Just got back from the ER...

Went to see my family doc on Tuesday to see why I'd been having headaches for two weeks straight. After a general exam, he asked if I'd ever been to a chiropractor. I told him maybe once or twice, but not regularly. He said he is an osteopath and wanted to "crack my back" to see if it would help with my headaches. Should have declined, but I figured he's the doc and he knows what he's doing, right?
So he has me lie on my stomach on the bench, stands over me, places his palms between my shoulder blades, and pumps down as hard as he could. I felt a stabbing pain in my chest and hollered "Ouch!" Then, BOOM! He does it again. Same sharp shooting pain in my ribs. He stops, prescribes an antibiotic, and I leave.
By this afternoon, my ribs were hurting so bad I went to the Emergency Room to get checked out in case he had cracked a couple of ribs. X-rays don't show any breaks, but there's probably separation of the cartilage. Left with pain meds and prednisone for the inflammation.
ER visit cost me $150 plus whatever bill will come from the x-rays since my deductible reset for the year. Probably end up costing me $1,000 before we're done.
Should I send him the bill?
So he has me lie on my stomach on the bench, stands over me, places his palms between my shoulder blades, and pumps down as hard as he could. I felt a stabbing pain in my chest and hollered "Ouch!" Then, BOOM! He does it again. Same sharp shooting pain in my ribs. He stops, prescribes an antibiotic, and I leave.
By this afternoon, my ribs were hurting so bad I went to the Emergency Room to get checked out in case he had cracked a couple of ribs. X-rays don't show any breaks, but there's probably separation of the cartilage. Left with pain meds and prednisone for the inflammation.
ER visit cost me $150 plus whatever bill will come from the x-rays since my deductible reset for the year. Probably end up costing me $1,000 before we're done.
Should I send him the bill?
"When I have found intense pain relieved, a weary brain soothed, and calm, refreshing sleep obtained by a cigar, I have felt grateful to God, and have blessed His name." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
-- Winston Churchill
But he'll most likely try to weasel out of any responsibility, and tell you he had no way of knowing that would happen, like "it's not my fault you have weak cartilage." Hopefully, he'll have some way to get your bill from the ER dropped, or have them run it through his practice and take care of it himself. You never know, but I say it's worth a try; doctors nowadays know their reputation can suffer by way of online reviews, so maybe he'll agree to come to terms with you.
Dropped em off and left though
Still having the headache, but don't notice it so much now because of the pain in my ribs... so I've got that goin' for me.
Let the meds kick in. Hope you feel better.
like, the patient says, "it hurts when I do this"
And the doctor says, "well, don't do that. That'll be $50 please"
It's been almost 20 years and on cold rainy nights I still get pain around the cracked rib. Right now what you are feeling is the healing, it will get less and less as the weeks progress.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Thanks, doc!
Who needs some cigars???