Request denied.

I never knew there were so many panties in this place or how easily they get bunched up. WTF guys? I read some posts, I know some people were big fat meanies, but c'mon.
Some people want to start ****? Request denied. You will be ignored or silenced.
Some people want to run away? Request denied. You matter too much and have a responsibility to your brothers to stick around.
Now grab a drink, sit back down, and light up. Relax.
Feckin' A. m/
Some people want to start ****? Request denied. You will be ignored or silenced.
Some people want to run away? Request denied. You matter too much and have a responsibility to your brothers to stick around.
Now grab a drink, sit back down, and light up. Relax.
Feckin' A. m/
^Troll: DO NOT FEED.
Loaded with jalepenos and salsa, or just chips and cheese?
I'm Sorry Ken,,(hangs head walks away)... jeesh i really do like turtles
We should do a nacho and herf night.
I dig me some pico... Dammit, Dustin! Now I'm hungry!
(in my best Butthead) Huhuhuhuhuh Nachos rule.
(better Beavis) Yeah! They rule! They rule!