Padilla burn issues?

Alright, so I ordered that 3 for $5 deal CCom ran about a month and half ago that had the Miami, '68, and Habano. I went out today to smoke the '68 and I couldn't even get an inch into it. It went out once almost immediately after lighting and taking a draw, then twice more. It didn't have a tight draw or anything. The same thing happened with the Habano torpedo and I got about an inch into the Miami robusto before it went out. I did manage to get that one burning again, but it turned bitter from the relight.
They all had about 6 weeks in my humidor at 65-68* and 65-70% humidity. Has anybody else had issues with theirs?
They all had about 6 weeks in my humidor at 65-68* and 65-70% humidity. Has anybody else had issues with theirs?
Padilla Obsidian's, not matter what I do, never burn right. Most people I talk to say the same thing and have the same issues with these. Some suggest dry boxing but I haven't had luck with that either. They usually don't even light for me.
I had a 68 last night...pretty even burn, great stick.
Start was earthy and had flavors of cocoa, and it later moved into a toasted almond and spice profile.
Id have given it an 8.7