Trolls - the creature not the internet jerks

I find it kinda fascinating that there are sooooo many cryptozoological creatures that have sightings all the time... But when it comes to trolls... Nothing. Kinda interesting don't you think? Its the same way with other mythological creatures like the Pegasus, minotaurs and whatnot... just n observation.... Possibly an opening for conversation. lol
Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
Since trolls we born of mythology in the Scandinavian region, you are more likely to find sighting reports in countries like Norway, Finland and places like that.
I find it interesting that scientists once thought that the Mountain gorilla, Okapi and giant squid were creatures of mythology and not real.
Because there couldn't possibly be animals or creatures not discovered. But yet these creatures weren't discovered until the 20th century.
And the giant squid wasn't proven until recently, even though it was a creature of myth for centuries.
While I don't see it likely that there are trolls, unicorns or things like that, there is still a lot to be discovered on earth and anyone who has ever hunted in the Pacific Northwest knows just how easy it is for any animal to be in front of you one second and gone the next. Or for you to be going through the woods, only to catch a fleeting glimps of something. Can you be sure of what you saw?
Not around here, you can't.
Well, that was pretty much a useless ramble.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
LOL! all very valid points. I spent most of last night online trying to find more information on Trolls and such... but came up fruitless. It will be very fascinating to see what other discoveries come along in our life time. Who knows how many of the mythological creatures may be found! but that's just my wishful thinking and naïve mind that keeps me daydreaming.
2015 Gang War - East Coast
Enola Gay - Target #29
We have em.....Blue hunts for them all the time. And it is the only way I can explain some things.
I saw 'Troll Hunters' a few years back...It kinda sparked my interest in the mythological hominids. Trolls, Leprechauns, Gnomes and those stupid little ones with the wings. lol
This is a very valid point... I wonder how many "mythological" creatures were actually byproducts of deformed or handicapped humans....
I have no doubt that this is the case. people let their imaginations run wild when it comes to things they don't understand.