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Seal Team Six?

and Here they are!

A couple of things to notice: .50 caliber sniper on the right. Knee, knuckle and forearm protection. Various plastic/wire ties. Absolute identity denial to protect their families. Free choice of footwear. Fourth from the right has three artillery simulators and CS gas grenades on his belly. He is the 'shock and awe' guy. Group Photo of Seal Team Six, . . . . . . . and can you imagine the look on Bin Laden's face when these guys came through the door? "Thanking Obama for killing Bin Laden is like going into McDonalds and thanking Ronald McDonald for the hamburger. It's the guy cooking the burger that should get the credit, not the clown."



  • ShotgunJohnShotgunJohn Posts: 1,545 ✭✭
    Awesome, this picture is badass!! God Bless the US
  • HeavyHeavy Posts: 1,591 ✭✭✭
    "Thanking Obama for killing Bin Laden is like going into McDonalds and thanking Ronald McDonald for the hamburger. It's the guy cooking the burger that should get the credit, not the clown."

    LOL!! that is awesome.

    ...and I sure as HELL am glad that these dudes are on our side!
  • mfotismfotis Posts: 720 ✭✭
    Actually the sniper rifle on the right is the SR-25 with the surpressor mounted.
  • kingjk729kingjk729 Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭
    Great pic I'd like to correct Ozzie's mistake the guy in the pic on his right knee and the guy on the far right are both holding sniper rifles .... Most likely .338 laupua's and the seal on the left has the 50 cal ...... Still just a badass pic.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    Great pic I'd like to correct Ozzie's mistake the guy in the pic on his right knee and the guy on the far right are both holding sniper rifles .... Most likely .338 laupua's and the seal on the left has the 50 cal ...... Still just a badass pic.

    LOL i just copied and pasted the text that came to me from my Buddy in the service.... I really didnt match upo the text with the Picture.... LOL Thats what I get for not reading and looking at the same time...... You my man should be on CSI!
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    They look like dolls. Like the old style GI Joe figures. The arms look like plastic to me.
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    Great pic I'd like to correct Ozzie's mistake the guy in the pic on his right knee and the guy on the far right are both holding sniper rifles .... Most likely .338 laupua's and the seal on the left has the 50 cal ...... Still just a badass pic.

    LOL i just copied and pasted the text that came to me from my Buddy in the service.... I really didnt match upo the text with the Picture.... LOL Thats what I get for not reading and looking at the same time...... You my man should be on CSI!
    Sir, Yes sir. I'm not about to correct the cats when it comes to armory.
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    The more I look at it, the more I think it's a mock up with dolls. The poses and shoulders look unnatural. The slightly blurry photo, the scale seems off with the wall in the background. ST6 is more guys than that too. Would the military even let a photo like this out? I don't know. I could be wrong, what the hell do I know?
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Could be fake; there's tons of fake dead-Osama pics floating around - wouldn't surprise me if there were fake Seal team 6 pics as well.

    Pic still looks badass tho'
  • sightunseensightunseen Posts: 2,130 ✭✭
    The dude on the right, his arm looks plastic. Also, given Team Six doesn't "officially exist," I doubt they would release a team photo.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    Looks fake to me too.
  • HaysHays Posts: 2,337 ✭✭✭
    Yeah, I'd say those definitely ARE action figures, given that I've seen the exact same thing in the local Target.
    ¨The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea¨ - Isak Dinesen

    ¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    you didnt know that the U.S military now buys their gear at target? Obama said to cut money out of the budget...so they did! lol
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Posts: 2,629 ✭✭✭
    Yeah, I'd say those definitely ARE action figures, given that I've seen the exact same thing in the local Target.
    Yep you are right...those in the front row look like they have Kung Fu grip
  • ellinasellinas Posts: 329
    they are toys, and disney is trying to get their logo on all navy seal toys i believe
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    You guys have got to be fu king kidding me .....Really TOYS.......I DOUBT ITS THE REAL Seal team 6. But its not toys.....lol but by posti.g this I accomplished what it was intended for! ROTFLMAO.......................
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    Plastic looks are body armor arm pads....like football players wear.......this picture was sent to me by a man and I mean a manthat is a seal....been a friend of mine since grade school........comes in handy when you need some clean work done!ROTFLMAO
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    also I would be happy to email this Picture to anyone that wants it in full size... i will include glasses for those that think these are action figures! ROTFLMAO!
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    I'd like a full size pic. There looks to be plastic, but the way they stand looks real as well as the resting posture of the hands. PM to ya.
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Posts: 2,629 ✭✭✭
    I'd like a full size pic. There looks to be plastic, but the way they stand looks real as well as the resting posture of the hands. PM to ya.
    Look at the hands closely, the way they are positioned looks the same on them all...well at least on the ones you can see clearly.
  • jj20030jj20030 Posts: 5,804 ✭✭✭✭✭
    guess the picture was taken in front on a curb,lol
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    interesting.......... hmmmmmmmmmm
  • HaysHays Posts: 2,337 ✭✭✭
    ¨The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea¨ - Isak Dinesen

    ¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Nice find. I guess the closest anyone's gonna get to a pic of seal team 6 is a couple of action figures, ROFL
  • DiamondogDiamondog Posts: 4,171 ✭✭
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    Plastic looks are body armor arm pads....like football players wear.......this picture was sent to me by a man and I mean a manthat is a seal....been a friend of mine since grade school........comes in handy when you need some clean work done!ROTFLMAO
    Looks like he needs an intel-refresher. ;-)
    Light 'em up.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915

    After a bit More research and a couple of Emails back and fourth I am told that These Action Figures were Duplicated from the actual photo of The Navy Seals................ More will be Revealed for sure!
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402

    After a bit More research and a couple of Emails back and fourth I am told that These Action Figures were Duplicated from the actual photo of The Navy Seals................ More will be Revealed for sure!
    ROFL - suuure. I'm told they were duplicated from real photos of Seal Team six in that all the people have 2 arms, 2 legs, a head, and clothing. I think "your source" is just pulling your leg
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915

    After a bit More research and a couple of Emails back and fourth I am told that These Action Figures were Duplicated from the actual photo of The Navy Seals................ More will be Revealed for sure!
    ROFL - suuure. I'm told they were duplicated from real photos of Seal Team six in that all the people have 2 arms, 2 legs, a head, and clothing. I think "your source" is just pulling your leg

    Thats what Seals Do is pull legs! Arms, Head Dicks....... Thats one thing I can tell you for sure is the guy sending me this stuff was a seal for 10 years ... now he works in the private sector In Washington, training Secret Service and Assasins for the Government...... He is a bit of a prankster but not the kind you want to have Pissed at you or being questioned....... It is funny how the Interent Makes things people appear to be something they are not.......... there sure is alot of that going on for sure!
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