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Whatcha smokin tonight?



  • Rdp77Rdp77 Posts: 6,391 ✭✭✭✭✭

    What do you have there???

  • VegasFrankVegasFrank Posts: 17,710 ✭✭✭✭✭

    What is that @cigarexplorer

    Disclaimer:  All trolling is provided for the sole entertainment purposes of the author only. Readers may find entertainment and hard core truths, but none are intended. Any resulting damaged feelings or arse chapping of the reader are the sole responsibility of the reader, to include, but not limited to: crying, anger, revenge pørn, and abandonment or deletion of ccom accounts. Offer void in Utah because Utah is terrible.
  • YaksterYakster Posts: 27,114 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2022

    It's an all Aganorsa Nic Puro.

    Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
  • VisionVision Posts: 8,235 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @cigarexplorer said:
    @Vision is right

    First time smoking it and it’s great so far.

    Sorry to step on your toes.

  • cigarexplorercigarexplorer Posts: 957 ✭✭✭✭✭

    No worries at all @Vision

  • NorCalR1NorCalR1 Posts: 4,197 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @TheKraken said:
    Sorry as$ cowgirls

    They will never win with Prescott & Elliot. IMO

    If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience :D
    If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....

  • cigarexplorercigarexplorer Posts: 957 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2022

    @VegasFrank said:

    Orlando must have put all of his good cigars in his household goods shipment...

    Haha Put them all there actually. Sad to see them go. I’ve resorted back to buying a couple at a time from the lounge. First world problem, I know.

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