CCOM D&D Group

So my cousin told me about a website where people can host and play web browser based D&D. Im gonna look at the page later on this week (not gonna do it at work)... Would anyone here be interested in getting a group together? Maybe meet up once every couple weeks or so? We would need someone who is interested in leading the group though... Im not a good DM and would hate to lead a crap game. lol Lets see your interest!
Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
"I'm at the point in my life where if it doesn't taste good,I'm not putting it in my mouth"
I still have 3 sets each of the original books. Gary Gygax happen to sign the players handbook for me once. I happened to sit next to him at gen con convention as a player.
I knew a guy that played a character like it was on paper. If the intelligence was low he was hilarious to watch in a tavern or a menacing monster.