you and your son have the same name... your wife calls your son Junior and so do you because he's a baby and you don't want to confuse him.... ehhh??? ehhhhhhhh? CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMM OOOOOOOOOOOOONNN
You guys are killing me! Why whould I call my son by a nickname that I hate if I wanted to name him the same thing in a different way? What would be my motivation for it (involving my wife)... COME ON!
Ok, times up its 0226 here. I wanted to name him Ryan Christopher Warmack II, not Jr. I told her that everyone would call him Jr. She said no I wont let them. So I do it TO PISS HER OFF, thats the only reason. I hate the name Jr. I think it sounds Hilbillish, and we're Rednecks!
Sorry, internets been fuzzy last few days and I didn't see this one. How about... There is a famous quote from a NASTY individual in the form of a bumpersticker on my laptop. Who is it a quote from?
That is a true statement, but not THE reason.
Haha that one made me actually blurt out laughing
Nope, new clue. I wanted to name him the exact same thing in a different way!
No I go by my initials, he goes by our first name.
Your wife's name is Senior
That's the same as ignoring them...
That was a pretty simple answer, too bad we weren't able to figure it out. Lets keep this game going DSWarmack.
Eddie Murphy