getting into vaping?

Ok guys... the girlfriend is trying to get into vaping. She has little knowledge on the subject and I have even less.
What kind if things should we be looking for?
Concerns include battery life, tank leaks, wick life/cost, and durability.
Any thoughts?
Keep in mind I have no idea what I'm talking about so use small words....
What kind if things should we be looking for?
Concerns include battery life, tank leaks, wick life/cost, and durability.
Any thoughts?
Keep in mind I have no idea what I'm talking about so use small words....
I've tried it once.
I was looking for one that might taste like a cigar. Didn't find one.
I came away with a lot of questions.
Like, How about a list of ingredients? No list? Really? I'm wary of them.
I think it's great that they help people get off cigarettes but, even with cigarettes you know the ingredients.
I may or may not be along for the ride.
As for vaping setups... What exactly is she looking into a vape pen setup? That is simple stick battery that the atomizer screws onto. OR an actual mechanical mod or regulated box device with rebuildable atomizers?
Simple break down of the two... The vape pen setup - eGo makes some good starter kits. you can find those practically anywhere online. lol I have a Joytech eGrip that is a cool little hand held device. Simple to use and the battery lasts a while.
Mech mods and regulated boxes... Those can be a little more spendy. Batteries are VERY important in this arena. Any legit Sony VTC4 batteries are killer and can handle most any self-made coils for RDA (rebuildable dripping atomizer) down to .10 ohms. Samsung 25Rs are great too.
im sure there are tons more questions you might have... Ask them! I know quite a bit about the vaping hardware and the building processes. Hit me up in PM or here and ill do my best to answer your questions.
Where is the nicotine in your description? Seems like this **** is easily attained by under aged youth thinking they are just sucking flavored vapors as you describe. What are you, a **** distributor of this ****? Well ass hole you better not forget the **** nicotine these kids are getting addicted to.
Just ask if you want to know the nicotine you have all the facts?
I don't have nicotine in mine. HENCE THE REASON I FORGOT!!!! lol Everything can easily be attained by a smart minor. So don't go making nicotine out be the leader of the axis od evil here. Jesus. Sure as hell hope you were off your rock that day otherwise I would be pretty damn pissed at your response.
"I'm at the point in my life where if it doesn't taste good,I'm not putting it in my mouth"