The Beer Forum (It's really a thread but it sounds better this way)

Hokay since we seem to have a passion for cigars I was curious who also has a passion for Beir! No this is not about Miller, Busch, Budweiser, or other American crap beer. This is dedicated to the "craft" beer market. so let's get the ball rolling...
Recently I have purchased these... Franziskaner Dunkle-Weisse (try saying that three sheets to the wind) Tucher Dunkle-Hefe Weizen and a wonderful Brown Ale called Nostrodomus. Myself I prefer German/Belgian brews altho I do occasionally have IPA's (India Pale Ales) like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale I'll post more after I go to the store this weekend.
Otherwise, a Rochefort with a Gurkha Centurion ain't too shabby
I've recently become an IPA ****. My favorites are Stone IPA, Dogfish Head 60 minute, and best of all - the Double IPA made at a local brewery here called the Big Rock Chop House.
Old rasputin is great stuff... Just gave that a whirl about a month ago. Am also liking the Goose Island bourban county...The left hand imperial stout would be my value pick..
We had a pub here that had the 120 minute dogfish on tap. Delish! Dogfish allowed them two kegs. Didn't last long.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
I am about 1/4 through a 22 oz. bottle of Lagunitas Hop Stupid Ale. It's pretty great, tastes just like every other Imperial IPA I have had, but that's not a bad thing. I am definitely an IPA ****. I'll try anything that I hear is too bitter and hoppy.
My favorite beer is, without doubt, Stone Ruination IPA. Followed closely by Stone IPA. Another amazing IPA that I enjoy regularly is Bell's Two Hearted, a bit milder than the other two but still phenominal.
Ive never been to Ireland, but they serve Guiness relatively warm in England. Also the hand pulled beers in england are relatively warm there also. They are just basement temperature cool. The hand pulls are also unfiltered so watch out the next day!
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Thats funny, i have Abita Purple Haze in the fridge(actually had one today...and Abita Turbodog on the shelf(another go-to brew)
Hear ya' on the bells two hearted. I can't get this in Illinois. Something about bells needing to find a disty...
I heard today that no bottle beer is intended to be had straight from the bottle, you're supposed to pour it straight down the middle of the glass to let the carbonation out. Anybody else hear this - seems like blasphemy not to pour down the side.
My wife is an art teach, she worked on a display for a local brewery (beers by state). She drew LA and Abita was right in there. I'll see if I can find some photos to post/link...