My kids question...

Dad...whats a VCR? He's 9. I'm not that old! Mom explained what it was and his reply was..."kinda like the Blu-ray but super old." Come on man! My kids can't do that to me yet!!
i just stopped, looked at him like he was an idiot and said "record. i have a record player."
So I thought this was all a novel observation, until I realized...yeah, I can't even change my own oil. If that check engine light comes on, I don't know WTF to do but drive to a mechanic. Past generations did all their car repairs themselves and probably feel the same way seeing me look at the engine like some magical black box that I'm not allowed to go near...
Not a novel observation at all, just the same old story that we take for granted that which we grow up with...and end up knowing jack **** about it.
If you're interested, I have an old Garrard turntable and an amplifier with a built-in 8-track player that I was getting ready to sell on eBay. Everything works but I'm sure the drive belt for the player has crumbled by now and would need replacing. They wouldn't have the sentimental value, is the only thing.
Thanks for the offer Marty I appreciate that . The one my sister sold was special to me because my mom had it for a very long time , that was my draw to wanting to keep it . I love antiques and history and am turning into somewhat of a packrat like my grand dad was . I have to be careful as I'm occasionally getting the eye roll thing from the wife like " are you kidding me " ? Thanks for the offer though . Gene