Golf with my new sticks

Just finished up 18 in Atlanta, 81 holes so far this weekend. I picked up a new set of Taylormades 6 weeks ago, best clubs I have ever played. I have the TM superlaunch irons and set of burner superfast woods. I also picked up a oddysey white ice putter. LOVE the set, but I have NO MORE EXCUSES when I play like crap. I have to say, I play much more consistently with the new clubs then I did with my old self made golfsmith set. In fact, its a joy to play. I find myself "working" on my game now instead of just "grippin and rippin". Im still looking for that perfect ball, one that plays awesome no mater what the shot. Any of you golfers want to share what sticks they play or ball they use?
Sweet, a golf trip in Colorado. I'll keep that in mind Sir.
are you liking the new clubs overall pretty good? My dad was actually looking at those just a couple months ago, but we didn't know anybody with experience with them so he got gun shy.