Padilla Miami vs. 5 Vegas Miami

Hi all. I really enjoy the Padilla but have not had the 5 Vegas. I'm sure our community has helpful thoughts and suggestions when comparing the two, if there really is a comparison.
Would appreciate any positives and/or negatives. certainly we all have various tastes, so just reaching out for more detail...
What is the impression of the new Miami's?
I wouldn't feel right about sending out any cigars others have given me and the 5 packs I've bought recently have all gone out to people for various things so I've been thinking of buying a random 10pk once a week or so. I just don't want to send people crap and I haven't tried a bunch of sticks yet.
Thanks for the offer, but then you'd be added to the list of people I need to bomb
KLMOW Badge 8/2014
Team Trident 2014
Can't speak to the Padilla but the 5 Vegas Miami is a cigar that steadily improves with time. Even a week at rest shows a difference and if I can keep my sticky fingers away from the ones I have left I truly expect a major improvement.
And I am going to be all over the special when the eagle makes a deposit. When that special was announced I thought it was going to go away pretty quick but I was assured by KD it would be around for awhile.