My poor mail man
Posts: 5,836 ✭
So this morning I woke up to the sun shining and the birds signing and my dog laying next to me on my bed. We get up and so I take him out to go to the bathroom. As I round the corner after Chuck has done his business I see my mailman pull up the the community mail box. I shoot him a wave and he sends one in return then as he picks up his bag BOOM! I see a bright flash and am deafened by the noise. I see Chuck is puzzled so I tie him to the street sign next to us. I take off running towards the mail man to check on him but as I get close I notice a very familiar delicious smell. I come up to him to find him covered in fine wrappers and cigar bands. I was bombed in trades with coachjamie and lilwing. These two BOTL's blew me away. lilwing sent me 10 cigars and coachjamie sent me 6. Great guys and great cigars they sent my way. All in all 16 cigars from these 2 guys! Thanks again brothers!
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This forum is just great all around with everything!
Enfidl - I'm thoroughly envious of you churchill padron up there - Those two bombs together are porbably worth more and are better than the 100 'gars or so I've acquired over the last couple months since I started.
Totally enjoy those things, man! And tell you're mailman you're sorry and you hope he forgives you one day!
Thing is already filled up faster than I thought, and yours will too! watchhhout