Dog had a stroke

At least that is what we think. His name is Hunter , he's a Jack Russel Terrier and he is almost 15 years old. His age has been showing more and more recently, but the last few days have been horrible.
This morning my mom said she thinks he may have had a stroke. Today he can barely stand, and when he does he sways and can hardly support himself. When he walks he can't manage to go strait and if he falls down his back legs are so weak he can't bring himself back up.
He has almost no strength and it is just breaking my heart. He has been my little puppy dog for almost 15 years. When we brought him home for the first time he slept with my childhood blanket aka, "Blanky". I was 9 years old at the time. For 15 years he has always been pain in my side while still being the light of my life. I feel like a part of me is dying with him and i just can't take it. I can't believe this little animal just means so much to me. When I was very young we lost a dog, but I was too little to really be attaching to him. But Hunter has been such a staple in my life this is going to be too difficult. He was there for me every day after school for as long as I can remember. He used to run as fast as the wind could blow.......but only when he ran out the door and we were chasing after him. He could be a feisty little *** but sleep in between your legs the next minute. He was by no stretch the more behaved dog, but man did I love him. I just don't want to see him go, but I know he can't last much longer.
This morning my mom said she thinks he may have had a stroke. Today he can barely stand, and when he does he sways and can hardly support himself. When he walks he can't manage to go strait and if he falls down his back legs are so weak he can't bring himself back up.
He has almost no strength and it is just breaking my heart. He has been my little puppy dog for almost 15 years. When we brought him home for the first time he slept with my childhood blanket aka, "Blanky". I was 9 years old at the time. For 15 years he has always been pain in my side while still being the light of my life. I feel like a part of me is dying with him and i just can't take it. I can't believe this little animal just means so much to me. When I was very young we lost a dog, but I was too little to really be attaching to him. But Hunter has been such a staple in my life this is going to be too difficult. He was there for me every day after school for as long as I can remember. He used to run as fast as the wind could blow.......but only when he ran out the door and we were chasing after him. He could be a feisty little *** but sleep in between your legs the next minute. He was by no stretch the more behaved dog, but man did I love him. I just don't want to see him go, but I know he can't last much longer.
He was a black Lab and was almost 16.5 yrs. old when he passed away. Like your buddy, he was with me most of the time and was always there ready for whatever you had going on, just wanted to be included. I have still not been able to think about replacing him, over two years later.
Without even knowing it, they become a very big part of your family. I feel for you brother, I still miss Chester, only now I find myself looking back and rememebering things he used to do and I laugh a lot at those memories.
Time will help, but hey it's OK to be sad too. He deserves it. Eventually the sadness will start to be replaced by favorite memories, and while it is still sad to think about losing your friend, the memories of things he used to do, can still bring a smile and a warm feeling long after their gone.
My condolences.
I don't want to suffer at all, so I know we'll do the right thing when it comes time. It was just so difficult to see him try to get around today. He fell over when he was trying to lift his leg to pee and he couldn't even figure out to lay down. We had to help him down just so he couldn't stand there and eventually fall over. It just broke my heart. He did appear to walk a little bit better later in the evening as well and drink a good amount of water (as he hadn't made it to the bowl too much today).
I really appreciate everyone's best wishes. I always knew this day would come but there is just no way to prepare for it. And as he is my first pet this is just going to be very hard. He was the dog I grew up with. He was my boy who was always there when I was having a bad day.
Don't rule out the possibility of treatment, as I had a dog that we were sure was done and the doctor perscribed some steroids for something we didn't think the problem was and she lived several more years wihtout any problems.
Still, I too would not prolong something that could not be avoided. the following is a great piece that has given me comfort and hope when I have lost those pets that are such a part of our families.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown...
Your family will be in my prayers
Not surprisingly we misdiagnosed him. The doc said he understood why we thought he may have had a stroke, but he actually has a sever infection of some sort which could be tick related. He had a temperature of 105.5 degrees. At 106 brain damage can occur.
I waited there for the blood test and he does not have Lime's Disease (which may have been likely), and his kidneys are functioning perfectly despite the strong smell of urine on his breath. The bad news is his red blood cell count and white blood cell count are extremely low. Basically, he is running on a half tank of blood. Most likely his body i trying to fight it but it can't keep up. And even worse case, he has a bone marrow problem.
So, if he doesn't improve within a few days with the treatment it may be a lost cause. I really appreciate all the kind words. And One2gofst, thanks for that piece; it was very nice. I'll keep you all up dated and try to find some pictures of my little guy.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I'm a dog lover. We have a male puggle and female Jack Russell Terrier. The terrier has lots of allergies and got into some chocolate 4 years ago. Thought we were going to lose her then but didn't, thanks to our vet. The puggle has had a couple of seizures over the past two years but surprisingly enough, that's normal as long as they don't become frequent.
During each episode, I had started to prepare myself that we may have to put them down but luckily they improved. But I know eventually, once their 'quality of life' isn't there, they will need to be put down. Not looking forward to that, but when you have pets, that's what happens eventually.
I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
News as of yesterday morning was that he did respond to the cortisone shot he was given. He white blood cell count was up a little bit and he actually ate some and was able to walk. However, his red blood cell count is still very low. The blood that had been coming out of his nose had stopped, but the doctor feels he has internal bleeding. I am going to see him tomorrow morning with my fiance. I hope he is doing well. It is going to be really hard to see him....but I need him to know that he isn't alone.
Not only are we baffled by his amazing recovery, but so are the vets. They were really certain he either had bone marrow cancer or Addison's disease (in which the adrenal gland fails to produce enough steroid hormones). The Addison's was a possibility given how much the steroids he was given helped. Right now, however, he is on a 3 drug regimen for about the next month as if he is being treated for a severe infection.
Honestly, I thought I was going to be putting him down this week. I could do nothing but think about this every day at work. Yet here he is today barking, running, and tail wagging like nothing ever happened. I couldn't be happier to have my little guy back. I know one day will be the end, but I am so glad he pulled through this. Thanks again for all the kind words and prayers guys. I'll try to throw some pictures up here soon.....maybe when I get back from work tonight.
I remember I had a cat when I was a kid that we found half dead in the basement for no apparent reason. She was barely breathing. Couldn't stand up and lost a few pounds. It was only 12 years old, not too old for a cat. We brought it to the vet who said to keep it there over night and probably put it down in the morning. The next day it was fine, as if nothing ever happened. She lived another 5 years after that. Sometimes pets are weird like that.
I suspect you may be enjoying something VERY special in honor of Hunters recovery ? Not much of a better reason is likely to show itself for firing up a Premium. Good for you bro', you and your family must be Sooooo happy.
I still cannot believe it. He is walking up the stairs, jumping off the bed, and barking!! I almost started to cry when I came home this afternoon and heard both of my boys barking. For the past few days only hearing one bark was a little hard to get used to.
I find it so amazing how much these little animals mean to us. Whether is be a cat or a dog, they really do grab us by our heart strings and boy, do they know how to pluck 'em! I found some pictures, but not many. Most pictures of him are on film!
Hunter(on the right) with our other boy Fred.
Scary eyes.....
And two older pictures from before he started to go gray.