So my store is a no go.

Well found out today that my idea for a cigarshop/microbrew pub is a no go. Turns out the an Englishman is opening a brewpub in one of the spaces I was looking at. He started buildout Friday. My investors don't think Griffin is big enough for two brew pubs and they are right. It was a fun ride just not the right time. I will pick this up again in a few years. Just wasnt the time. This way I should have more time to spend with my new son and I know something great is going to happen real soon.
Best of luck getting this up again.
Things happen for a reason brother. Maybe something better is coming your way.
"Long ashes my friends."
you have the right attitude stay positive man
I'll admit though that I'm selfishly happy that location is open for debate, meaning that some day the Rest and Be Thankful may be in Atlanta.
Things will work out when they're right. If they haven't worked out: It isn't right.