A Tale of Two Stogies.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... And so starts Charles Dickens' classic novel of the French Revolution, A Tale of Two Cities.
With that in mind, thought it would be fun to do yet another spin on the shopworn "Best/worst" cigar by asking folks to list the best and worst cigars they've smoked.
I'll start:
Best cigar: San Cristobal de la Habana, an ISOM gifted by a BOTL. This was the second ISOM I'd ever tried, and I was ready to call them overhyped until I tried this. Absolutely amazing.
Worst cigar: Grand Habano Vintage 2002. I mistakenly bought 20 of these on one of those c.com deals. I tried three of them, and they all had the same consistency of tar, newspaper and mud. Fortunately, I was able to pawn 'em all off to other BOTLs who appreciate them.
So...what is your tale of two stogies?
With that in mind, thought it would be fun to do yet another spin on the shopworn "Best/worst" cigar by asking folks to list the best and worst cigars they've smoked.
I'll start:
Best cigar: San Cristobal de la Habana, an ISOM gifted by a BOTL. This was the second ISOM I'd ever tried, and I was ready to call them overhyped until I tried this. Absolutely amazing.
Worst cigar: Grand Habano Vintage 2002. I mistakenly bought 20 of these on one of those c.com deals. I tried three of them, and they all had the same consistency of tar, newspaper and mud. Fortunately, I was able to pawn 'em all off to other BOTLs who appreciate them.
So...what is your tale of two stogies?
-- Winston Churchill