LOL, good call Beta. While I do understand the feelings by some that we care hopelessly devoted to, to get these sticks----and at least 2 (which is a low ball estimate) that are hard to find and always pricey, it really is a good deal. You can do em cheaper individually, but as a pack to try new stuff, or have high end sticks for occasions on hand, or as a gift----Cmon how can people complain.
Can we just move all the name calling and stuff here?
Ok then.....I couldn't resist. Let me sum it up quickly: 1) The deals on here are like deals on many other sites....well, really just a couple of other sites. The deals are sometimes great (such as the MOW Ruination #2, and the Oliva V deals recently), and sometimes not so great in price, but rather in offering (such as today's deal). IMHO the deal isn't great for price, as I could piece it together for less than $10 more than what the price is today. Granted, I would have to find 9 other buddies that want to do it as well, because some of the deals I would be buying to put it together come in 10 packs. But, it could be done. As for the cigars, and the offer itself, it is a very premium offering....of such high quality that I have not seen offered anywhere else.....EVER! That in itself is awesome, to say the least. Somewhere along the message board, some narrow sighted individuals decided to take things out of context, take things personal, and post replies as if I was attacking CCom. That could not be farther from accurate, regarding the content of my posts. What I stated is that RoyalCigars made a valid point in his assessment of value (though one would be hard pressed to be able to even put together this particular sampler, at least without having many others to go in on the deal with him/her). Regardless of whether RoyalCigar has 5 posts, or 5000 posts, really matters not. The launch of personal attacks by some on here, and their argument that he is not allowed to comment because he only has 5 posts, did not sit well with me. I only have 30 or so posts myself, yet some moron on here is convinced that I am in the cigar business because, as he put it, of my vast knowledge of cigars. Case in do not have to have 2155 posts to know what you are talking about! Anyways, I enjoy "slighting", if you will, lesser apt aggressive individuals that deserve the public flogging. Maybe that is a character flaw I have, but I enjoy it nonetheless. Therefore, I don't intend to stop anytime soon. Maybe it is anger management therapy for me? LOL Whatever it is, I will continue to engage whenever I feel the desire to do so. I do try to refrain from the name calling, but will not refrain from insulting those that have put themselves in a position for that, by insulting others themselves. Bottom line >>>> Today's deal is EPIC.....but as far as price point, it could have been $10 less and CCom still would have made money. They may still sell many units, but would have sold many more at $40....or at least with free shipping offered on a 5 pack. Do they need to do that? Obviously not! Could they have? I suspect so. Should they have? I guess that is up to the consumer to decide for themselves. Will I continue to shop here? No doubt about it.
Dude, you just said you could do it for 10 bucks cheaper----then spent a paragraph to tell us it would take 9 other buddies. If it took 9 of you,----no, you yourself could absolutly not do it cheaper. Wow.
Also, I am quite sure they thought about the price point and how to maximize profits, while also keeping customers content---thats the businesses job, or else we would be Alex S. and he would be posting here.
That's a well aggregated post, and I think it clears up some of the vagueness in previous posts. It's important to remember that nobody can really read tone through posts, it's a tough thing to do. I don't think it's fair to call people "lesser apt," especially just by using what they type in a single post (or string of posts.)
That's a well aggregated post, and I think it clears up some of the vagueness in previous posts. It's important to remember that nobody can really read tone through posts, it's a tough thing to do. I don't think it's fair to call people "lesser apt," especially just by using what they type in a single post (or string of posts.)
Your point is well received. "Lesser apt" was one of those "slights" I spoke of. Come on though......considering how much time it took me to type all that, I was entitled to throw at least one out there. LOL
Dude, you just said you could do it for 10 bucks cheaper----then spent a paragraph to tell us it would take 9 other buddies. If it took 9 of you,----no, you yourself could absolutly not do it cheaper. Wow.
Also, I am quite sure they thought about the price point and how to maximize profits, while also keeping customers content---thats the businesses job, or else we would be Alex S. and he would be posting here.
Absolutely correct.....I mistyped. I could not do it cheaper, even with 9 others. It would cost me about 10 bucks more. So, is it a great deal.....YES! Not by the price point though, but rather by the offering itself.
WHAT!!!!! Are we seriously debating the value of the Daily Deal. Are you F'ing kidding me. We were asked what type of Daily Deals we would like to see about 2 months ago and they give us EXACTLY what we ask for and now there are complainers. SERIOUSLY?!?!?!? What the hell. The GOF is a grip of money. Go FIND a Camacho PE and see how much that costs ya. WOW. We ask for Chateau Briand and complain about the price.
Still, the slights aren't really a good way to convey a valid point. Even if what you are saying is correct (and I actually disagree, I think you pay a bit extra for the convenience and the grouping they gave) people will not agree or honor your opinion if it comes off as condescending or rude. I understand that there is a measure of satisfaction gained from messing with people, but I guess I'm just trying to convey why people are so upset.
Still, the slights aren't really a good way to convey a valid point. Even if what you are saying is correct (and I actually disagree, I think you pay a bit extra for the convenience and the grouping they gave) people will not agree or honor your opinion if it comes off as condescending or rude. I understand that there is a measure of satisfaction gained from messing with people, but I guess I'm just trying to convey why people are so upset.
I understand why they are upset. That was kind of the point. **** for Tat, so to speak. Like I said....maybe it's a character flaw. LOL. Also, you say you disagree, but I maybe i still did not explain my point are correct, putting together this 5 pack has value in itself. It would take me time, organization, and further shipping costs (to get it to my 9 other buddies located around the world) to make this happen. I was merely saying, seems like days ago now though, that RoyalCigar had a valid point when he stated his opinion on the price.
The DD is what it is. A daily offering for a price. Either accept or pass, debating the merits of it's value is kind of pointless because none of us can change it.
Though your post is accurate, it seems pretty reasonable that at least one of the purposes of having a chat message board attached to the daily to talk about the daily deal itself. Are you guys putting me on, or are there really that many sheep all gathered in one place?! LMFAO
Hey A$$HOLE... considering you are responding to so many BOTL here who disagree with you, it becomes apparent that it is YOUR opinion which is WRONG. You have the right to spout off as much as you like... that doesn't make you right. If you really feel the way you talk, why not just go and buy your sticks at these other places and leave CCOM and all of us alone? We are not looking for your advice, comments or opinions, we are just being subjected to them because of the forum that CCOM provides. Maybe you should go to one of the forums from your Preferred places of purchase and you could find a flock of like minded sheep for you to play with. The sheep here are all very comfortable and happy. P.S. we will remain that way even after you have left and been forgotten.
Ahhhhhh......a weak mind is such a terrible thing not to F with! You have been measured and weighed, and have been found lacking. Immature name-calling shows the level of intelligence you are working with, so one can hardly blame you for your inability to post anything worthy of a message post. Also, I am not responding to "so many BOTL here who disagree with me", but rather to the immature posters that have personally attacked posters who merely posted their own opinions. Your argument/rant lacks logical reasoning and you failed to comprehend the previous posts in the thread. Somewhere along the way, you were lost and incorrectly deducted that I somehow implied CCom does not have good, even sometimes great, deals. This is absolutely one of my "Preferred places of purchase" and never said otherwise. On the other hand, if anyone decides a specific deal isn't all that good, they have every right to post that opinion on this message board. Mental midgets should expect to be challenged if they decide to post immature and less than valid assaults on the posters for voicing their opinions. Such is the case with you. Do try to to be coherent in your thoughts before posting them for all to see. "It is better to be thought an idiot, than to open your mouth and prove it to be so." That is some free advice you would do well to accept.
Now you listen here you sarcast little ****, Laker has contributed more to these forums than you could ever dream of! He has done reviews, trades, sent bombs, helped MANY BOTLs with anything from humidors to what cigars they might like, and he is just a great guy! You however, have contributed NOTHING to the forums except 1 review and a $hitload of fighting. You have not even come close to the contributions of laker. Your kind is not wanted here and i agree in saying goodbye. I will now refrain from responding to your insulting, worthless, and all around despicable posts. You spamming a$$holes always end up realizing they have nothing good to contribute and fade away. We dealt with JWB and our brotherhood is better than ever! We will endure as we have endured, will revive and will prosper.
The DD is what it is. A daily offering for a price. Either accept or pass, debating the merits of it's value is kind of pointless because none of us can change it.
Though your post is accurate, it seems pretty reasonable that at least one of the purposes of having a chat message board attached to the daily to talk about the daily deal itself. Are you guys putting me on, or are there really that many sheep all gathered in one place?! LMFAO
Hey A$$HOLE... considering you are responding to so many BOTL here who disagree with you, it becomes apparent that it is YOUR opinion which is WRONG. You have the right to spout off as much as you like... that doesn't make you right. If you really feel the way you talk, why not just go and buy your sticks at these other places and leave CCOM and all of us alone? We are not looking for your advice, comments or opinions, we are just being subjected to them because of the forum that CCOM provides. Maybe you should go to one of the forums from your Preferred places of purchase and you could find a flock of like minded sheep for you to play with. The sheep here are all very comfortable and happy. P.S. we will remain that way even after you have left and been forgotten.
Ahhhhhh......a weak mind is such a terrible thing not to F with! You have been measured and weighed, and have been found lacking. Immature name-calling shows the level of intelligence you are working with, so one can hardly blame you for your inability to post anything worthy of a message post. Also, I am not responding to "so many BOTL here who disagree with me", but rather to the immature posters that have personally attacked posters who merely posted their own opinions. Your argument/rant lacks logical reasoning and you failed to comprehend the previous posts in the thread. Somewhere along the way, you were lost and incorrectly deducted that I somehow implied CCom does not have good, even sometimes great, deals. This is absolutely one of my "Preferred places of purchase" and never said otherwise. On the other hand, if anyone decides a specific deal isn't all that good, they have every right to post that opinion on this message board. Mental midgets should expect to be challenged if they decide to post immature and less than valid assaults on the posters for voicing their opinions. Such is the case with you. Do try to to be coherent in your thoughts before posting them for all to see. "It is better to be thought an idiot, than to open your mouth and prove it to be so." That is some free advice you would do well to accept.
Now you listen here you sarcast little ****, Laker has contributed more to these forums than you could ever dream of! He has done reviews, trades, sent bombs, helped MANY BOTLs with anything from humidors to what cigars they might like, and he is just a great guy! You however, have contributed NOTHING to the forums except 1 review and a $hitload of fighting. You have not even come close to the contributions of laker. Your kind is not wanted here and i agree in saying goodbye. I will now refrain from responding to your insulting, worthless, and all around despicable posts. You spamming a$$holes always end up realizing they have nothing good to contribute and fade away. We dealt with JWB and our brotherhood is better than ever! We will endure as we have endured, will revive and will prosper.
All I can say is WOW! Can I get an AMEN?! LMFAO Did I insult your Messiah? I thought this was a message board, not a place of worship and reverence. I guess we must all pray to BOTL, and those that have 500+ posts get the most blessings. Must be the order of the BOTL brotherhood huh?! And I thought this was simply a message board for the exchange of opinions and information about cigars and cigar deals. Silly me!
The DD is what it is. A daily offering for a price. Either accept or pass, debating the merits of it's value is kind of pointless because none of us can change it.
Though your post is accurate, it seems pretty reasonable that at least one of the purposes of having a chat message board attached to the daily to talk about the daily deal itself. Are you guys putting me on, or are there really that many sheep all gathered in one place?! LMFAO
Hey A$$HOLE... considering you are responding to so many BOTL here who disagree with you, it becomes apparent that it is YOUR opinion which is WRONG. You have the right to spout off as much as you like... that doesn't make you right. If you really feel the way you talk, why not just go and buy your sticks at these other places and leave CCOM and all of us alone? We are not looking for your advice, comments or opinions, we are just being subjected to them because of the forum that CCOM provides. Maybe you should go to one of the forums from your Preferred places of purchase and you could find a flock of like minded sheep for you to play with. The sheep here are all very comfortable and happy. P.S. we will remain that way even after you have left and been forgotten.
Ahhhhhh......a weak mind is such a terrible thing not to F with! You have been measured and weighed, and have been found lacking. Immature name-calling shows the level of intelligence you are working with, so one can hardly blame you for your inability to post anything worthy of a message post. Also, I am not responding to "so many BOTL here who disagree with me", but rather to the immature posters that have personally attacked posters who merely posted their own opinions. Your argument/rant lacks logical reasoning and you failed to comprehend the previous posts in the thread. Somewhere along the way, you were lost and incorrectly deducted that I somehow implied CCom does not have good, even sometimes great, deals. This is absolutely one of my "Preferred places of purchase" and never said otherwise. On the other hand, if anyone decides a specific deal isn't all that good, they have every right to post that opinion on this message board. Mental midgets should expect to be challenged if they decide to post immature and less than valid assaults on the posters for voicing their opinions. Such is the case with you. Do try to to be coherent in your thoughts before posting them for all to see. "It is better to be thought an idiot, than to open your mouth and prove it to be so." That is some free advice you would do well to accept.
Now you listen here you sarcast little ****, Laker has contributed more to these forums than you could ever dream of! He has done reviews, trades, sent bombs, helped MANY BOTLs with anything from humidors to what cigars they might like, and he is just a great guy! You however, have contributed NOTHING to the forums except 1 review and a $hitload of fighting. You have not even come close to the contributions of laker. Your kind is not wanted here and i agree in saying goodbye. I will now refrain from responding to your insulting, worthless, and all around despicable posts. You spamming a$$holes always end up realizing they have nothing good to contribute and fade away. We dealt with JWB and our brotherhood is better than ever! We will endure as we have endured, will revive and will prosper.
If memory serves me correctly, you are the one who launched the first attack concerning all of this. Wasn't your comment something on the order of, "Are you sh!tting me??? A five post wonder doesn't get to make judgement on as amazing a DD as this one. I mean have you EVER seen these cigars together at this price?? I thought not". Yah...that was pretty much your intelligent thought out attack! Don't throw stones. You did the same thing to me a couple days ago, then apologized to me when you realized you lashed out inappropriately. Can you say temper tantrum and knee-jerk reaction? Nice name calling by the way....really establishes your credibility right at the get go. As for their contributions.....kudos. That is what this message board is for. They didn't exactly offer anything of value today though, now did they?!
Wow guys. I thought the only place we were allowed to fight was in the Political Related Forums.
I take offense when some a$$hole attacks my friends. Yes laker, I consider you a friend, even though you are a canadian hahaha
At least be accurate. It wasn't I that attacked. In your mind, it must be ok for all of you and your fellow BOTL's to call people a$$holes.....but we aren't supposed to reply in kind huh?! Let's see.....stats show I have been called an a$$hole 3 or 4 times by you and your kind, a sarcast (sarcastic) little F'r, a teenager, and a few other choice words and names. I, on the other hand, have said a few things as well.....though they were a little more calculated and thought provoking (not all of them, but most of them). Nor have I resorted to childish name calling. Keep it coming uncovers alot and says much about your character.
Wow guys. I thought the only place we were allowed to fight was in the Political Related Forums.
I take offense when some a$$hole attacks my friends. Yes laker, I consider you a friend, even though you are a canadian hahaha
As do I Alex.. I enjoy spending time here with all of you, It is just too bad when we
stray too far from the reason we are here. Let's all relax and talk about some fine cigars. I had a great Pete Johnson El Truinfador Lancero today that I got from one of you fine gents. It was fantastic and Thanks.
Wow guys. I thought the only place we were allowed to fight was in the Political Related Forums.
I take offense when some a$$hole attacks my friends. Yes laker, I consider you a friend, even though you are a canadian hahaha
At least be accurate. It wasn't I that attacked. In your mind, it must be ok for all of you and your fellow BOTL's to call people a$$holes.....but we aren't supposed to reply in kind huh?! Let's see.....stats show I have been called an a$$hole 3 or 4 times by you and your kind, a sarcast (sarcastic) little F'r, a teenager, and a few other choice words and names. I, on the other hand, have said a few things as well.....though they were a little more calculated and thought provoking (not all of them, but most of them). Nor have I resorted to childish name calling. Keep it coming uncovers alot and says much about your character.
Alex, I appreciate your backing.
As for ormondefg, DEWD take a Valium. You are as guilty of or moreso then most here. There were several attempts to tell you why your opinions on the price of the DD was wrong.
You seemed to take this as a personal attack and just let 'er rip, on more then one person.
There are several of the BOTL here who I regularly have very heated arguements with, and one of them (not Alex) came out and stated as much.
It is because we all know each other as much as one can on the internet, and we have developed both reputations and self imposed (usually) regulations on how we deal with each other here.
When you came off so condecending in your first few posts, even after attempts were made to steer you straight, I responded. I did so in a POORLY thought out manner, but, I too respond when buttons are pushed.
Alex is someone who I have not known long and I appreciate him supporting what I have tried to do while at the forums. There are MANY, MANY, people here who do much more then I do, and it is because of these people all finding their way to this community that we all support each other so rabidly.
You have made tons of accusations against people who you know nothing about, and worse then that, you made claims about the DD and your ability to put the same deal together for less, but have since backed away from that.
This si such a KEWL place to hang out, and discuss almost anything, but mainly cigar related topics. It would be GREAT to have another new member, who like Alex, ljl, and so many others want to join the community and become involved in whatever menner, as long as the goal isn't just to be disruptive for that sake of a laugh.
It makes absolutley no difference what I, you or anyone else says about this particular issue, as it is what it is.
If I may, I suggest you spend some time reading and you should soon come to the realization that there is much, much more to this place then the DD's, it is a total Cigar experience. The real question is, are you going to join our community and be welcomed and participate ? Or are you just here for the $hits and giggles, only to fade away like a distant memory?
If you are here to stay and wish to help us continue to make this the KEWLEST PLACE ON THE NET, WELCOME. If not, please don't let the door hit you on your way out.
Wow guys. I thought the only place we were allowed to fight was in the Political Related Forums.
I take offense when some a$$hole attacks my friends. Yes laker, I consider you a friend, even though you are a canadian hahaha
At least be accurate. It wasn't I that attacked. In your mind, it must be ok for all of you and your fellow BOTL's to call people a$$holes.....but we aren't supposed to reply in kind huh?! Let's see.....stats show I have been called an a$$hole 3 or 4 times by you and your kind, a sarcast (sarcastic) little F'r, a teenager, and a few other choice words and names. I, on the other hand, have said a few things as well.....though they were a little more calculated and thought provoking (not all of them, but most of them). Nor have I resorted to childish name calling. Keep it coming uncovers alot and says much about your character.
Alex, I appreciate your backing.
As for ormondefg, DEWD take a Valium. You are as guilty of or moreso then most here. There were several attempts to tell you why your opinions on the price of the DD was wrong.
You seemed to take this as a personal attack and just let 'er rip, on more then one person.
There are several of the BOTL here who I regularly have very heated arguements with, and one of them (not Alex) came out and stated as much.
It is because we all know each other as much as one can on the internet, and we have developed both reputations and self imposed (usually) regulations on how we deal with each other here.
When you came off so condecending in your first few posts, even after attempts were made to steer you straight, I responded. I did so in a POORLY thought out manner, but, I too respond when buttons are pushed.
Alex is someone who I have not known long and I appreciate him supporting what I have tried to do while at the forums. There are MANY, MANY, people here who do much more then I do, and it is because of these people all finding their way to this community that we all support each other so rabidly.
You have made tons of accusations against people who you know nothing about, and worse then that, you made claims about the DD and your ability to put the same deal together for less, but have since backed away from that.
This si such a KEWL place to hang out, and discuss almost anything, but mainly cigar related topics. It would be GREAT to have another new member, who like Alex, ljl, and so many others want to join the community and become involved in whatever menner, as long as the goal isn't just to be disruptive for that sake of a laugh.
It makes absolutley no difference what I, you or anyone else says about this particular issue, as it is what it is.
If I may, I suggest you spend some time reading and you should soon come to the realization that there is much, much more to this place then the DD's, it is a total Cigar experience. The real question is, are you going to join our community and be welcomed and participate ? Or are you just here for the $hits and giggles, only to fade away like a distant memory?
If you are here to stay and wish to help us continue to make this the KEWLEST PLACE ON THE NET, WELCOME. If not, please don't let the door hit you on your way out.
I can appreciate your post. I too attempted to clarify my earlier posts, on more than one occasion, but it was evident that many would rather take some things out of context and argue. Hey, I'm cool with that. Nothing more satisfying than a little heated debate to pass the time during a very slow day at work. So, I took advantage of the offer.....however indirect it may have been. I agree it is more important to be understood, as well as to understand others, than it is to be correct. Therefore, I won't ramble on about who said what and who started what and who escalated what. I will say however, each time someone decided to make it personal, I made sure to use that as motivation in the well as use it against them when it was possible to do so. As far as future posts and being part of the discussions (a positive part I mean).....I plan on it. Know this though, and I don't mean it to sound as a threat, if attacked, I will always retaliate. If someone has a problem with that, they should either grow some thicker skin, or refrain from attacking others. For anyone to expect to be able to speak their mind, especially if that includes putting down another person's opinions, and not expect traetment in kind....well, that seems pretty unreasonable to me. If you look through the posts, you will see I tried to clarify (or summarize) the message I intended to convey.....yet was still attacked and called names after I posted that message. It is to be expected on an online forum I guess, but should then likewise be expected in response. Anyways, everyone has different personalities....mine is often course and abrupt. I assure you is much less personal than you may believe. I have no problem at all being buddy buddy with any of those that I have argued with today.....heck, after I hit post, I have already forgotten most of the reason I wanted to post it in the first place. I guess I'm like that grumpy uncle you may have.....onry as hell, but never a dull moment when in the room. I am sure we will disagree and debate in the future, but I assure you I wish you no real harm or ill will. Just my nature.....a character flaw my wife says...LMAO!
The only one that attacks Laker is me.Realistically though, he doesn't need my help in this, I know he can hold his own. are we failing to notice this is a Camacho Pre Embargo The $25 stick. People complaining about price on this are high as hellas hell
The only one that attacks Laker is me. are we failing to notice this is a Camacho Pre Embargo The $25 stick. People complaining about price on this are high as hell
Always one that can't resist stiring the pot. You still have my number if you choose to use it. If not, so be it.....I will assume that cooler heads have prevailed.
I'm not stirring. and to get this back on track, I mentioned the insane value. just trying to steer people in the right direction. and for the record, Laker and I have a very storied past so yeah, I get to attack him. go ahead, ask him about the middle east, I dare you.
I'm not stirring. and to get this back on track, I mentioned the insane value. just trying to steer people in the right direction. and for the record, Laker and I have a very storied past so yeah, I get to attack him. go ahead, ask him about the middle east, I dare you.
Just learn some better arguing methods if you stick around - your 'slights' are about as subtle as a freight train and you're acting like a teenager with the snide comments and idiotic banter. Using the excuse "I'm just an angry person" only serves to show how immature your personality is when you openly admit you can't take any insults and will always respond to any attack.
Kids have thin skins and always need to 'save face' and can't stand looking like they lost; adults know how to shrug things off
I'm not stirring. and to get this back on track, I mentioned the insane value. just trying to steer people in the right direction. and for the record, Laker and I have a very storied past so yeah, I get to attack him. go ahead, ask him about the middle east, I dare you.
Yup, ever since that "night" that we don't talk about here... Dennis and I are real tight. LOL.
I'm not stirring. and to get this back on track, I mentioned the insane value. just trying to steer people in the right direction. and for the record, Laker and I have a very storied past so yeah, I get to attack him. go ahead, ask him about the middle east, I dare you.
Yup, ever since that "night" that we don't talk about here... Dennis and I are real tight. LOL.
I'm tight as a drum, you on the other hand, well, let's just say that you turn the word "Fist" into a verb..... gross
Also, I am quite sure they thought about the price point and how to maximize profits, while also keeping customers content---thats the businesses job, or else we would be Alex S. and he would be posting here.
Top of the page tells you how to add in line breaks.
Absolutely correct.....I mistyped. I could not do it cheaper, even with 9 others. It would cost me about 10 bucks more. So, is it a great deal.....YES! Not by the price point though, but rather by the offering itself.
As for ormondefg, DEWD take a Valium. You are as guilty of or moreso then most here. There were several attempts to tell you why your opinions on the price of the DD was wrong.
You seemed to take this as a personal attack and just let 'er rip, on more then one person.
There are several of the BOTL here who I regularly have very heated arguements with, and one of them (not Alex) came out and stated as much.
It is because we all know each other as much as one can on the internet, and we have developed both reputations and self imposed (usually) regulations on how we deal with each other here.
When you came off so condecending in your first few posts, even after attempts were made to steer you straight, I responded. I did so in a POORLY thought out manner, but, I too respond when buttons are pushed.
Alex is someone who I have not known long and I appreciate him supporting what I have tried to do while at the forums. There are MANY, MANY, people here who do much more then I do, and it is because of these people all finding their way to this community that we all support each other so rabidly.
You have made tons of accusations against people who you know nothing about, and worse then that, you made claims about the DD and your ability to put the same deal together for less, but have since backed away from that.
This si such a KEWL place to hang out, and discuss almost anything, but mainly cigar related topics. It would be GREAT to have another new member, who like Alex, ljl, and so many others want to join the community and become involved in whatever menner, as long as the goal isn't just to be disruptive for that sake of a laugh.
It makes absolutley no difference what I, you or anyone else says about this particular issue, as it is what it is.
If I may, I suggest you spend some time reading and you should soon come to the realization that there is much, much more to this place then the DD's, it is a total Cigar experience. The real question is, are you going to join our community and be welcomed and participate ? Or are you just here for the $hits and giggles, only to fade away like a distant memory?
If you are here to stay and wish to help us continue to make this the KEWLEST PLACE ON THE NET, WELCOME. If not, please don't let the door hit you on your way out.
are we failing to notice this is a Camacho Pre Embargo The $25 stick. People complaining about price on this are high as hellas hell
Kids have thin skins and always need to 'save face' and can't stand looking like they lost; adults know how to shrug things off