Hey guys need a little ...

Looks like after a visit to my heart doctor today I will be going in for a heart cath for a looksey Friday the 30th . Had what I felt like were a couple of minor issues that he obviously felt differently about than my opinion . Since he has the medical degree and I don't I guess I'll just defer to him and let him make that call. Anyway just throw a prayer or a good word out to the man upstairs for me that everythings good and I'm back home by this time tommorow nite . Thanks BOTL's and SOTL's !!! Gene
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
You make sure that you check back in with us ASAP so we know you are OK. You have been through a lot of stress in the past year or so. You could use another vacation.
The heart cath was way beyond my expectations. My doctor said the former stent that was put in back in 2009 was still doing its job beautifully . He also said there was no sign of any new blockages at all and that my heart really looked very good and healthy !!! Stress and axiety with having lost my father in law ( a guy who treated me every bit as if I were his son ) and then my dad , plus some other issues involving my son and all the drama with my dads ex-family before he passed , and now the will drama as executor , crazy renters and all crammed into a 16-17 month period, DAMN ... can a brother catch a break !!! But we gonna concentrate on not sweatin the little things , control what you can control and never mind the rest , and work on losin about 75 lbs hopefully in the next 12 months . Heart doctor was very serious about stress factor . He said if you don't think stress will kill ya just keep burning the candle at both ends and you will have a heart attack for sure with your family history of heart disease .
Thanks guys for all the responses You are very much appreciated ! Gene
Your doc's okay with you smoking cigars?? And you're a heart patient? I wonder what my cardiologist would say if he knew I burned a stick fairly regularly. Hmmm. He'd probably **** a brick. LOL
Yeah my heart doctor is a regular cigar smoker himself . He told me when I had my heart attack almost 2yrs and 3 mos ago that I could still smoke 'em and this is a direct quote " If anyone ever tells you that cigar smoking is 100 % for sure going to cause you to have another heart attack or is 100 % beyond a shadow of a doubt bad for you , they are not telling you the whole story or the whole truth . " I suspect family history and genes comes into play a great deal here . As in most things , there is probably some danger especially with my family history of heart disease but you know what ? I could get hit by lightning or be in a car crash just as easily , so I'm not going to sweat it . One thing the last 17 months has taught me ( seeing the two most important men in my life die from cancer and its ugly effects ) is that I intend to live every day as close as I can to the way I want to !!!
Sounds like your doc is an honest one. I have every faith in mine but I'd bet he'd have a hissy-fit about me smoking them. I won't lie if he asks me directly, but I don't plan to volunteer that info. I mean, I'll be 75 next month and I believe that, using the concept of 'all things in moderation', I doubt I'll be shortening my life to any great degree with my stogies.
I totally agree with you . I have always been straight-forward when asked about them and did see a doctor once filling in for my doc at this same practice and he about flipped out when I told him I was still smoking them . He got all huffy and pissey about it and almost had my wife in tears which made me madder than anything . After listning to his rant and seeing the look on my wifes face I told him He might be the doctor but since it was my life and my money paying him As far as I was concerned that made me the boss and if I wanted to smoke a cigar I would any Damn time I felt like it . I guess he wasn't used to patients speaking up because he looked like he was in total shock or had just been slapped . Needless to say my appointment was over hahaha .