We've come a long way, baby!

That was then...

This is now...

This is now...

"When I have found intense pain relieved, a weary brain soothed, and calm, refreshing sleep obtained by a cigar, I have felt grateful to God, and have blessed His name." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Sorry, Donald! Scientists say finger size really does correlate to **** size.
People are angry. No one on the left voted for the Obamacare debacle because they wanted to see what's now a FIVE BILLION DOLLAR no bid contract handed to the first lady's college chum for web sites that don't even work... et cetera, et ceteri, ad nauseum. Nobody on the other side voted election after election for fiscal responsibility just to watch the debt grow to nineteen effing trillion of our grandchildren's dollars with no end in sight. Both sides promise change; both deliver the same old inept graft guzzling establishment. There's only one party. It's the party of Rockefeller and Kennedy. No folly once enacted gets repealed. Every trust fund gets raped. Important functions get bungled beyond belief. While the powers that be congratulate themselves, wallowing in perks, and the problem grows.
Both these parties are corrupt cesspools. Both can go to hell. I don't see the Democrat power machine collapsing. They have such a stranglehold on reverse racism, on voter fraud, on machine politics, and especially on votes outright bought with the public dime. Poverty plantations vote for them en bloc. Media is in their pocket. They lie like rugs, their delusional fans drink it all up. You cannot distinguish their charisma from sociopathy. To top it off, when angry young people vote for Bernie, surprise, the party steals their delegates and hands them to the queen of corruption. How do you change that kinda party?
So it's up to the republican party to die now and make way for an alternative.
That's my daydream, anyways.
I don't foresee that an administration so corrupt that it appoints as its attorney general a lawyer from a firm specializing in defending banksters at a time when banksters had just brought the economy to its knees, ensuring that not a single one of them bastids got indicted, then kept him on after he'd been declared in contempt of Congress cause he lied about running guns to drug lords... I don't see an administration as foul as this one indicting Hillary, no matter how many felonies her secret server emails entail, nor how fraudulent her money laundering foundation may be. This administration routinely uses the organs of government to ensure partisan victory. Nor do I see media granting Carson or Rubio a respectful hearing any time soon. It's gonna be the bombast running versus the bidge. The corrupt bidge will win. The right will have to form a new party.
That's my hope. A party dedicated to de-funding countless subsidies, ending strangling regulation, ending these phony futile wars on everything from drugs to climate... at least up until they, too, get bought by lobbyists.
So saith Pollyanna.
I don't envy the next president anyway. She will inherit a foreign policy in shambles, an economy on life support, and an alienated electorate.
I agree that severe changes need to be made, but unfortunately, it's hard to believe that our votes make any difference in the outcome.
Yes, I believe we should vote, but after seeing several elections and votes on bills that have passes with 46% for, I've come to believe that it can be and has been manipulated many times.
I guess I'm a skeptic, but it's hard to be optimisitc with today's politics.
Hope for the best and expect the worst. LOL!
And then there is the problem that the next president is set up to fail.
To have to come in and try and clean up the mess, especially since the House/Conress/etc will do everything they can to screw it up.
When a party out and out states that they will do everything they can to vote down or create problems for a president or oposite party, something is very wrong.
"The best interest of the citizen" is no longer even considered.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Update: Cruz won Maine yesterday, Trump says it's because we're so close to Canada, lol. eh!
Was somewhat proud to be a kansan until I seen Sanders absolutely destroyed Hillary. Not quite sure what to make of it... Although I believe she should have been locked up and tortured long ago, Sanders really? I believe he should be a poster child for why not to eat paint chips. I will give the man credit for being honest.
While this is merely ironic:
Both parties know who they want and are trying to convince us what we want or need. Dem's got Hillary/Bubba to serve up, no pun intended, and the party is behind her. Jeb!, the chosen one, never got traction and Trump was a joke, at first. That commitment to back whoever was the nominee will bite them in the arse now if Trump gets the nomination and if they even honor it. Show's how in touch with the people they are and where they're heads are at. So the Rep elite decided on Cruz to be the new Jeb!, so out comes the "True Conservatives" to tell us why. But this was only after Jeb! dropped out and they saw what was still happening. Now Romney's out there going all alpha-nerd on Trump and not the Dem's, eating your own now too, brilliant. How does that get a Rep in the WH? Republican party may be destroyed by this, but what will emerge, it will be ugly I think. Fun to watch though.
The Rep debate had a very different tone this time didn't it?
Caught the Hillary/Bernie town hall the other night. Bernie didn't take the bait when they asked who some of his favorite Republicans were, I like his style. Hillary named our Sue Collins which I found amusing.
The company I used to work for is one of Hillary's top 15, if not 10 contributors, Hillary, not the foundation. Sue had been to our plant I don't know how many times doing the pr thing and spreading the word, last time was about the sequester and how it would hurt the business. Hillary only speaks at the corporate events. We supplied to drug research, drug manufacturing and all the big pharms. Wanted to ask her if it would affect our plants we built in Mexico (2) and China (2 big ones) that do the same thing as US (2). But those were built for their burgeoning markets not ours after all. And I was still working there at the time, politics are everywhere.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.