(Drew Estates) Natural Dirt Torpedo

Lilwing had a little contest to have people suggest what cigar he should have that night, and the reward for said contest was a couple Natural Dirt Torpedos. He mentioned that he wanted to send these out becasue he wanted a review from someone else on them. I have no idea what he thinks of these - so let's see if my thoughts on it coincides with his! Please remember this is coming from a guy who started smoking BECAUSE of Drew Estates cigars. I think if my B&M didn't have Ambrosia cigars the first time I went in, then I probably wouldn't be smoking now. So I'm a bit biased in favor of Drew Estates (Although I can still recognize the tobacco they use is garbage)
This thing is definitely smaller than a typical Torpedo, I would guess it's somewhere around 5x52 or so... Which for me isn't entirely a bad thing. I tend to like the smaller, quicker smokes.
The Dirt sure didn't smell like much. Didn't smell like a cigar, didn't smell like an Acid, smelled just kind of neutral like a soft cardboard smell, i guess? Prelight draw was nice, good easy draw without being really loose, and the taste on my lips was pretty suprising considering the smell, was sweet like I would expect from a Drew Estates, but wouldn't expect from the smell of this cigar.
The stick changed quite a bit throughout, and is probably the most volatile stick I've ever had when it comes to taste changing based on how hot it's burning. The first 1/3 was actually quite smooth and nice. I was suprised! Very pleasant cigar for the first 10 mins or so... but it slowly went downhill. Generally I notice a cigar gets a bit biting, and harsh when it bruns hot - this thing did do the same just slightly, but also the taste changed completely when I let it burn hot. It was a very very strong coffee taste when I would take a few rapid large draws to heat it up. The only way I can describe it is... well... instead of tasting like tobacco... it kind of tasted like I was smoking burned coffee grounds. I figure that is Drew Estates way of making a strong infused taste for a maduro? It... was actually kind of neat, but the attraction faded quickly. The second 1/3 was just a little bleh compared to the first 1/3. About the same stuff but the novelty had worn. The last 1/3... I was over it. Every draw the sweet taste on my lips was overpowered by the burnt coffee taste that made my face scrunch up like I was smelling something fowl. I got about halfway through the last 1/3 and set it down, because it was gradually just getting stronger and stronger. The 4 inches or so I smoked, only took me maybe 40 minutes.
All in all... I'd smoke it again. It wasn't so bad that I wouldn't recommend it to people. It was sweet and compared to other Drew Estates the poor tobacco flavor was hardly noticable. I would have to give the advice though, burn it hot and fast during the first half, and slow and cool the second half. That's what I plan to do with my next one, and will probably make it a more consistant and pleasant smoke.
So, Lilwing, What'd you think of it?
Lilwing had a little contest to have people suggest what cigar he should have that night, and the reward for said contest was a couple Natural Dirt Torpedos. He mentioned that he wanted to send these out becasue he wanted a review from someone else on them. I have no idea what he thinks of these - so let's see if my thoughts on it coincides with his! Please remember this is coming from a guy who started smoking BECAUSE of Drew Estates cigars. I think if my B&M didn't have Ambrosia cigars the first time I went in, then I probably wouldn't be smoking now. So I'm a bit biased in favor of Drew Estates (Although I can still recognize the tobacco they use is garbage)
This thing is definitely smaller than a typical Torpedo, I would guess it's somewhere around 5x52 or so... Which for me isn't entirely a bad thing. I tend to like the smaller, quicker smokes.
The Dirt sure didn't smell like much. Didn't smell like a cigar, didn't smell like an Acid, smelled just kind of neutral like a soft cardboard smell, i guess? Prelight draw was nice, good easy draw without being really loose, and the taste on my lips was pretty suprising considering the smell, was sweet like I would expect from a Drew Estates, but wouldn't expect from the smell of this cigar.
The stick changed quite a bit throughout, and is probably the most volatile stick I've ever had when it comes to taste changing based on how hot it's burning. The first 1/3 was actually quite smooth and nice. I was suprised! Very pleasant cigar for the first 10 mins or so... but it slowly went downhill. Generally I notice a cigar gets a bit biting, and harsh when it bruns hot - this thing did do the same just slightly, but also the taste changed completely when I let it burn hot. It was a very very strong coffee taste when I would take a few rapid large draws to heat it up. The only way I can describe it is... well... instead of tasting like tobacco... it kind of tasted like I was smoking burned coffee grounds. I figure that is Drew Estates way of making a strong infused taste for a maduro? It... was actually kind of neat, but the attraction faded quickly. The second 1/3 was just a little bleh compared to the first 1/3. About the same stuff but the novelty had worn. The last 1/3... I was over it. Every draw the sweet taste on my lips was overpowered by the burnt coffee taste that made my face scrunch up like I was smelling something fowl. I got about halfway through the last 1/3 and set it down, because it was gradually just getting stronger and stronger. The 4 inches or so I smoked, only took me maybe 40 minutes.
All in all... I'd smoke it again. It wasn't so bad that I wouldn't recommend it to people. It was sweet and compared to other Drew Estates the poor tobacco flavor was hardly noticable. I would have to give the advice though, burn it hot and fast during the first half, and slow and cool the second half. That's what I plan to do with my next one, and will probably make it a more consistant and pleasant smoke.
So, Lilwing, What'd you think of it?
I always get a really smooth coca off them.
Not an everyday smoke but a great way to mix it up.
If you don't want to try em though, that's all you, buddy :-P
I pretty much agree with your assessment, however, I enjoyed it a bit more than you. I think the flavor notes you described were very close to what I got, except for the burnt coffee flavors. I got more of a mocha/espresso taste. But that could be due to a burn issue.
I definitely think that as far as infused cigars go, it's more enjoyable than most other ACIDS.
Thanks again for the great review and enjoy the other smokes I sent ya!