Premium Humidors

I placed an order several weeks ago with this company because they had an item which I could not find here for the secret santa pass. Still haven't received the product, tried calling and their voicemail is always full, and they won't return e-mails. To top it off, a quick review revealed that they have a flood of complaints against them...looks like I'm out some money...upsets me how a business can operate like that! Anybody else have issues with them in the past, going to take it another level soon once all of the holiday craziness dies down....would stay FAR away from this company! Sorry, just irritates the hell out of me how a company can do this....
I can vouche for Heartfelt, they've taken care of me.
Not sure if it's a new site feature but I felt a puff of smoke going up my backside after reading this post.
Also, from the Community "Welcome Page" :
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