Complexities of Yeast

So I'm a big beer geek. I love to read about it, learn about it, talk about it, and of course, drink it. In fact, people usually laugh at me when I tell them that one of my favorite hobbies is beer! While I don't homebrew yet, the keyword there is 'yet'.
I just want to share a little something for all you guys out there who love beer as much as I do. It's just a small look into one of the reasons why I love beer so much. I think this a well done video that showcases one of my favorite styles...the Sour Ale.
I just want to share a little something for all you guys out there who love beer as much as I do. It's just a small look into one of the reasons why I love beer so much. I think this a well done video that showcases one of my favorite styles...the Sour Ale.
Deschuttes makes one of the best beers I've ever had...The Abyss. Man, that beer is just insanely good.
It's really only a matter of time before I jump in and start homebrewing. I have more reading/research I want to do first. Plus, we'll be moving across the country as soon as our house sells, so it will definitely have to wait till after the move.
Then we picked up our equipment needed for our first batch, bought a "kit" of ingredients and got started. We've done 6 or 7 batches so far and every one has been fantastic. I am a huge beer snob and have very specific tastes as well - homebrewing is really fun and you can take a certain amount of pride in it. Of course the best part is having some friends over and not telling them it's yours and hearing them say "Man, great beer. What is this?"
and besides...
that smell is GOOD