It's almost that time again

March Madness. When everyone is anxiously waiting to see if their favorite sticks will come up at dirt cheap prices. Which makes me curious as to what people are hoping to see. I'm going to be an odd duck here and say I'd like to see a nice Pepin sampler with some Serie JJ, Cuban Classics, Originals and MF Bijou's.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
In less than a year I'm up to 3 large, 1 medium, and 1 desktop humidor, 1 wineador, and 3 pretty large tupperdors, researching a cooler, and already in discussions for a cabinet. So I'd say you're doing OK so far
You've just got to put in perspective for her. I had Rain and his lovely wife over for dinner a while back and after talking to my wife and glancing in my office I think she may have decided he wasn't so bad after all!
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
On the plus side, ive been blessed with a really good girl, and I think shes diggin the furniture lookin humis, we were lookin at a 100 count desktop glass door type guy, might have to go guerilla and research the infamous cooler dor, but she will not be cool with a dang igloo layin round the house! The wineador is an interesting thought, too
Mam, with all due respect, that is HARDCORE