I have no luck...small rant

Ok so a few days ago I looked down at my leg and seen a pimple . I'm thinking to myself that's a really weird spot to have a pimple and top that off it was starting to itch. I did what I've always done when a pimple comes to a head and popped it. The next morning my leg was a little warm and where the pimple was is now what looks like an infection. I'm starting to think that maybe it was an ingrown hair so I apply some Neosporin and a Band-Aid and headed to work.I make it thru the day with my leg which started out tingling and hot is now a slight throbbing pain.I take off the pants and the whole leg is swollen like a football and to top that off there's about a Nickel sized what for now I will call a wound where the pimple was. After about a minute of freaking out I headed to the hospital, which I my favorite place to go and for 3 hours before I'm told anything of what's wrong. It turns out that it wasn't a pimple or an ingrown hair but instead I was bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider which is one of the only poisonous spiders we have in Western NY. So after that awesome news I headed home and started to search for these little brown fiddlers and lay down some deterrent .First off let me tell you that in the two years living here I can count on one hand how many times I've been into our attic/crawlspace. So I pull the ladder down and took only two steps before I decide to jump off and close it up as fast as I can. If you seen Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade and remember how the spider webs looked in the first trap where that guy gets his head cut off it was worse. We are currently staying with my folks until the exterminator comes tomorrow and kills all those little suckers.
Rant over
Rant over
but eefffffffff that. i don't do spiders.
nope nopity nope nope nope. hell no
this'd be me:
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
After he collected his wits (we kept some) we laid out a battle plan. We laid out over a 100 glue traps on the bottom floor, in every drawer and under every kick plate, under the beds and dressers, in every corner and along the walls. Then he put the spray tanks out, one in every room. He sprayed and bombed the attic. He beat feet to the living room and sprayed the ceiling joints and did the same in every other room with special attention to the kitchen. The attached utility room and garage were bombed. We did this after we rescued our Wolf spiders so they could be returned at a later date. Then we sprayed the entire house, dressed in the appropriate gear. Then we ran. We did not come back for 48 hours. When we did come back we used a spreader and and covered the ground around the house.
We went in.....fearful and afraid.....but we knew we had to do it.....we manned up....with poison spray cans in both hands. There was death everywhere. The glue traps were covered but a few were still wriggling on the floor...splat...splat....splat. I heard the exterminator let out a string of expletives....one had climbed up his pants leg and bit him. But we were prepared for any injuries. The women folk were outside with the medical supplies and they applied a activated charcoal patch and wrapped it. He would survive.
We spent almost a weeks cleaning up but put down a lot of glue traps in the dark regions.
PS We found 2 dead Black Widows. At the new house we see them often.
Just another reason I'm so thankful to live here in sunny, drought-stricken California.... ??
Tornado took it down. So I guess that counts.
Damn, JD, you mean recently?? In this current spell of dangerous weather back there? I'm sorry to hear that but at least it eliminated a problem for ya... I think?
Ah, okay. I misunderstood. Still, I'm sorry it happened but at least the spider problem went away.... ??