Local "Wetland Reconstruction"

I will start this post with a little bit of back story. I work for a hotel the has a large wooded wetland area the backs the property. This area has been home to plenty of wildlife including a nice size family of Redtail Hawks, Owls and tons of Deer. I enjoy eating lunch out back and watching the animals durring the summer and really love finding the shed racks of the resident monster buck (15 points this year with 6" drops). So I get to work today and do the property walk with the other managers and we find a few large areas taped off. I make a call to the people that owned the property to find that they sold it. After a few more calls I find that they have already started work on this so called Wetland Reconstruction. I talked with the property next door to us and found that they are building a road bypass to help with the traffic at the closest intersection that will cut right into the woods and they are building a Hospice Center with its own access road that will cut right into the woods right behind my hotel. After talking to the contractors working on the project I got a copy of the plans and the entire wooded area will be gone. I am not a eco-hippie or anything but I find that this is crazy. How can they take one of the last wooded areas in the city and build a parking lot and call it Wetland Reconstruction. I grew up hunting and fishing and I love the outdoors and this just pisses me off. The worst part is that there is a hospital with a huge campus that is sitting mostly empty less than 2 miles away.
Sorry if this is running on but it just pissed me off and I wanted to share or "vent"
On another note, that really sucks. What hotel do you work for?
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
I'm not looking to get involved but laker, there's more than just the Bush type of Repubs out here.
I was saying that in response to, not prior to the statement from fla-gypsy.
I am sure (and I mean that) that there are thousands or more Republicans who are exceptional people. Just as I am sure there are just as many Democrats who are exceptional people and making comments like...
Obama has never run anything and the loser/thug he is smells like the rotten stench that is the Democratic Party.
I hardly think that what I said comes off anwhere near as offensive as that comment. I guess it is OK to insult Democrats or "leftwingers" as some folks here see it, but just don't say anything wrong about Israel, or the Republican Party. Got it.
So how 'bout that Tim's beard eh? LMFAO
yes this government sucks. so did almost every administration for the last century... maybe even further back. "governments" as a general term, have a tendency violate rights. republican, democrat alike.
obama was never mentioned in this. quit defending him when no defense is needed. this may have been a rant about state or local politics. those are the two most likely to have dealt with this.
the rear problem here isnt even the government. its the people tearing down the woods. unless its the government themselves doing it they have every right to do it no matter how stupid it is. the way to deal with it is to send letters to that company, boycott it if you feel strongly about it. start a group. i can assure you no president gives a *** about this regardless of what "side" they are on.
Also agree this is not known or cared about by the executive branch (Rep or Dem). Talk to the local zoning board. They were probably able to stuff the coffers when they switched the zoning for this. They probably felt like so few people would care or notice - it was worth it to them.
Just to be clear, I NEVER said anything about your or anyones opinion or your right to post it. Why do you always seem to mis-read what I say?
I was responding to your comments about what you said..."I know it brings you great pleasure to see upheaval here but do not think for a minute that failures to control a Govt run amuck here will not have an impact on the rest of the world".
That statement is not true. I take no satisfaction whatsoever in what YOU call upheaval. Where did you get that from? What did you base this OPINION of me on?
I would also like to sit down sometime and have a political discussion with you. Maybe then you might come to a more accurate evaluation of my political views. You might even find that I hold MOST politicins of any party and from most countries with contempt.
They no longer work for their country, they are too busy setting things up for themselves. IMO
I do agree with everything else you have said though Kuzi.
My position was not far off of your own opinion about this NOT being something which was perpetrated from the Feds. and that all Governments of both political parties have been failing the people for years. That's all.
"Our present Govt sucks!." Is what you said, if that is not what you meant... then no harm no foul.