just need to vent

Had some car trouble on my way home. coming off the interstate (295s) the breaks in my pickup let go.looks like could be a blown brake line or fitting. So had to choose between another car. Running thru a busy intersection or stopping myself on a light pole. Chose the pole...jacked up my front end .I think a little pee may have come out too...Had to push her home the last 1/4 mile. cant even open the hood to check the motor .Looks like shell be sitting for awhile now..AAAARRRRGGGH ....

no matter where you go, there you are.
currently stealing the wife's Pontiac
I too love that skull!!!!
Happened to me on Main St once going downhill, had a Z71, pretty big hunk of metal. Lady just walked in the crosswalk, some do that before eye contact, I hit the brakes and the pedal just went to the floor, crap. Downshifted, blew the horn, trying to get the parking brake while deciding which way she was going to go and me. Not many options on Main St. Luckily she jumped back so I didn't have to ram a parked car, or a store, or oncoming traffic. Boy was she pissed too, can't blame her really. I wasn't speeding but it could have been bad.
new rear wheelcylindars
new shoes ,springs etc
complete brake bleed out
and some red neck body work including use of a 2x4 , a sledgehammer
i managed to get my old Chevy back on the road!!!!
very happy indeed!!!!!
Nope no duct tape (LOL) But there are quite a few zip ties !!!