't started it... I usually am reading 2 books at the same time... form very different authors to keep form getting the story line confused... usually one action/thriller and one fantasy/sci-fi.... Right now it's Rainbow Six and Bacta Wars, book 4 of the X-Wing series...
  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,072 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My favorite book of all time is Shogun. I'm having a brain fart on the author it's on the tip of my tongue. Too much partying in my youth I reckon. Anyway I have read it 4 times.
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