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Dem Conn. State Rep Arrested For Allegedly Voting 19 Times



  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭✭✭
    JD, did you even read the SNOPES article you originally had attached to this post.
    The Snopes article:
    here: http://www.snopes.com/politics/ballot/2012fraud.asp#TdvkKHG4wb3XbA6w.99
    proved these statements as False ....

    You may want to read your entire source article before posting it next time.

    I've included the information from the article above, in bold below, for your all's reading pleasure.

    Most everyone suspected fraud, but these numbers prove it and our government and media refuse to do anything about it.

    As each state reported their final election details, the evidence of voter fraud is astounding. Massive voter fraud has been reported in areas of OH and FL, with PA, WI and VA, all are deploying personnel to investigate election results.

    Here are just a few examples of what has surfaced with much more to come.

    * In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama received 100% of the votes with not even a single vote recorded for Romney. (A mathematical and statistical impossibility).

    It is true that 59 voting divisions in Philadelphia recorded no votes for Mitt Romney, but given the voter composition of the Philadelphia area (and some Philadelphia wards in particular) and the number of voters in each division, that outcome was hardly a "mathematical and statistical impossibility." Barack Obama won the overall vote in the Philadelphia area by an 85% to 14% margin over Mitt Romney; Obama also received greater than 90% of the vote in more than half of Philadelphia's 66 wards, and 99% or more of the vote in seven of those wards. That result was hardly surprising given that, as the Philadelphia Inquirer noted, those wards are "clustered in almost exclusively black sections of West and North Philadelphia" and "nationally, 93 percent of African Americans voted for Obama." The Philadelphia wards that trended very heavily for Barack Obama included many divisions of between 200 and 500 voters in which Mitt Romney received a scant handful of votes (and sometimes no votes at all), a result mirroring that of the previous election, in which Republican candidate John McCain "got zero votes in 57 Philadelphia voting divisions."

    When the Inquirer went looking for Republican voters in some of those divisions, they couldn't find any: Many parts of Philadelphia and other big cities simply lack Republican voters, a fact of campaigning that has been true since Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, Jonathan Rodden, a political science professor at Stanford University, said.

    Although voter registration lists, which often contain outdated information, show 12 Republicans live in the [28th] ward's third division, The Inquirer was unable to find any of them by calling or visiting their homes.

    Four of the registered Republicans no longer lived there; four others didn't answer their doors. City Board of Elections registration data say a registered Republican used to live at 25th and York Streets, but none of the neighbors across the street knew him.

    James Norris, 19, who lives down the street, is listed as a Republican in city data. But he said he's a Democrat and voted for Obama because he thinks the president will help the middle class.

    A few blocks away, Eric Sapp, a 42-year-old chef, looked skeptical when told that city data had him listed as a registered Republican. "I got to check on that," said Sapp, who voted for Obama.

    Eighteen Republicans reportedly live in the nearby 15th Division, according to city registration records. The 15th has the distinction of pitching two straight Republican shutouts — zero votes for McCain in 2008, zero for Romney. Oh, and 13 other city divisions did the same thing in 2008 and 2012. Three of the 15th's registered Republicans were listed as living in the same apartment, but the tenant there said he had never heard of them. The addresses of several others could not be found.

    On West Albert Street, Duke Dunston says he knows he's a registered Republican, but he's never voted for one.
    Thus the results in Philadelphia were reflective not of an "impossible" statistical anomaly but rather of a general historical trend widely seen throughout the city.

    * In 21 districts in Wood County Ohio, Obama received 100% of the votes where GOP inspectors were illegally removed from their polling locations - and not one single vote was recorded for Romney. (Another statistical impossibility).

    A precinct-by-precinct breakdown of the official voting results from Wood County, Ohio, for the 2012 election shows that Barack Obama received nowhere close to 100% of the votes cast in any of that county's 97 precincts. The highest percentage he achieved in any one precinct was 75.5%.

    * In Wood County Ohio, 106,258 voted in a county with only 98,213 eligible voters.

    The official Voter Turnout statistics for Ohio show Wood County recorded a total turnout of 64,342 voters, an amount far smaller than the number of registered voters in that county (108,014).

    * In St. Lucie County, FL, there were 175,574 registered eligible voters but 247,713 votes were cast.

    This statement demonstrates a misunderstanding between the difference in "number of votes" cast and "number of cards" cast. The official election results from St. Lucie County, Florida, show, a total of 123,301 votes were cast for the office of President of the United States, but a total of 247,383 cards were cast because St. Lucie County used a two-page ballot (i.e., a ballot consisting of two cards), so every voter who returned both pages of his ballot cast two cards.

    As the web site of that county's elections board explains: "Turnout percentages will show over 100% due to a two page ballot. The tabulation system (GEMS) provides voter turnout as equal to the total cards cast in the election divided by the number of registered voters. Also note that some voters chose not to return by mail the second card."

    * The National SEAL Museum, a polling location in St. Lucie County, FL had a 158% voter turnout.

    This entry repeats the same error as the previous one. The National SEAL Museum polling location in St. Lucie County had a turnout of 2756 registered voters, but a total of 4469 cards were cast because each voter's ballot consisted of two cards. The official vote count from that location for the office of President of the United States recorded 1,473 votes for Mitt Romney and 754 votes for Barack Obama.

    * Palm Beach County, FL had a 141% voter turnout.

    The official results for the 2012 general election for Palm Beach County, Florida, show that 605,268 out of 870,182 registered voters cast ballots for the office of President of the United States, a voter turnout rate of 69.56%, not 141%.

    * In Ohio County, Obama won by 108% of the total number of eligible voters.

    This statement is ambiguous because multiple states (Kentucky, Indiana, and West Virginia) have counties named Ohio. Nonetheless, this statement is false regardless of which of those counties is considered:

    Mitt Romney won Ohio County, Kentucky, by a 67% to 31% margin.
    Mitt Romney won Ohio County, Indiana, by a 63% to 35% margin.
    Mitt Romney won Ohio County, West Virginia, by a 60% to 38% margin.

    What no one seems to realize is that it doesn't matter who benefits from voter fraud, it is real and it is wrong. The argument the voter ID is some how directed at minorities is false and a very sorry attempt to bring race into the mix. There are poor whites and poor of every background. There is also a huge number of illegal immigrants that get away with voter fraud.

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭✭✭
    IMO, the real concern should be electronic voting machines .... (put on your tinfoil hat) .... with no more paper trail it would be much easier to alter the election results with a "software patch" or something like that.
    In the case of electronic machines it really wouldn't matter if you have "extra voters" because their votes could be changed to suit the results.

    It would be much easier for a few people to go through the code and change a few 1's and 0's and distribute that to 1000s of machines than it would be to get 1,000s of poll workers to go through 100,000s of paper ballots and erase/change the markings.

    Like anything else electronic, I absolutely believe these voting machines could be hacked.

    A couple interesting documentaries on the subject, if you care to watch them:

    Hacking Democracy (2006) - https://player.vimeo.com/video/18422683

    Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (2008) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pisBdNLmo-A

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    And lets use words like "draconian" and "disenfranchising" as often as possible. And oh yes bring up a myriad of other issues that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. The single most important right we have and you argue it shroud not be protected by a simple ID. Buy booze without one. But cigarettes with out one. Get a SS card without one, of course this applies to honest people. Cash a check at your own bank with out one. Why does such a simple idea go over your cluttered brains? Quit spewing liberal talking points and start remembering how important elections are. The right to vote and protecting that right is one of the most important things we can do and a simple ID is one way to do it. Why is it people who have worn a uniform understand this and......what is the use.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    JD, did you even read the SNOPES article you originally had attached to this post.
    The Snopes article:
    here: http://www.snopes.com/politics/ballot/2012fraud.asp#TdvkKHG4wb3XbA6w.99
    proved these statements as False ....

    You may want to read your entire source article before posting it next time.

    I've included the information from the article above, in bold below, for your all's reading pleasure.

    Most everyone suspected fraud, but these numbers prove it and our government and media refuse to do anything about it.

    As each state reported their final election details, the evidence of voter fraud is astounding. Massive voter fraud has been reported in areas of OH and FL, with PA, WI and VA, all are deploying personnel to investigate election results.

    Here are just a few examples of what has surfaced with much more to come.

    * In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama received 100% of the votes with not even a single vote recorded for Romney. (A mathematical and statistical impossibility).

    It is true that 59 voting divisions in Philadelphia recorded no votes for Mitt Romney, but given the voter composition of the Philadelphia area (and some Philadelphia wards in particular) and the number of voters in each division, that outcome was hardly a "mathematical and statistical impossibility." Barack Obama won the overall vote in the Philadelphia area by an 85% to 14% margin over Mitt Romney; Obama also received greater than 90% of the vote in more than half of Philadelphia's 66 wards, and 99% or more of the vote in seven of those wards. That result was hardly surprising given that, as the Philadelphia Inquirer noted, those wards are "clustered in almost exclusively black sections of West and North Philadelphia" and "nationally, 93 percent of African Americans voted for Obama." The Philadelphia wards that trended very heavily for Barack Obama included many divisions of between 200 and 500 voters in which Mitt Romney received a scant handful of votes (and sometimes no votes at all), a result mirroring that of the previous election, in which Republican candidate John McCain "got zero votes in 57 Philadelphia voting divisions."

    When the Inquirer went looking for Republican voters in some of those divisions, they couldn't find any: Many parts of Philadelphia and other big cities simply lack Republican voters, a fact of campaigning that has been true since Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, Jonathan Rodden, a political science professor at Stanford University, said.

    Although voter registration lists, which often contain outdated information, show 12 Republicans live in the [28th] ward's third division, The Inquirer was unable to find any of them by calling or visiting their homes.

    Four of the registered Republicans no longer lived there; four others didn't answer their doors. City Board of Elections registration data say a registered Republican used to live at 25th and York Streets, but none of the neighbors across the street knew him.

    James Norris, 19, who lives down the street, is listed as a Republican in city data. But he said he's a Democrat and voted for Obama because he thinks the president will help the middle class.

    A few blocks away, Eric Sapp, a 42-year-old chef, looked skeptical when told that city data had him listed as a registered Republican. "I got to check on that," said Sapp, who voted for Obama.

    Eighteen Republicans reportedly live in the nearby 15th Division, according to city registration records. The 15th has the distinction of pitching two straight Republican shutouts — zero votes for McCain in 2008, zero for Romney. Oh, and 13 other city divisions did the same thing in 2008 and 2012. Three of the 15th's registered Republicans were listed as living in the same apartment, but the tenant there said he had never heard of them. The addresses of several others could not be found.

    On West Albert Street, Duke Dunston says he knows he's a registered Republican, but he's never voted for one.
    Thus the results in Philadelphia were reflective not of an "impossible" statistical anomaly but rather of a general historical trend widely seen throughout the city.

    * In 21 districts in Wood County Ohio, Obama received 100% of the votes where GOP inspectors were illegally removed from their polling locations - and not one single vote was recorded for Romney. (Another statistical impossibility).

    A precinct-by-precinct breakdown of the official voting results from Wood County, Ohio, for the 2012 election shows that Barack Obama received nowhere close to 100% of the votes cast in any of that county's 97 precincts. The highest percentage he achieved in any one precinct was 75.5%.

    * In Wood County Ohio, 106,258 voted in a county with only 98,213 eligible voters.

    The official Voter Turnout statistics for Ohio show Wood County recorded a total turnout of 64,342 voters, an amount far smaller than the number of registered voters in that county (108,014).

    * In St. Lucie County, FL, there were 175,574 registered eligible voters but 247,713 votes were cast.

    This statement demonstrates a misunderstanding between the difference in "number of votes" cast and "number of cards" cast. The official election results from St. Lucie County, Florida, show, a total of 123,301 votes were cast for the office of President of the United States, but a total of 247,383 cards were cast because St. Lucie County used a two-page ballot (i.e., a ballot consisting of two cards), so every voter who returned both pages of his ballot cast two cards.

    As the web site of that county's elections board explains: "Turnout percentages will show over 100% due to a two page ballot. The tabulation system (GEMS) provides voter turnout as equal to the total cards cast in the election divided by the number of registered voters. Also note that some voters chose not to return by mail the second card."

    * The National SEAL Museum, a polling location in St. Lucie County, FL had a 158% voter turnout.

    This entry repeats the same error as the previous one. The National SEAL Museum polling location in St. Lucie County had a turnout of 2756 registered voters, but a total of 4469 cards were cast because each voter's ballot consisted of two cards. The official vote count from that location for the office of President of the United States recorded 1,473 votes for Mitt Romney and 754 votes for Barack Obama.

    * Palm Beach County, FL had a 141% voter turnout.

    The official results for the 2012 general election for Palm Beach County, Florida, show that 605,268 out of 870,182 registered voters cast ballots for the office of President of the United States, a voter turnout rate of 69.56%, not 141%.

    * In Ohio County, Obama won by 108% of the total number of eligible voters.

    This statement is ambiguous because multiple states (Kentucky, Indiana, and West Virginia) have counties named Ohio. Nonetheless, this statement is false regardless of which of those counties is considered:

    Mitt Romney won Ohio County, Kentucky, by a 67% to 31% margin.
    Mitt Romney won Ohio County, Indiana, by a 63% to 35% margin.
    Mitt Romney won Ohio County, West Virginia, by a 60% to 38% margin.

    What no one seems to realize is that it doesn't matter who benefits from voter fraud, it is real and it is wrong. The argument the voter ID is some how directed at minorities is false and a very sorry attempt to bring race into the mix. There are poor whites and poor of every background. There is also a huge number of illegal immigrants that get away with voter fraud.

    You are 100% correct. I should have read the whole thing..my bad and very bad. My apologies for posting it. I should have known better.
  • pelirrojopelirrojo Posts: 1,757 ✭✭✭
    Priceless John. Absolutely priceless.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Priceless John. Absolutely priceless.

    OK p, are any of the following fake? know I was going to keep quiet because I made a serious error and did not open the link for the full story. Amazing how easy it was to believe though. But you are a tried and true XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXX and I felt I must keep going. By the way, I put a link for republican fraud at the bottom to save you some time.

    You Indiana Democratic Party Head Resigns as Fraud Probe Heats Up over Obama

    Fox News 10/2011
    10/18/2011: Indiana Democratic Chairman Dan Parker on Monday evening confirmed the resignation of Butch Morgan, Democratic chairman for St. Joseph County and the Second Congressional District.
    Fox News 12/12/11: The chairman of the St. Joseph County Democratic Party has resigned amid a scandal that reveals hundreds of signatures on petitions for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to appear on the state’s 2008 primary ballot were faked.

    Update: April 3, 2012
    Four MORE Democrats arrested for Voter Fraud in Indiana
    Prosecutors in South Bend, Ind., filed charges Monday against four St. Joseph County Democratic officials and deputies as part of a multiple-felony case involving the alleged forging of Democratic presidential primary petitions in the 2008 election, which put then-candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the Indiana ballot.

    UPDATE January 9, 2012

    8 Arrested for Absentee Voter Fraud in Madison County, Florida
    Democrats ~ Jada Woods Williams and Abra Hill Johnson
    I am not sure how I missed this one, but here is one to add to the growing list of individuals arrested for actual voter fraud- meaning they voted more than once in an given election.
    The NAACP is up in arms over the arrests saying the FBI is some how suppressing minority voters by arresting and charging minorities for actually illegally voting.
    November 1, 2011 – 8 were arrested for absentee voter fraud in Madison County, Florida.
    The case began when the Florida’s Division of Elections notified FDLE ad FBI that “an extraordinarily disproportionate amount of absentee votes,” had been cast in the District 1 school board race. The eight suspects were arrested on November 1, 2011.
    Before I post the names of those arrested for voting more than once in an election, they are ALL registered Democrats:
    Tina Johnson was arrested on 10 counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote, and two counts of absentee ballots and voting violations.
    Johnson Jr. was charged with 11 counts of fraud in connection with casting votes, as well as corruptly influencing voting, and perjury by false written declaration.
    Williams was charged with 17 counts of neglect of duty and corrupt practices for allowing the distribution of these absentee ballots.
    The following Madison residents were each charged with one count of proving a false report to law enforcement as well addition charges as listed:
    • Shalonda Michaelle Brinson, 36, nine counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote
    • Judy Ann Crumitie, 51, four counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote
    • Laverne V. Haynes, 57, two counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote, two counts of perjury by false written declaration
    • Ora Bell Rivers, 41, seven counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote, three counts of perjury by false written declaration
    • Raven Simona Williams, 20, two counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote, two counts of perjury by false written declaration

    7 Democrats Arrested in New York for actual Voter Fraud via Absentee Ballots Democrats arrested, charged and 4 plead guilty to actual voter fraud in New York via absentee ballots!
    Democrat Anthony DeFiglio, right, pled guilty to falsifying business records for his role in a ballot fraud case in Rensselaer County Court on Tuesday Dec. 20, 2011 in Troy, N.Y. His lawyer John Turi is at left.
    4 Plead Guilty while the other 3 opt for a trial. The group forged signatures on applications for absentee ballots and on the ballots themselves in a 2009 primary of the Working Families Party, which was affiliated with now-defunct community group ACORN.
    Voters whose signatures were forged expressed outrage to Fox. “I feel extremely violated,” said Brian Suozzo.
    In November 2009, Democratic operative Anthony DeFiglio told New York State police investigators that faking absentee ballots was a commonplace and accepted practice in political circles, all intended to swing an election.

    Democrat Clement Campana, President of the Troy City Council, right, is arraigned for his role in a ballot fraud case in Rensselaer County Court while sitting with his lawyer E. Stewart Jones, Jr., left, on Tuesday Dec. 20, 2011 in Troy, N.Y.. (Philip Kamrass / Times Union )
    **It should be noted that the story below has still yet, as of November 25, 2011 to be aired on NBC, MSNBC or CNN……**
    To hear NBC, MSNBC and CNN put it, voter fraud is “basically unfounded” in today’s society. That those who scream voter fraud, those said people are merely looking to “discredit” Democrats, or they go so far as to call them “racists”. Remember, the whole purpose of the MEDIA is to keep the citizens informed and the politicians “honest”. Lying about the OBVIOUS is neither keeping the citizens informed nor keeping the politicians “honest”. Likewise, calling those racists whom provide factual evidence that voter fraud occurs a lot more than the media leads on, only proves why NBC, MSNBC and CNN’s ratings are in the tank.
    Irony, by its very definition is that of the media “keeping politicians honest” by “reporting the truth” when said media calls those who do report the truth as being racists and liars.

    7 Democrats Arrested in New York for actual Voter Fraud via Absentee Ballots
    Democrats arrested, charged and 4 plead guilty to actual voter fraud in New York via absentee ballots!
    Democrat Anthony DeFiglio, right, pled guilty to falsifying business records for his role in a ballot fraud case in Rensselaer County Court on Tuesday Dec. 20, 2011 in Troy, N.Y. His lawyer John Turi is at left.
    4 Plead Guilty while the other 3 opt for a trial. The group forged signatures on applications for absentee ballots and on the ballots themselves in a 2009 primary of the Working Families Party, which was affiliated with now-defunct community group ACORN.
    Voters whose signatures were forged expressed outrage to Fox. “I feel extremely violated,” said Brian Suozzo.
    In November 2009, Democratic operative Anthony DeFiglio told New York State police investigators that faking absentee ballots was a commonplace and accepted practice in political circles, all intended to swing an election.

    12 Democrats have been Charged in Georgia for Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud
    Case in point: November 23, 2011 – 12 people have been charged in Georgia for voter fraud as they used absentee ballots to skew an in election in Georgia. The 12 people charged are ALL with the Democrat Party. The defendants include some workers in the voter registrar’s office and some school board members. They are Angela Bryant, April Proctor, Brenda Monds, Debra Denard, Lula Smart, Kechia Harrison, Robert Denard, Sandra Cody, Elizabeth Thomas, Linda Troutman, Latashia Head, and Nancy Denard.
    The charges followed a bitter November 2010 school board election in Brooks County in which the final tally was changed by an unusually large wave of absentee ballots.
    During the election, 1,060 absentee votes were cast out of the 1,403 ballots mailed out to people who requested them, according to a July 2010 report by WCTV.,br> That’s far higher than nearby Thomas County, which had 119 absentee votes cast out of 202 requests, and Lowndes County, which had 169 absentee votes cast out of 439 requests, said WCTV’s report.
    We also need to look at the other actual voter fraud that yielded arrests, charges and convictions. Needless to say, ALL thus far have been via DEMOCRAT voters who voted MULTIPLE TIMES for Obama whereby even DNA evidence was acquired and used to convict on voter fraud so as to NOT allow the media to state that these charges and convictions were somehow “racist”.
    Democrat Clement Campana, President of the Troy City Council, right, is arraigned for his role in a ballot fraud case in Rensselaer County Court while sitting with his lawyer E. Stewart Jones, Jr., left, on Tuesday Dec. 20, 2011 in Troy, N.Y.. (Philip Kamrass / Times Union )
    **It should be noted that the story below has still yet, as of November 25, 2011 to be aired on NBC, MSNBC or CNN……**
    To hear NBC, MSNBC and CNN put it, voter fraud is “basically unfounded” in today’s society. That those who scream voter fraud, those said people are merely looking to “discredit” Democrats, or they go so far as to call them “racists”. Remember, the whole purpose of the MEDIA is to keep the citizens informed and the politicians “honest”. Lying about the OBVIOUS is neither keeping the citizens informed nor keeping the politicians “honest”. Likewise, calling those racists whom provide factual evidence that voter fraud occurs a lot more than the media leads on, only proves why NBC, MSNBC and CNN’s ratings are in the tank.
    Irony, by its very definition is that of the media “keeping politicians honest” by “reporting the truth” when said media calls those who do report the truth as being racists and liars.

    NAACP Executive Sentence to 10 Years in Prison for Voting for Obama 10 Times in 2008
    While NAACP President Benjamin Jealous lashed out at new state laws requiring photo ID for voting, an NAACP executive sits in prison, sentenced for carrying out a massive voter fraud scheme.
    In April 2011, a Tunica County, Miss., jury convicted NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots.
    Sowers received a five-year prison term for each of the 10 counts…..
    “This crime cuts against the fabric of our free society,” Judge Webster said.

    4 Wake County, North Carolina Democrats have Admitted to Voting for Obama TWICE Each in 2008
    FOUR Wake County, North Carolina, Democrats have admitted to voter fraud charges, according to local news reports.
    Kierra Fontae Leache, Shelia Romona Hodges and Brandon Earl Mclean each admitted to casting two ballots in recent elections. Local reports indicate all three voted for President Barack Obama twice in 2008.
    According to ABC News Channel 11 in Raleigh-Durham, authorities have placed the three on $10,000 bonds.

    Daytona Beach City Democrat Commissioner and his Campaign Manager arrested for Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud
    Derrick Henry Genesis Robinson
    October 27, 201 :
    Daytona Beach City Commissioner Democrat Derrick Henry and his campaign manager, Genesis Robinson, were arrested Wednesday, charged with committing absentee ballot fraud during Henry’s 2010 re-election campaign, the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office said.

    Illegal alien from the Philippines Arrested and Charged on 17 counts of Voter fraud in Lake County, Illinois March 17, 2011:
    LAKE COUNTY, Ill. – An illegal alien from the Philippines was arrested Thursday morning on a felony complaint charging her with 17 counts related to voter fraud in Lake County. The state charges resulted
    from a joint investigation conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Lake County State’s Attorneys Office. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) also provided assistance.
    Maria Azada, 53, of Grayslake, Ill., was arrested March 17 by ICE HSI agents and a Lake County State’s Attorneys special investigator. Azada faces 17 felony counts in Lake County Circuit Court of perjury, mutilation of election materials, and tampering with voting machines in connection with illegal voting by a non-U.S. citizen.
    The investigation began in February 2009 when Azada admitted to a USCIS officer during an interview for an immigration benefit that she had voted in an election. It is illegal for foreign nationals to vote in national or state elections in the United States.
    Sowers was found guilty of voting in the names of Carrie Collins, Walter Howard, Sheena Shelton, Alberta Pickett, Draper Cotton and Eddie Davis.
    She was also convicted of voting in the names of four dead persons: James L. Young, Dora Price, Dorothy Harris, and David Ross.
    In the trial, forensic scientist Bo Scales testified that Sowers’s DNA was found on the inner seals of five envelopes containing absentee ballots.

    Indiana Voter Fraud – Please note that we have TWO Separate voter fraud issues in this state to address: 1. Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud; 2. Obama’s Signature Fraud
    October 2011: A former state representative and prominent Democratic leader and political consultant from Jennings County[Indiana], Mike Marshall, has been indicted on multiples counts of vote fraud, forgery and perjury, along with Marshall’s son, Chris, and another local Democrat, John Cook. The Columbus Republic has the story on the grand jury indictments just returned against the men:
    Three Jennings County residents face a combined 65 felony counts after being indicted by a grand jury on charges of vote fraud, forgery and perjury.
    Mike Marshall, a Democrat and president of North Vernon’s Utilities Service Board, faces 12 Class D felony counts of forgery, 13 Class D felony counts of perjury and 20 Class D felony counts of vote fraud, according to paperwork filed with the Jennings County clerk’s office.
    Marshall’s son Chris Marshall faces one count each of forgery and perjury and nine counts of vote fraud.
    John Cook, a Democrat and member of the Utilities Service Board, faces two counts of forgery, three counts of perjury and four counts of vote fraud.

    Indiana Democratic Party Head Resigns as Fraud Probe Heats Up over Obama Fox News 10/2011
    10/18/2011: Indiana Democratic Chairman Dan Parker on Monday evening confirmed the resignation of Butch Morgan, Democratic chairman for St. Joseph County and the Second Congressional District.
    Fox News 12/12/11: The chairman of the St. Joseph County Democratic Party has resigned amid a scandal that reveals hundreds of signatures on petitions for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to appear on the state’s 2008 primary ballot were faked.
    Dan Parker, who served for seven years, did not cite the scandal as a reason for his decision. But the uproar over possible fraud in a race for the White Househas already claimed the job of one county Democratic Chairman, who sources say was forced out because of the allegations.
    The alleged forgeries have raised the question whether the Obama campaign actually filed the necessary number of signatures, 500 from the county, to get on the state’s primary ballot. The 534 signatures that were certified to place Obama’s name in contention, were never challenged. 704 signatures were certified for Clinton, according to state elections officials. An estimated 150 of the signatures on both petitions may be fakes, leaving open the possibility that, in at least President Obama’s case, the number of legal signatures that were required to get on the ballot was not reached.
    Several voters told Fox News that they never signed nor gave their names that appeared on the Obama petitions.
    “It’s scary,” Charity Rorie said, adding that her signature and name, and those of her husband, were faked.
    “It’s shocking … it’s definitely is illegal.”
    The case stems from an absentee ballot filed in last year’s election [2010].

    Project Veritas has released a new investigation that exposes Representative Jim Moran’s Field Director, Patrick Moran, conspiring to commit election fraud.
    When approached by an undercover investigator for advice on how to steal the votes of more than 100 people, Moran advised falsifying documents to satisfy Virginia’s new voter ID law. He said, “Bank statement obviously would be tough, but they can fake a utility bill with ease.”
    Moran went on to clarify that, “You’d have to forge it.”
    Announcing the release, James O’Keefe said, “This is the most damning evidence to date of the scope of voter fraud in this country. Patrick Moran is not only the son of an 11-term Congressman, but is also the Field Director on his father’s re-election campaign.
    “If anyone should be opposed to voter fraud it’s him. Yet he actively encouraged our investigator to forge documents and pose as a pollster to disenfranchise registered voters in Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Maryland.”


    A Hamilton County poll worker who has been held up nationally as an example of voter fraud took the stage at a local voting rights rally – outraging Republicans and dismaying even top local Democrats.
    The Rev. Al Sharpton, keynote speaker at Thursday's rally to kick-off the campaign for an Ohio Voters' Bill of Rights Ohio Constitutional amendment, even hugged Melowese Richardson.
    Richardson, a Democrat, was convicted of voter fraud after using her position as poll worker to vote more than once in the 2012 presidential election. She got a five year prison term, but was released earlier this month after local Democratic activists pressed for a fairer term.
    A judge sentenced her to probation instead.
    Richardson was among the more than 400 at Word of Deliverance Church in Forest Park when Cincinnati National Action Network President Bobby Hilton called her on stage for a "welcome home."


    And for rep voter fraud:

    Sooner or later even XXXXXXXX will get it...YOU MUST BE A LAW ABIDING AMERICAN CITIZEN TO VOTE. AND A NATIONAL ID OR VOTING ID IS THE SIMPLEST WAY TO GET ON TRACK. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH "RACE", "DRACONIAN LAWS", OR "DISENFRANCHISING". Those are nothing but neat sounding words and don't amount to a hill of beans.
  • RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    IMO, the real concern should be electronic voting machines .... (put on your tinfoil hat) .... with no more paper trail it would be much easier to alter the election results with a "software patch" or something like that.
    In the case of electronic machines it really wouldn't matter if you have "extra voters" because their votes could be changed to suit the results.

    It would be much easier for a few people to go through the code and change a few 1's and 0's and distribute that to 1000s of machines than it would be to get 1,000s of poll workers to go through 100,000s of paper ballots and erase/change the markings.

    Like anything else electronic, I absolutely believe these voting machines could be hacked.

    A couple interesting documentaries on the subject, if you care to watch them:

    Hacking Democracy (2006) - https://player.vimeo.com/video/18422683

    Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (2008) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pisBdNLmo-A

    Don't quote me on this :) but the last time I voted in Bradford, TN the machines looked self contained and every machine had someone watching. Usually a nice smiling elderly soul and not someone in all black holding a club. It showed a count as you made your selection. Do you think (there is a long article about Spain making a lot of these voting machines) all self contained, stand alone machines would work? I have an inherent distrust of any computer that can be accessed remotely. I also remember voting in VA where all the machine did was punch a card and the cards were fed into another machine to count....what was that little punch called? Wasn't it headline news for the longest time in Florida?

  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭

  • pelirrojopelirrojo Posts: 1,757 ✭✭✭
    Let's not bring XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXX into it. That's just mean.

    Honestly, I have no issue with requiring ID to vote as long as it is provided free of charge and can be easily attained by all Americans. Here in NM a state issued non drivers license ID card requires one identifying document(birth cert, passport, etc), social security card, and two documents proving residency within the state, not to mention time spent at the DMV office and not at work. In addition a 4 year ID costs 10 dollars and an 8 year ID costs 18 dollars, but are free for those over the age of 75. The poverty line for a one person household is $11670 a year. I would imagine living with that little income, food and shelter take precedence over an ID card.

    An ID is essentially required for everything we do these days. Granted there are those who don't need an ID throughout daily life, but would still like to vote. I would imagine this is a small portion of the population. However, is proper identification not required to register to vote? Do you not bring your voter registration card to your polling place? All this nonsense about requiring ID to vote seems redundant, and a waste of government resources.
  • Amos_UmwhatAmos_Umwhat Posts: 8,704 ✭✭✭✭✭
    IMO, the real concern should be electronic voting machines .... (put on your tinfoil hat) .... with no more paper trail it would be much easier to alter the election results with a "software patch" or something like that.
    In the case of electronic machines it really wouldn't matter if you have "extra voters" because their votes could be changed to suit the results.

    It would be much easier for a few people to go through the code and change a few 1's and 0's and distribute that to 1000s of machines than it would be to get 1,000s of poll workers to go through 100,000s of paper ballots and erase/change the markings.

    Like anything else electronic, I absolutely believe these voting machines could be hacked.

    A couple interesting documentaries on the subject, if you care to watch them:

    Hacking Democracy (2006) - https://player.vimeo.com/video/18422683

    Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (2008) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pisBdNLmo-A
    I have to say, I have worried about this.

    As far as the rest goes, well, I've never seen any kind of bullying etc., any time I've ever voted. The only time I ever felt discriminated against was when I got out of the Army, came home, and couldn't vote because I hadn't been home long enough. I could have sent in an absentee ballot, prior to ETS'ing, but couldn't vote while living at the address that had been on my Drivers License for the previous 10 years.

    I do know a couple who were "observers" in Ohio a few years back. In the affluent areas, lots of machines. In the poor areas, lots of people, few machines.
    WARNING:  The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme.  Proceed at your own risk.  

    "If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed.  If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." --  Mark Twain
  • raisindotraisindot Posts: 1,294 ✭✭✭
    Let's not bring XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXX into it. That's just mean.

    Honestly, I have no issue with requiring ID to vote as long as it is provided free of charge and can be easily attained by all Americans. Here in NM a state issued non drivers license ID card requires one identifying document(birth cert, passport, etc), social security card, and two documents proving residency within the state, not to mention time spent at the DMV office and not at work. In addition a 4 year ID costs 10 dollars and an 8 year ID costs 18 dollars, but are free for those over the age of 75. The poverty line for a one person household is $11670 a year. I would imagine living with that little income, food and shelter take precedence over an ID card.

    An ID is essentially required for everything we do these days. Granted there are those who don't need an ID throughout daily life, but would still like to vote. I would imagine this is a small portion of the population. However, is proper identification not required to register to vote? Do you not bring your voter registration card to your polling place? All this nonsense about requiring ID to vote seems redundant, and a waste of government resources.

    Well, actually here in MA I have never had to provide any kind of identification at the polls in any election I have ever voted in. Someone easily could have voted for me any of these times. But never did. But I do see where requiring some kind of card, whether it's a photo ID or not, is a reasonable thing just to make sure there is some proof that a person lives at an address. Again, it's not the ID itself; it's the difficulty in getting that ID that's the issue. In your case, if I had recently moved to NM from the state where I was born, didn't have a passport, didn't drive, was living in an apartment on a tenant at will basis, didn't have a "raised" copy of my birth certificate and the landscaper I worked for paid me in cash, it would be incredibly difficult for me to provide the documentation I needed to get a proper photo ID there. The process for getting a Voter ID--photo or not--should be as easy and free as possible. Special provisions should be made for homeless people who have no way or providing who they are or where they live. They have a right to vote, too. Let's face it--the people who truly want to commit voter fraud will find ways to circumvent the photo ID process--they'll have fake photo IDs created.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    THE GOVERNMENT spends billions on illegal immigrants. Maybe re-thinking on the GOVERNMENTS part is in order.What should a voter ID be any easier then getting a marriage license? I got married in SC, and I had to replace my SS card because it fell apart (not to be used for ID purposes I believe). So I had to get an "official" copy of my birth certificate, in order to get my SS card replaced, and only then could we get a marriage license. Oh the agony and the suffering of replacing them. The anguish and anxiety qas almost overwhelming, and the total cost of $15.00 dollars almost put us in bankruptcy. Oh my gosh what an ordeal.......and it took 3 days....the waiting was unbearable.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Let's not bring XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXX into it. That's just mean.

    Honestly, I have no issue with requiring ID to vote as long as it is provided free of charge and can be easily attained by all Americans. Here in NM a state issued non drivers license ID card requires one identifying document(birth cert, passport, etc), social security card, and two documents proving residency within the state, not to mention time spent at the DMV office and not at work. In addition a 4 year ID costs 10 dollars and an 8 year ID costs 18 dollars, but are free for those over the age of 75. The poverty line for a one person household is $11670 a year. I would imagine living with that little income, food and shelter take precedence over an ID card.

    An ID is essentially required for everything we do these days. Granted there are those who don't need an ID throughout daily life, but would still like to vote. I would imagine this is a small portion of the population. However, is proper identification not required to register to vote? Do you not bring your voter registration card to your polling place? All this nonsense about requiring ID to vote seems redundant, and a waste of government resources.

    Well, actually here in MA I have never had to provide any kind of identification at the polls in any election I have ever voted in. Someone easily could have voted for me any of these times. But never did. But I do see where requiring some kind of card, whether it's a photo ID or not, is a reasonable thing just to make sure there is some proof that a person lives at an address. Again, it's not the ID itself; it's the difficulty in getting that ID that's the issue. In your case, if I had recently moved to NM from the state where I was born, didn't have a passport, didn't drive, was living in an apartment on a tenant at will basis, didn't have a "raised" copy of my birth certificate and the landscaper I worked for paid me in cash, it would be incredibly difficult for me to provide the documentation I needed to get a proper photo ID there. The process for getting a Voter ID--photo or not--should be as easy and free as possible. Special provisions should be made for homeless people who have no way or providing who they are or where they live. They have a right to vote, too. Let's face it--the people who truly want to commit voter fraud will find ways to circumvent the photo ID process--they'll have fake photo IDs created.

    THE GOVERNMENT spends billions on illegal immigrants, housing, food, medical. EBT cards, and who knows what else. Maybe re-thinking on the GOVERNMENTS part is in order.

    Why should a voter ID be any easier then getting a marriage license? I got married in SC, and I had to replace my SS card because it fell apart (not to be used for ID purposes I believe). So I had to get an "official" copy of my birth certificate, in order to get my SS card replaced, and only then could we get a marriage license. Oh the agony and the suffering of replacing them. The anguish and anxiety was almost overwhelming, and the total cost of $15.00 dollars almost put us in bankruptcy. Oh my gosh what an ordeal.......and it took 3 days....the waiting was unbearable.
  • pelirrojopelirrojo Posts: 1,757 ✭✭✭
    So put yourself in the position of someone who works 2 jobs, is a single parent, and otherwise generally struggling to make ends meet. In order to do all of the things it took you to get your marriage license, they are most likely going to miss significant time from work, losing money in addition to the fee for the ID. Either be able to put food on the table for your children for a couple nights or get an ID? Why would an American citizen ever have to make that decision?

    Regardless, whatever voter fraud is taking place is taking place on both sides of the aisle and likely cancels itself out while remaining such an incredibly minuscule percentage of the popular vote as to not be relevant in the first place.
  • RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
    I'd like to meet someone who claims getting an ID is as impossible as some people seem to make it. I had an expried ouf of state DL, no ssc and no birth certificate. I now have all three and I did not have to take a loan out to do it. The BC was mailed to me, took it to get my ssc (10 min wait) and then stopped by the DMV.
  • pelirrojopelirrojo Posts: 1,757 ✭✭✭
    Our DMV here is a nightmare. I lost my drivers license on a hiking trip and had to replace it when I returned. I was there over 3 hours to get a new license. Thankfully I have plenty of paid time off as a benefit of my job, but had I missed three hours of pay it would have thrown a kink in my budget. I would imagine that effect would be felt far more significantly by someone living near the poverty line.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So put yourself in the position of someone who works 2 jobs, is a single parent, and otherwise generally struggling to make ends meet. In order to do all of the things it took you to get your marriage license, they are most likely going to miss significant time from work, losing money in addition to the fee for the ID. Either be able to put food on the table for your children for a couple nights or get an ID? Why would an American citizen ever have to make that decision?

    Regardless, whatever voter fraud is taking place is taking place on both sides of the aisle and likely cancels itself out while remaining such an incredibly minuscule percentage of the popular vote as to not be relevant in the first place.

    Judist priest, how deep did you have to dig for that one?
  • pelirrojopelirrojo Posts: 1,757 ✭✭✭
    Again I'll remind you that I am not the topic of discussion here. If you want to make it personal feel free to do so via private message. If you have nothing constructive and on topic to add I suggest you keep it to yourself.
  • raisindotraisindot Posts: 1,294 ✭✭✭
    Maybe re-thinking on the GOVERNMENTS part is in order.What should a voter ID be any easier then getting a marriage license? I got married in SC, and I had to replace my SS card because it fell apart (not to be used for ID purposes I believe). So I had to get an "official" copy of my birth certificate, in order to get my SS card replaced, and only then could we get a marriage license. Oh the agony and the suffering of replacing them. The anguish and anxiety qas almost overwhelming, and the total cost of $15.00 dollars almost put us in bankruptcy. Oh my gosh what an ordeal.......and it took 3 days....the waiting was unbearable.
    Because voting is a fundamental right of any democracy, and is codified in the Constitution. Yet, until the 1960s, African American citizenswere not allowed to vote in many parts of the country, or had to pay to exercise this right, even though the 14th Amendment had guaranteed this right.

    Marriage, on the other hand, is not a right guaranteed anywhere in the Constitution and there are no provisions that define who can or can't get married--that's why state and federal courts--and ultimately the Supreme Court--will make a final decision on the legality of gay marriages.

    I do agree with you that we should rethink the federal goverment's role in defining voter eligibility. There should be one standard--or set of standards--that defines what any resident needs to do to be eligible to vote in any election--either on same day or early or absentee--where members of Congress or the President are elected. I would even argue that these same provisions should apply to state elections as well, since it makes no sense for one state to have "loose restrictions" and another to have "tough restrictions." Wherever I go to live in the U.S., I should know that as long as I have a), b) and C, I can register for and be eligible to vote in any election. These rules should be passed by CONGRESS (not be allowable by executive branch decision--I don't want either Obama or a future Republican president having this power).
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