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Wish I had a job...

bacon.jaybacon.jay Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
I don't feel like I can justify buying any cigars right now since I'm unemployed, and I don't know if i'll ever be able to get another deal on Gurkha Symphonies as good as today's daily deal.

Does anybody else ever have that dilemma? It makes me so sad...


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    One2gofstOne2gofst Posts: 583
    Trust me, you will. I know how you feel but those great deals do come back around. Best of wishes with your employment situation.
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    stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Hey think of it this way. No one really wants a job everyone just wants money. I wish you the best bro.
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    gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Anybody that wants MY job can have it !!!
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    PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Anybody that wants MY job can have it !!!
    I would offer to trade ya G-man, but sometimes this job can just be too much fun! lol
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    gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Anybody that wants MY job can have it !!!
    I would offer to trade ya G-man, but sometimes this job can just be too much fun! lol

    I hear ya brother !!!
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    clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Posts: 2,124 ✭✭✭✭
    I hope you find a job soon also brother. What line of work are you in???
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    PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Anybody that wants MY job can have it !!!
    I would offer to trade ya G-man, but sometimes this job can just be too much fun! lol

    I hear ya brother !!!
    We arrested a double murder suspect earlier this week and it's days like that when it just feels like there couldn't be a better job out there!
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    gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Anybody that wants MY job can have it !!!
    I would offer to trade ya G-man, but sometimes this job can just be too much fun! lol

    I hear ya brother !!!
    We arrested a double murder suspect earlier this week and it's days like that when it just feels like there couldn't be a better job out there!

    Good job man ...glad you guys got that piece of crap off the streets ...that does have to be a satisfying feeling I'm sure.
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    nsezellnsezell Posts: 294
    Well...it could be worse...you could work for the Home Depot like me...
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    jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey Jay, a few of us understand. I feel foolish about my purchases the past few months. Hopefully all of us looking find something. Maybe one of us can win the Powerball and hook some BOTL up. I know I don't know guys here too well and have been a member a short time but I swear from my heart if I won I would share the wealth and hook some BOTL up.

    I am thinking about going back into law enforcement. I miss it most days. Greatly rewarding if you don't care about being poor and having crap benefits.
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    PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Actually in this area it pays well and the benefits are good. On our retirement package the city matches us $2 to every $1 we invest up to somewhere around 6% I think. You won't get rich doing this if you are a one income family like I am, but we survive pretty well.

    I wish alll of you guys the best of luck in your job search. I know it's tough right now and I hope and pray for the best for all of you.
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    bacon.jaybacon.jay Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
    I hope you find a job soon also brother. What line of work are you in???

    Automotive/Mechanical Engineering. I was working as an engineering lab technician/manufacturing engineer and going to school for a while, but more recently just working as the lab tech because I haven't been able to afford school. This past summer though my company closed and I was out of a job.

    I've been sending my resume out and interviewing and everything, and I've had a couple decent prospects but I haven't been offered a position anywhere yet. I wouldn't mind moving though, so if anyone has any leads, that would be AWESOME.

    Fortunately for me though, before my company closed they applied for TRA Benefits, and now I can go to school for something else in an expanding field and the Feds will foot the bill. I still haven't quite decided what, but I'm leaning towards Surgical Technician. I did some job shadowing a couple weeks ago and between Respiratory Therapy and Scrub Tech, the tech was a lot more interesting. I still want to shadow a RN and maybe Nuclear Med Tech, but at this point I think scrub tech is where I want to go.

    EDIT: It sucks too because i'm lonely, lol. <-- sad bacon
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    alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    PM sent Bacon.
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    JZJZ Posts: 827
    Anybody that wants MY job can have it !!!
    I would offer to trade ya G-man, but sometimes this job can just be too much fun! lol

    I hear ya brother !!!
    We arrested a double murder suspect earlier this week and it's days like that when it just feels like there couldn't be a better job out there!
    Good job Puro. Im a LEO in the Atlanta area!
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    Matt MarvelMatt Marvel Posts: 930
    Well...it could be worse...you could work for the Home Depot like me...
    I'm HD associate as well. Whenever I get mad there, I just think to myself, 'It could be worse, I could work for Save-A-Lot still.

    For those of you not familiar with Save-A-Lot, it's a generic brand grocery store. The one I worked for was privately owned, and we had no benefits or anything. It was also tucked away in the bad part of town, so I spent most of my time chasing shoplifters. The hired help was pretty crappy too, I was once left with an entire truckload to stock by myself, after my co-worker decided to just leave two hours early. He left a barely worked pallet on the floor and just went home without telling anyone. What's worse, is that he didn't get in any kind of trouble. Needless to say, Home Depot is a huge step up.
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    Sandman1amSandman1am Posts: 2,567
    Anybody that wants MY job can have it !!!
    I would offer to trade ya G-man, but sometimes this job can just be too much fun! lol

    I hear ya brother !!!
    We arrested a double murder suspect earlier this week and it's days like that when it just feels like there couldn't be a better job out there!
    Good job Puro. Im a LEO in the Atlanta area!
    Wow that's awesome! It's that thin blue line that makes us different from the civilians we protect everyday. I'm in Mid-Michigan.
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    bacon.jaybacon.jay Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
    PM sent Bacon.

    Replied alien:)

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