As much as I'd love to date a girl that looked like that AND smoked cigars... I just don't find her reviews to be that informative or interesting compared to say, Mr. Glynn at, who really dissects the experience of smoking the cigars he does. She just seems to be like "Look at how cute I am, watch me suck on the 60 gauge stick... I LOVE this cigar, etc. etc. etc."
She's actually a really nice girl; a little wordy sometimes but I've spoken to her and exchanged a few emails. That said, I'd prefer my girlfriend, who also smokes cigars like she does. The only problem is, it started with a few puffs off a cigar now and then, and now she'll smoke entire cigars. And unfortunately, she has good taste, so I can't pawn my Gurkha's off on her.
she has good taste, so I can't pawn my Gurkha's off on her. does mine, I have to keep at least a few Ashton Cabinets around for her. Maybe I'll try pawning a Gurkha off to her one day...see if she catches it.
she has good taste, so I can't pawn my Gurkha's off on her. does mine, I have to keep at least a few Ashton Cabinets around for her. Maybe I'll try pawning a Gurkha off to her one day...see if she catches it.
Mine's favorite so far is a tie between the CAO America and the Cask Strength II.
As much as I'd love to date a girl that looked like that AND smoked cigars... I just don't find her reviews to be that informative or interesting compared to say, Mr. Glynn at, who really dissects the experience of smoking the cigars he does. She just seems to be like "Look at how cute I am, watch me suck on the 60 gauge stick... I LOVE this cigar, etc. etc. etc."
As much as I'd love to date a girl that looked like that AND smoked cigars... I just don't find her reviews to be that informative or interesting compared to say, Mr. Glynn at, who really dissects the experience of smoking the cigars he does. She just seems to be like "Look at how cute I am, watch me suck on the 60 gauge stick... I LOVE this cigar, etc. etc. etc."
As much as I'd love to date a girl that looked like that AND smoked cigars... I just don't find her reviews to be that informative or interesting compared to say, Mr. Glynn at, who really dissects the experience of smoking the cigars he does. She just seems to be like "Look at how cute I am, watch me suck on the 60 gauge stick... I LOVE this cigar, etc. etc. etc."
Looks like someones using the way back machine today.? but what can I say, I do love watching this girl smoke a stick.
Well its workin out that way, wanted to post on two subjects but before creating a new thread I always try to do a search on the subject and sometimes I get lucky, A bonus by doin a search, is finding these old threads and then reading the way back posts..I enjoy em,
Wow... thread-necromancy like whoa. I have to say, my opinion has changed of her videos, as they have become far more informative, and her interviews are great.
Wow... thread-necromancy like whoa. I have to say, my opinion has changed of her videos, as they have become far more informative, and her interviews are great.
Dont you get a kick out of these old threads? I know I do, plus some have lots of info....Recently I saw one of her interviews with Jaime Garcia and I believe his Sister, (Also easy on the eyes) which I found to be pretty good.
Wow... thread-necromancy like whoa. I have to say, my opinion has changed of her videos, as they have become far more informative, and her interviews are great.
Dont you get a kick out of these old threads? I know I do, plus some have lots of info....Recently I saw one of her interviews with Jaime Garcia and I believe his Sister, (Also easy on the eyes) which I found to be pretty good.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
I was looking for a review on youtube awhile back and stumbled on her channel.
That said, muted, she isn't bad
What did she recently get a boob job????