Very cool Oz. What's the long skinny box on the far right, below the Camacho box/next to the Monte box?
That's the coffin box from the Perdomo Galaxia, a single cigar that weighed in at ten inches long by 100 ring. I wish I hadn't broken the cigar, I would have liked to try smoking it some day.
Blah blah, Im am Oz, and I have come to Smoke your cigars blah blah (evil dracula voice)
alright guys i just caught all this banter . I have this Project started but lifes situation right now and my traveling to ohio and south Dakota from june 23-august will put a Slow Down well brake on it , I promise you all it will be back on the priority list when all this family stuff comes to an end and my travel stops. Tahnks forall the Boxes and they are going to make this thing sooo freaking cool you will love it!
Now I must Iron My Cape and return to my slumber in the long skinny box! ROTFLMAO
I don't know one end of a cigar from the other (unless it's lit!) -- came across this box and wondered if it looks familiar to any of you more knowledgeable types... TIA
It’s clearly hand made, and not well if you want truth. There is no seal and does not appear as though it would hold humidity how it’s designed. That’s not made by someone who knows cigars or storage. I like that you own a miter saw and a hand plainer though.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
Thanks for your help guys - I didn't make it (but I do own miter saws and planes) - I thought it might have been a fancy retail cigar box - but not a sealed humidor. I included the sticker on the bottom in case that identified the type of cigar - for all I know, it might have been a hamster cage. Thanks again. Cheers.
The world these days is full of arcane knowledge and all you need to access it is an internet connection and a little bit of curiosity. Thanks Egoboundary - Im a little bit smarter than I was a half hour ago. (not a hamster cage!)
Disclaimer: All trolling is provided for the sole entertainment purposes of the author only. Readers may find entertainment and hard core truths, but none are intended. Any resulting damaged feelings or arse chapping of the reader are the sole responsibility of the reader, to include, but not limited to: crying, anger, revenge pørn, and abandonment or deletion of ccom accounts. Offer void in Utah because Utah is terrible.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
No he wasn't Phil. His name was "Law" And it was short for Lawson or something.
Disclaimer: All trolling is provided for the sole entertainment purposes of the author only. Readers may find entertainment and hard core truths, but none are intended. Any resulting damaged feelings or arse chapping of the reader are the sole responsibility of the reader, to include, but not limited to: crying, anger, revenge pørn, and abandonment or deletion of ccom accounts. Offer void in Utah because Utah is terrible.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Don't make me get Uncle Guido and his cement truck out there!
I missed this the 1st time around!!~!~
Urbs this is hilareous!
Blah blah, Im am Oz, and I have come to Smoke your cigars blah blah (evil dracula voice)
What Package? Where ? did i get one and not respond? LOl Im so freaking confused.
alright guys i just caught all this banter . I have this Project started but lifes situation right now and my traveling to ohio and south Dakota from june 23-august will put a Slow Down well brake on it , I promise you all it will be back on the priority list when all this family stuff comes to an end and my travel stops. Tahnks forall the Boxes and they are going to make this thing sooo freaking cool you will love it!
Now I must Iron My Cape and return to my slumber in the long skinny box! ROTFLMAO
I don't know one end of a cigar from the other (unless it's lit!) -- came across this box and wondered if it looks familiar to any of you more knowledgeable types... TIA

I don't recognize that.
It’s clearly hand made, and not well if you want truth. There is no seal and does not appear as though it would hold humidity how it’s designed. That’s not made by someone who knows cigars or storage. I like that you own a miter saw and a hand plainer though.
MOW badge received.
Perdomo Silvio
Thanks for your help guys - I didn't make it (but I do own miter saws and planes) - I thought it might have been a fancy retail cigar box - but not a sealed humidor. I included the sticker on the bottom in case that identified the type of cigar - for all I know, it might have been a hamster cage. Thanks again. Cheers.
The world these days is full of arcane knowledge and all you need to access it is an internet connection and a little bit of curiosity. Thanks Egoboundary - Im a little bit smarter than I was a half hour ago. (not a hamster cage!)
I'm interested. How much do you want for it?
Does it have a label inside the lid?
nope -- just that sticker on the bottom (photo 3)
30 bucks a coffin for a perdomo.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Was @Scotch_n_Smoke named Phil? Asking for a friend.
No he wasn't Phil. His name was "Law" And it was short for Lawson or something.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.