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Tea Party ...Brown Shirt-esque....

phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
Angry, racist, concerned, or just bamboozled from a few corporate big wigs in their goal to get more out of this country, the Tea party is/has taken over the GOP and really what is it or what is at the center of it? From a lot of the rhetoric from their conventions, get-togethers and from what has been shown from their "gatherings" whenever foundations feel the need to bus them around (health care debates, climate debates, basically anything that will impact corporate power) a lot of them, the majority of them or at least what their rallies reveal is they are in fact a lot like the brown shirts back in the early days of the **** empire, though I only draw this line due to the fact that the brown shirts were used for a higher agenda that many of them did not want and ended up being killed.

This is a nice look at it:


I'm sure this is going to go over well here but maybe somebody will get something out of.


  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm sure this is going to go over well here but maybe somebody will get something out of.
    for me it was a laugh.

    just sayin.
  • Knoxca1Knoxca1 Posts: 148 ✭✭
    1st rule of internet trolling. Never invoke Godwin's law in your first post.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    1st rule of internet trolling. Never invoke Godwin's law in your first post.
    this is the first thing in a long time that i have read off the inter-webs that actually made me laugh audibly.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    I really enjoyed the bumper sticker pics, thanks for the link
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    It's f'in scary man......soooooo many of our voters and people in general are uninformed bumpkins who watch the nightly cable news (in between episodes of fake-reality T.V., drinking Natty Light, and trying to take their own message from the bible). Same can be said (different perspective obviously) from some on the left----but when the left gets crazy I often just laugh at the loonacy and tree-huggary.......when the right gets crazy, I get $cared as hell because their ideas and message are so much easier for Joe Everybody leech on to.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Mmmmm sweet kool-aid

  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    It's f'in scary man......soooooo many of our voters and people in general are uninformed bumpkins who watch the nightly cable news (in between episodes of fake-reality T.V., drinking Natty Light, and trying to take their own message from the bible). Same can be said (different perspective obviously) from some on the left----but when the left gets crazy I often just laugh at the loonacy and tree-huggary.......when the right gets crazy, I get $cared as hell because their ideas and message are so much easier for Joe Everybody leech on to.
    What about the millions who voted for Obama because he quotes Jay-Z and has "swagger"?

  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    IF MILLIONS of people voted for him for those reasons, I would be very suprised. That said, the ones that did should have their voter cards revoked until a time they are no longer deemed retarded.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    It's f'in scary man......soooooo many of our voters and people in general are uninformed bumpkins who watch the nightly cable news (in between episodes of fake-reality T.V., drinking Natty Light, and trying to take their own message from the bible). Same can be said (different perspective obviously) from some on the left----but when the left gets crazy I often just laugh at the loonacy and tree-huggary.......when the right gets crazy, I get $cared as hell because their ideas and message are so much easier for Joe Everybody leech on to.
    What about the millions who voted for Obama because he quotes Jay-Z and has "swagger"?

    I know a few people who voted for him because he's "black."

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    IF MILLIONS of people voted for him for those reasons, I would be very suprised. That said, the ones that did should have their voter cards revoked until a time they are no longer deemed retarded.
    i could see maybe one million. i dont think it would be enough to make it plural though. even if you take that out, he still woulda won. it wasnt the deciding factor.

    i mean seriously, McCain didnt want to be the president, and it showed. nobody wants a president that doesnt really wanna be there.

    add on top of that the anti-Bush mentality that was going on spilling over to the rest of the party, the impending financial doom, etc...
    McCain never had a chance.

    if the republicans really had someone in that election that was strong on policy, articulated ideas well, and really wanted to be there, that person still would have had very difficult time winning.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    It's f'in scary man......soooooo many of our voters and people in general are uninformed bumpkins who watch the nightly cable news (in between episodes of fake-reality T.V., drinking Natty Light, and trying to take their own message from the bible). Same can be said (different perspective obviously) from some on the left----but when the left gets crazy I often just laugh at the loonacy and tree-huggary.......when the right gets crazy, I get $cared as hell because their ideas and message are so much easier for Joe Everybody leech on to.
    What about the millions who voted for Obama because he quotes Jay-Z and has "swagger"?

    I know a few people who voted for him because he's "black."

    So What ? There are thousands or more who DIDN"T vote for him because he's black...
  • laker1963:
    It's f'in scary man......soooooo many of our voters and people in general are uninformed bumpkins who watch the nightly cable news (in between episodes of fake-reality T.V., drinking Natty Light, and trying to take their own message from the bible). Same can be said (different perspective obviously) from some on the left----but when the left gets crazy I often just laugh at the loonacy and tree-huggary.......when the right gets crazy, I get $cared as hell because their ideas and message are so much easier for Joe Everybody leech on to.
    What about the millions who voted for Obama because he quotes Jay-Z and has "swagger"?

    I know a few people who voted for him because he's "black."

    So What ? There are thousands or more who DIDN"T vote for him because he's black...
    Don't really think thats what Han was saying. I am sure people didn't vote for him because he was black. Both groups voted for the wrong reason then. I heard a great quote "The votes get to decide whats important". If most voters thought the colour of someones skin was a good reason to vote for someone or not then thats just a fact. It shows how stupid some people are. People don't need to pass a test to get the right to vote, even if at times that seems like a good idea. The cost of freedom to elect is that everyone gets the same freedom.
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    IF MILLIONS of people voted for him for those reasons, I would be very suprised. That said, the ones that did should have their voter cards revoked until a time they are no longer deemed retarded.
    I was in college at a huge university at the time of the election, and let me tell you, the number of politically clueless dimwit hipsterfags who were stoked to vote for him because of what a hip dude he was was horrifying.
  • Vulchor:
    IF MILLIONS of people voted for him for those reasons, I would be very suprised. That said, the ones that did should have their voter cards revoked until a time they are no longer deemed retarded.

    Because they didn't vote for the ticket with the obviously under-educated fundamentalist Christian theotocrat who would just be waiting for a 70+ year old man with obvious health problems already to die so she could force her religious ideals on us?

    I worry about your definition of retarded...
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Hippie....I guess you havent been here long enough to know me yet, lol------I am the resident liberal here (not really, not Im portrayed that way), so dont assume based on one joking post.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    What I don't get is this. The left has their man in power and they are still rabid mad with anger! whats up with that? If my guy comes to power I will be all "no worries"
  • wwesternwwestern Posts: 1,397 ✭✭✭
    What I don't get is this. The left has their man in power and they are still rabid mad with anger! whats up with that? If my guy comes to power I will be all "no worries"
    Don't be painted into a corner with partisan bullshit. Obama plain lied about alot of things and the people who voted for him have every reason to be pissed. He has expanded the war machine, maintained/expanded corporate welfare, grossly overstated what he could do for the economy, continued the rape of our constitutional rights that bush began, and how about these "terrorist" prison camps he hasn't shut down? Oh yeah, how about transperancy in government? ha.

    Never be silent just because someone has painted you with a label, it is the sole resposibility of the people to keep this juggernaut known as the federal government in check. We can't effectively do that if we don't have communication. We're all americans and we all want to see this country flourish like it has previously, we just have different ideas about how to get there. Lets put away the blind hate and rage so we can restore the glory that is america.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Angry, racist, concerned, or just bamboozled from a few corporate big wigs in their goal to get more out of this country, the Tea party is/has taken over the GOP and really what is it or what is at the center of it? From a lot of the rhetoric from their conventions, get-togethers and from what has been shown from their "gatherings" whenever foundations feel the need to bus them around (health care debates, climate debates, basically anything that will impact corporate power) a lot of them, the majority of them or at least what their rallies reveal is they are in fact a lot like the brown shirts back in the early days of the **** empire, though I only draw this line due to the fact that the brown shirts were used for a higher agenda that many of them did not want and ended up being killed.

    This is a nice look at it:


    I'm sure this is going to go over well here but maybe somebody will get something out of.
    Hey Pheebs....have you ever been to a Tea Party?

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • Vulchor:
    Hippie....I guess you havent been here long enough to know me yet, lol------I am the resident liberal here (not really, not Im portrayed that way), so dont assume based on one joking post.

    Lol, sorry, I should have caught the joke. I was afraid...very afraid...lol
  • blurrblurr Posts: 962 ✭✭
    I got a laugh out of it, mainly because I laugh at teaparty nutjobs a lot, I work with a few who splurge their anti-obama hate all day long, then claim its cause hes a dirty socialist/liberal, not that they are angry & hate him because he's black. They make me laugh at least with how idiotic they are, but also embarassed to be white sometimes.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    the fire has been ignited
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    McCain never had a chance.

    if the republicans really had someone in that election that was strong on policy, articulated ideas well, and really wanted to be there, that person still would have had very difficult time winning.
    I disagree - IIRC, McCain was leading in the polls up until Sept/Oct when the crash really hit. And even after that - with the Bush-hating frenzy on the Left, the economy imploding, stocks crashing, scandal after scandal hitting the Repubs . . . Obama only won by 7%.

    That's really NOT a lot in a normal election, and it's downright embarrassing when the Dems had EVERY factor breaking their way.
    - The economy crashed on the watch of a Republican President
    - Said Republican President was hugely unpopular
    - Bush had a rabid, almost fanatical, hatred by the opposing party
    - Repub party was wracked with scandal
    - Bush was responsible for two unpopular wars
    - No major accomplishments in the past few years to point to
    - An opposition that was electrified and almost cult-like in it's worship of the first "black" President

    . . . and Obama almost lost to McCain until he moved ahead by a measly 7% in the last 2 months of the election.

    Honestly, I think Obama may have not won had it not been for the economic crash that pushed him ahead of McCain in the polls in the last 2 months, and I think Obama's in for a rough re-election fight given how dispirited his base is and how jazzed the Repubs are about replacing him. Not to mention the independents are breaking away from him almost 2:1.
    I got a laugh out of it, mainly because I laugh at teaparty nutjobs a lot, I work with a few who splurge their anti-obama hate all day long, then claim its cause hes a dirty socialist/liberal, not that they are angry & hate him because he's black. They make me laugh at least with how idiotic they are, but also embarassed to be white sometimes.
    Yeah . . . no racism/ignorance in this post. . . none at all. Not like it's possible to disagree with Obama on policy or nuthin', it's always because he's black.

    Same kind of **** I see from the far Right - no one could possibly disagree with you because they have different ideas; it's always because they're dishonest and scheming.

    The whole "I'm embarrassed to be white" **** is just beyond the pale of disgust in it's focus on race and melatonin concentrations.

    I really see no difference between your comment and the racists who call Herman Cain an "oreo" because "he's not black enough"

  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    I got a laugh out of it, mainly because I laugh at teaparty nutjobs a lot, I work with a few who splurge their anti-obama hate all day long, then claim its cause hes a dirty socialist/liberal, not that they are angry & hate him because he's black. They make me laugh at least with how idiotic they are, but also embarassed to be white sometimes.
    Your wearing that big L on your head there bro and just justifying my point, libs are always so angry! Just look at the little furry guys posts, anger just oozes from them.
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    I got a laugh out of it, mainly because I laugh at teaparty nutjobs a lot, I work with a few who splurge their anti-obama hate all day long, then claim its cause hes a dirty socialist/liberal, not that they are angry & hate him because he's black. They make me laugh at least with how idiotic they are, but also embarassed to be white sometimes.
    Oh baby Jesus, if this post is serious, give me the strength not to reach through the computer and slap the hypocrite out of this boy.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Lol, knew that would happen. There are no racists at all against Obama on the right...its all political. Afterall, "we have tons of black friends....and I really like that Colin Powell, he speaks so well"
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    Actually, I can't stand the wishy washy Colin Powell and would not vote for Obama if he were purple, Vulch. Dang it, I guess that makes me a purple hating racist, Huh? LOL
  • BigT06BigT06 Posts: 3,899
    Are black people that don't like Obama racist against white people? Just curious...
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    Are black people that don't like Obama racist against white people? Just curious...
    No , they're just not "black enough"....
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Are black people that don't like Obama racist against white people? Just curious...
    No , they're just not "black enough"....
    As a black man I can say I hate the %50 of Obama that isn't Black.

  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    Im not really sure I can even comment on this post... I got a pretty good laugh out of the responses though!
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