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Building a desk top humi

Me and a friend are going to build a wood desk top humi. I know we need to use spanish cedar for the inside, but other than that any advice. My plan was 100ct, glass top, small drawer for cutter/lighter. I'm not sure on the best humi device to use. Let me know what you think, or if you have built one yourself what should I look out for.


  • txjayhawktxjayhawk Posts: 311
    talk to waxingmoon. I converted an old cabinet...but didnt exactly have to build anything from scratch though. Measure 900000 times...cut oone time. As far as humidification...go get some beads.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    or cabinetmaker

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    talk to waxingmoon. I converted an old cabinet...but didnt exactly have to build anything from scratch though. Measure 900000 times...cut oone time. As far as humidification...go get some beads.
    that's a lot of measuring.....
  • txjayhawktxjayhawk Posts: 311
    talk to waxingmoon. I converted an old cabinet...but didnt exactly have to build anything from scratch though. Measure 900000 times...cut oone time. As far as humidification...go get some beads.
    that's a lot of measuring.....
    well...when your a ra-tard like me...you need to measure that many times...that spanish cedar aint cheap...and I am.
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