2015 Gang War (Pre-Planning)

Hey guys, I sense some itchy trigger fingers out there so I figured we should start officially talking about this year's Gang War. I'm not going to start up a sign-up list yet, so please don't simply state that you are in. As a teacher, I know several of you are not reading all of this and the first page will have a half dozen "I'm in" posts. SMH, actually, it will be closer to nine now that I said something and all the smartasses will chime in to spite me.
What we really need to decide first off is how it will be set up. Let's keep it democratic and do a simple vote. I created a one question survey to make this as easy as possible. Please order your choices from 1 to 4. 1 being most desirable, 4 being least desirable.
Click Here To Vote
For East/West and North/South, we can more or less let the participants decide which one they belong to rather than set a firm line for division. For Red States/Blue States, we should probably use the 2012 Presidential Election results. Team Captains would be draft-based, just like middle school dodge ball
Please, one vote per person. Anyone can vote, whether you participated in the past or are unsure if you will participate this year. You can discuss your choice in this thread, but the final determination will be based on the survey results, not necessarily the one that seems to be most popular during the discussions in this thread.

LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
2015 Gang War - East Coast
Enola Gay - Target #29
My favorite cigar list here