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The Beer Forum (It's really a thread but it sounds better this way)



  • SquatchitoSquatchito Posts: 41
    So i just got done with Stone russian imperial....WOW!!! This IS good brew! Almost a salty-ish finish but its balanced with a molasses note. More carbonation than expected but not in a bad way and you could tastes Stone's hoppy-ness the whole way through....if you've drang Stone before....you'll know what i'm talking about. I'm getting more....lots more! I'd like to line up Stone, Sam smith and Rasputin in row one day and compare all the imperial stouts...maybe with a hearty maduro. Any takers :)
    I accept this challenge, sir! I've never carried the Sam Smith IS, but will order it this week. I'll get it in on Thursday, but won't have a free day to tackle this beast till later next week. Though I could buy the Sam Smith from one of the areas other reputable sources and tackle it Wednesday. We shall see.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    Hey squatch, you got pm
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    want a awesome beer....kinda like guiness...just a hint of caramel...amazing...called walker porter...made by firestone...same beer that original pete's serves...freaking awesome guys!
  • poypoykingpoypoyking Posts: 55
    I am a fan of beer in general. I can't think of many craft brews that I don't like at some point in time. Pales taste good just about any time, stouts are awesome winter beers, and wheat/ambers are great during the summer.

    If any of you get a chance to try and of Surly Brewing Company's beers you won't be disappointed. They make 3 of my all time favorite beers (sad I didn't discover them until a little over a year ago), and I have had a lot of beers.

    Surly Darkness - This massive Russian Imperial Stout brings waves of flavors; chocolate, cherries, raisins, coffee, and toffee. They add a touch of hops to make this delicious brew even tastier.

    Coffee Bender - Coffee Bender refreshes like an iced-coffee, is aromatic as a bag of whole beans and satisfies like your favorite beer. They use a cold extraction process that results in intense coffee aromatics and flavor bringing together two of my favorite beverages. Your only dilemma will be whether to finish your day or start it with a Coffee Bender.

    Abrasive Ale - This double IPA is a tempest on the tongue and a moment of pure hop bliss. Brewed with a dazzling blend of American hops and Scottish malt, this crimson-hued ale delivers waves of citrus, pine and caramel-toffee. For those who favor flavor, Abrasive has the hop-fire your taste buds have been screeching for.

    I borrowed some descriptions there, it wasn't all me :)
  • Alex WilliamsAlex Williams Posts: 1,515
    What do yall recommend for a nice refreshing beer after a twelve hour shift of manual labor in 90+ weather with 60-70% humidity? Something cold and refreshing!!
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Posts: 2,963 ✭✭✭
    Alex Williams:
    What do yall recommend for a nice refreshing beer after a twelve hour shift of manual labor in 90+ weather with 60-70% humidity? Something cold and refreshing!!
    Stella Artois
  • Alex WilliamsAlex Williams Posts: 1,515
    Alex Williams:
    What do yall recommend for a nice refreshing beer after a twelve hour shift of manual labor in 90+ weather with 60-70% humidity? Something cold and refreshing!!
    Stella Artois
    isnt that a gay beer/ woman's beer?? (In Bruges with colin farrel)
  • docedwardsdocedwards Posts: 319
    Samuel Adams Double Bock
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    "I suggest Summer Solstice from Anderson Valley....my beer of choice while fishing on a hot day!

    On a seperate note Monk's Blood effin rules! Also Redhook's expedition is awesome! It uses cherry wood smoked malt...just the slightest note of cherrywood but so balanced.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    i think i should start to take part in this thread soon. im not that well versed in beer as some of you seem to be but i know what i like. ill post more later.
  • SquatchitoSquatchito Posts: 41
    Alex Williams:
    What do yall recommend for a nice refreshing beer after a twelve hour shift of manual labor in 90+ weather with 60-70% humidity? Something cold and refreshing!!
    Summer makes me think 3 styles:

    1. The various wheat ales.

    American Wheat is all over the place. Some are very similar to the other wheat styles, some are completely on their own. There is one beer an particular that has always marked the official coming of warmer weather for me and that is Bell's Oberon Ale. It has been getting less and less dynamic in the last few years but is still very refreshing and flavorful. In recent memory I have turned more towards Southern Tiers Hop Sun, which is essentially an IPA brewed with a majority wheat malt base. Very crisp, light, easy to drink and it has that wonderful grapefruit citrus hop character.

    If you are a Hefeweizen man, there are an egregious amount of options from Germany that are the standards by which all others are built. Schnieder Weisse is the original and the recipe has never changed. Franziskaner by Spaten is probably the easiest to get your hands on. On the American side of things I've never had anything as close to the true German style as Sierra Nevada's Kellerweis. Harpoon UFO should be mentioned as it is of good quality and easy to find. Widmer Brothers is also easy to find, but I think it the least of the beers mentioned here.

    For Belgian style Witbier, the original and classic is Hoegarden. Very easy to find as it is distributed by AB-Inbev and of good quality. Same could be said of Abbey Leffe. Witbier junkies claim there is a big difference between the two, but if I were to blind taste them I probably wouldn't be able to discern the two. But I haven't drank either of them in years and my palate has developed quite a bit. Here in the states there isn't a Wit more famous than Blue Moon. I think the aforementioned beers are superior, but Blue Moon is very popular for a reason. If you want a real treat track down some Allagash White or Celis White. Celis was actually originally made by Pierre Celis, who originally brewed Hoegarden in Belgium before migrating to Texas. Celis White is the same recipe as Hoegarden but with American ingredients. Allagash makes some of the best Belgian style ales around, and White is one of their powerhouses.

    2. Saison

    Saison is another Belgian style. It can be made from barley, wheat or a combination of the two. It has a distinctive funk too it. A barnyardy, horse blanket like aroma that is present in just about all of them(especially the good ones). Beyond the funk though is a light, citrusy highly effervescent beer. All of these characteristics are due in large part to the yeast involved and very high fermentation temperatures.

    There are a number of really great ones out there. Currently, two seasonal releases from American brewers can be found that are excellent. Clipper City Red Sky at Night is a classic take with a classic flavor. Wonderfully refreshing and very quaffable. Which brings up a good point. Watch the ABV on these. They often easily eclipse 8% and you would never know it. The other is Avery's current Anniversary Ale, which is a little more edgy with jasmine and peaches being utilized. Allagash Hennepin is just outstanding. Summer in a bottle for me. On the Belgian side there is Saison Dupont which I really can't say enough about. I don't think you can go wrong with many of the Belgians in this case, but they can be hard to find.

    3. Cream Ale

    Cream Ale is basically a craft beers attempt at macro lager. Being an ale they can take on a bit more character, some fruity notes. These are not immensely popular and there just aren't that many about. Actually, there is really only one that is really well respected and well distributed that I can think of and it has actually already been mentioned, Anderson Valley Summer Solstice. Lagunitas used to make one called Sirius that was just crazy. I'd heard it was retired, but that might just be that it is unavailable in my neck of the woods.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    Sirius is retired, they used to serve it at a beer bar here in fresno.
    Some more thoughts on stuff i've been trying...

    Sam Adams Imperial Stout: Woof! I'm an IS **** and this stuff was way too salty...yup...salty. No mas.
    Boundary Bay IPA: Only sold in the pacific northwest(had it on my WA trip) unbelievablely good, the citrus leaps out of the glass and smacks you in the nose. They really need to go mainstream with this stuff.

    Rogue Hazelnut Brown: I'm a fan! Really balanced, you'll never go back to newcastle again.

    Thats all that comes to memory...about the head out and refill. Thinking of going on a IPA binge. Hefewiezen makes me fart....
  • SquatchitoSquatchito Posts: 41
    Sirius is retired, they used to serve it at a beer bar here in fresno.
    Some more thoughts on stuff i've been trying...

    Sam Adams Imperial Stout: Woof! I'm an IS **** and this stuff was way too salty...yup...salty. No mas.
    Boundary Bay IPA: Only sold in the pacific northwest(had it on my WA trip) unbelievablely good, the citrus leaps out of the glass and smacks you in the nose. They really need to go mainstream with this stuff.

    Rogue Hazelnut Brown: I'm a fan! Really balanced, you'll never go back to newcastle again.

    Thats all that comes to memory...about the head out and refill. Thinking of going on a IPA binge. Hefewiezen makes me fart....
    Yeast is magical stuff!
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭

    For Belgian style Witbier, the original and classic is Hoegarden.
    i LOVE this beer. its good in a bottle, but on tap its out of this world. if you have a bar near you that serves it on tap, go there. you will never want it out of a bottle again.

    the wheat ale that i tend to like if i am looking for a very light beer is Goose Island 312. its as if there was a such thing as Hoegaarden lite. the taste is a bit thinner, and it sits a bit lighter, but its good in the summer.
    2. Saison

    Saison is another Belgian style. It can be made from barley, wheat or a combination of the two. It has a distinctive funk too it. A barnyardy, horse blanket like aroma that is present in just about all of them(especially the good ones). Beyond the funk though is a light, citrusy highly effervescent beer. All of these characteristics are due in large part to the yeast involved and very high fermentation temperatures.
    you dont see much of this around for one reason: the yeast used in this beer is very aggressive. once it is introduced to a brewery, it is very difficult to get it out. it taints other batches. there is a process they have to go through to get it out.

    the Great lakes brewing company here in cleveland has a decent saison- but you can only get it at the brewery. darn. i HATE it when i have to go to a brew pub to drink beer.
    here is how they describe it:
    Great Lakes Brewing Company:

    out of all the good beer that i drink, i cant help but have a case or two of j w dundee Honey Brown on hand in the summer. for some reason, the fire pit makes it taste great.
    ... the friends help too.
  • ljlljl Posts: 819
    I've been enjoying some Sierra Nevada "Torpedo" lately. It's an extra IPA that has a ton of Hop flavor to it. Reminds me of Bells 2 hearted. Awesome...
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    So if anyone goes to South Lake tahoe, let me know...ill give you directions to this brewary...a true warehouse place....guy has a tiny ass 4 seater bar in there and is open to public 5-7pm nightly...thats it... he only has two choices on top and its whatever he feels like...he makes all the beer himself(hence the warehouse) and almost every place in tahoe sales it.... so if you like PORTERS then this is the guy to see...he makes a porter like guiness, just more hop taste to it, and is almost 10 percent! freaking awesome...best part, 3 BUCKS A CUP!...bring in a gallon jug thats been cleaned and he will fill it to the brim for 20 bucks! lol...awesome **** guy... we first went there, and we asked him if he went to school. he went and graduate from berkely. awesome. we ask why he got a bio chemistry degree(looks like a drug addict though)....lol...and he was very honest with us. METH. he wanted to start making meth but made beer instead...i would say a wise choicse in life! lol
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Posts: 4,335 ✭✭✭✭✭

    out of all the good beer that i drink, i cant help but have a case or two of j w dundee Honey Brown on hand in the summer. for some reason, the fire pit makes it taste great.
    ... the friends help too.
    Kuzi, I have to WHOLE HEARTEDLY AGREE with you on this. I have been drinking J W Dundee Honey Brown for maybe close to 10 years now; not an easy task since since they didn't distribute here in California but for the last 2 years. I have to travel to Las Vegas to buy the stuff, usually 10 cases at a time, at least twice a year. Now they only distribute 6 packs in here so I am still going to Vegas for it as I can buy 12 packs for the same price. I like it best when it is ICE cold, not just refridgerator cold, that is why it is a great summer beer. They also make a wonderful Oktoberfest amonst other seasonal brews. Anyone interested in taking a look at them they can be found online at www.dundeebeer.com
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    Feeling the summer ipa kick coming on, leading off with lagunitas ipa and following it with stone ruination...
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    I have a feeling that this little newbie's gonna get flamed :P But I hate most domestic beers (especially the "lite" ones). They're just not strong enough. If I drink anything domestic, it's Samuel Adams Boston Lager. For the most part, though, I love imports like Guinness, Warsteiner, Franziskaner (sp?), Yanjing, Taiwan Beer, TsingTao, and Foster's.
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    Actually the real reason behind this thread was more to show the love of Craft beer and imports... mostly the microbreweries that dot our great country seem to be the main talk but yea feel free to bring up any import or craft just no piss beer please.
  • illinoisgolf99illinoisgolf99 Posts: 1,507
    got a great little belated bday present from a friend yesterday, 3 packs of different craft brews. Had a Samuel Smith's Brown Nut Ale last night, great heavy beer
  • t_evan50t_evan50 Posts: 1,725
    got a great little belated bday present from a friend yesterday, 3 packs of different craft brews. Had a Samuel Smith's Brown Nut Ale last night, great heavy beer
    Sam Smiths Nut brown has been one of my favorites for a few years. Great beer! If you ever see it try the Rogue Hazlenut brown.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Actually the real reason behind this thread was more to show the love of Craft beer and imports... mostly the microbreweries that dot our great country seem to be the main talk but yea feel free to bring up any import or craft just no piss beer please.
    lol... yeah I hate bud and coors... ick!
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    About to cra k into my last bottle of stone imperial stout. 3 day weekend starting tomorrow, need to hit the store and load up! Also if you can get it, stone vertical epic rules!
  • vegassparkyvegassparky Posts: 365
    check out samuel adams utopias. more like a hard liquer than beer. but soooo good.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭

    out of all the good beer that i drink, i cant help but have a case or two of j w dundee Honey Brown on hand in the summer. for some reason, the fire pit makes it taste great.
    ... the friends help too.
    Kuzi, I have to WHOLE HEARTEDLY AGREE with you on this. I have been drinking J W Dundee Honey Brown for maybe close to 10 years now; not an easy task since since they didn't distribute here in California but for the last 2 years. I have to travel to Las Vegas to buy the stuff, usually 10 cases at a time, at least twice a year. Now they only distribute 6 packs in here so I am still going to Vegas for it as I can buy 12 packs for the same price. I like it best when it is ICE cold, not just refridgerator cold, that is why it is a great summer beer. They also make a wonderful Oktoberfest amonst other seasonal brews. Anyone interested in taking a look at them they can be found online at www.dundeebeer.com
    the oatmeal stout isnt too bad either.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    About to cra k into my last bottle of stone imperial stout. 3 day weekend starting tomorrow, need to hit the store and load up! Also if you can get it, stone vertical epic rules!
    still a fan of the arrogant ***. its so much better on tap but getting that on tap in ohio is no easy task. there is only one place i know of that has it on tap. ... its to bad that bar kinda sucks in all other aspects.
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    I had a magic hat wacked out summer. Not very good IMO. It turned out that it was a Red beer, fairly heavy. Totally out of balance. Especially when I was thinking I was cracking a lighter summer beer..... Buyer beware. Maybe not that bad if I was going for a red. I typically dont gor for red beer.....
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    Had my first he'brew jewbilation today. 13 malts, 13 hops, and 13% alcohol, wow great taste just be careful when you stand up :)
  • New member here, and this seemed a perfect thread to hop in on.  (pun intended)

    My wife and I share similar taste in beers - tending towards the darker stuff.  My current favorite is Alagash Black, which is basically a really stout-y Belgian ale.  Some friends recently brought us back a small sampler from a brewery down in Williamsburg...  We've had the brown ale, which tasted more like a porter, and the porter, which tasted more like a brown ale (I actually wonder if they didn't mix up the labels on these!), and have a coffee house stout left to try.

    The only real challenge is finding a good summertime beer.  The stuff I normally like is great, but it's too dang heavy to drink on a hot summer day, or out on the beach!

    For even more fun, I helped a buddy brew up a 5 gallon batch of Heffen-Weizen over the weekend.  I've got a couple sticks reserved for kegging day for that batch!

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