
First it was wine. Then it was cigars. Now it's tea. I am hooked on the stuff. I have all but quit drinking coffee and constantly have a cup of tea in front of me. Not the crappy bagged tea but high quality full leaf teas. Does anybody else have this affliction?
I kinda got into it when my mom became a certified tea something-or-other...What's your favorite blend?
I have this long standing love for jasmine dragon phoenix pearl... great aromatic white tea.
EDIT - Right on Stephen!! Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearl was the tea that got me hooked!!
Gunpowder has been my favorite green for a few weeks now. I've also been hooked on Pu-erh recently. I've been wanting to try some white tea for awhile now.
I like her herbal teas best, she has a blend called 420 tea she blends for a "smoking accessories" shop in Athens, OH that I dig. A spearmint tea with orange peal and other great herbals that are suppose to help with that wintery cough. It's naturally sweet and refreshing for a warm beverage in the winter months.
I have slowly been developing a taste for tea, but being such a fan of coffee, I've found it slow going. I miss the texture and punch of flavor from coffee when I'm indulging in tea, but then again, I also have moods that I'd prefer tea. Not to mention, I have a total English fetish so that's a whole thing on it's own.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
I like a cup of tea now and then. I'm a sucker for a good cup of Chai.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Favorite is Silver Needle (white), though I love a good ceylon (black), gunpowder (green) or pu-erh, depending on my mood. Some of the blooming teas are great conversation pieces as well.
I love Adagio too, but never, EVER buy anything glass from them.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
So far so good.
I hate coffee - dirt filtered through underwear taste
I hate beer - piss filtered through underwear
I hate tea - makes me want to throw up
This really bothers me. I can't stand dry wine but have started liking sweet wine. Well, I like Moscato. Haven't had any others I like. I really want to like tea because of the health benefits from it.
I happen to really enjoy all those things you mentioned above. For the purpose of this thread I will focus on tea.
Tea is such a broad reaching beverage. You can get lightly flavored fruit scented teas all the way to a deep rich robust Irish breakfast tea and an entire spectrum of choices between. It's very similar to cigars. both are made from the leaves of a plant that has been grown and processed in a specific way to give the final product a certain characteristic. Some people love maduro cigars. Some people love black tea. Some people prefer green tea. Some people prefer Connecticut shade wrappers. Some people like their tea sweetened. Some people like infused cigars.
The world of tea is endless. There are unlimited possibilities and there are bound to be teas out there that you will enjoy. Remember, it's the world's second most popular beverage behind water.
As for tea, go with the high grade stuff, try a whole leaf white tea or even a black tea like a ceylon tea. Make sure you steep it ONLY for the recommended time (black goes 2-3 min max and white is more like 3-5 min), otherwise it'll get bitter on you. Also, same as coffee - don't use boiling water - it'll burn the tea/coffee. One of my biggest pet peeves (with tea anyway) is watching people drink tea with the tea bag just sitting in the cup the entire time. I don't get how you can drink such bitter tea.