Mountain Dew w/ Vodka.....

I know this probably belongs in the non-cigar related thread, but I had to top post his one here for maximum viewing.
Nate (Lasabar) posted in the "what did you drink today?" thread, that he had a Diet Mountain Dew w/ vodka and I thought that sounded awesome. So, in true white trash fashion, I poured one tonight to wash down my day-old cold pizza. Let me tell you, awesome pairing, if I do say so myself!
It tastes better than most expensive Lemoncellos! You've got to try it!
Thanks for the idea, Nate!
Nate (Lasabar) posted in the "what did you drink today?" thread, that he had a Diet Mountain Dew w/ vodka and I thought that sounded awesome. So, in true white trash fashion, I poured one tonight to wash down my day-old cold pizza. Let me tell you, awesome pairing, if I do say so myself!
It tastes better than most expensive Lemoncellos! You've got to try it!
Thanks for the idea, Nate!
Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
At my very first adult Christmas party, many decades ago, we ran out of most mixers and booze. So inventive sort that I am, I drank a scotch and grape soda! That was all that was left and I can tell you, the after effect was not pretty.
I have not had the courage to touch scotch since!
Captain Morgan and Mountain Dew also taste pretty sweet!!!
So many choices.......... so few days off to get s h i t faced.........
Although, I've heard that in taste tests, the top vodka aficianados couldn't taste the difference between top-shelf and the cheap stuff. So I guess any decent vodka would do.....
Dewars and Mountain Dew
have fun with that one.
I put so much horseradish in my Bloody Mary's that it really doesn't matter what vodka I use.
I prefer to use Jim Beam but think that any bourbon would work.
Evan Williams Green Label is the cheapest of the line. If you want a good sour mash bourbon, go for the Evan Williams Black Label. It's 86 proof where the green label is only 80. And the Black Label is aged longer than the green label is.
My personal preference is the Black Label on the tocks. Its flavor is as good or better than Jack Daniels and it's about half the price of Jack. Also, Jack Daniels is only 80 proof, just like the green label Evan Williams.
It's a no-brainer in the world of sour mash.
Vodka-try Tito's. It's made in Austin, TX.
Bourbon-I like Jim Beam Black for "everyday".....Basil Hayden or Bookers are excellent.