Sorry for the delay of game guys. Totally my bad. Crimthann must have been busy for the last couple of days. I can send a package to Crimthann or Ashmaster right away or Ashmaster feel free to just ask another question and get on with the game. No big deal I totally understand since this is my doing anyway. I won't play until I get 4 more posts. I didn't intend to slow things down like this.
I run away every once and a while. Per my PM to pilot711 he will post his question and once someone wins & they get their package ashmaster will then send out his package to him.
And the game continues:
OK Batman fans riddle me this.
A black dog is sleeping in the middle of a black road that has no streetlights and there is no moon. A car coming down the road with its lights off steers around the dog. How did the driver know the dog was there?
Rules = 1 guess in 24 hours. This should go quick but if not I will post a clue later. Good luck!
It was daytime!!! It was daytime!! It was daytime!!!!!!!
Ding, Ding, Ding!! We have a winner! Nice going Kavenius! PM me you addy info and I will get a package going your way. Glad we got things rolling again.
Forgive me, guys... let me put one stipulation in:
There is a PARTICULAR answer I am looking for. Answers that make sense but are different will be given a "Close, but no cigar..." Pun INTENDED!! haha!!
*Question... Is the ceiling considered a wall? if so you could through it upward! I am sure this is not what you are looking for but I think this works as well.
Believe it or not, you've stumbled onto the answer. Let me explain how you ALMOST didn't win!!
You had a 2-part response. First, you asked whether the ceiling is considered a wall. Then, you stated your answer: "If so, you could throw it upward."
Had you stipulated that the ball would hit the ceiling and return to you, you would have been WRONG! But since your response was seemingly mutually exclusive of your first question. Therefore, rather than yelling, "Close, but no cigar!," I howl:
PM me your info so I can get started rummaging through my humidor and get you something good!
Chevy, you still out there? Hopefully the ball didn't hit you in the head while you were solving the riddle!! Send me your address so I can get the sticks out to you tomorrow...
Ok. I guess I will make this an easy one.
My favorite NBA team is the Lakers, which team is my second favorite?
I will post hints later if not already guessed. Same rules apply (one guess per day).
If guessed in the first 5 guesses I will add a little extra into the winners package.
*Bonus* Name the player I like the most on that team. ( Bonus only awarded to the first person that guesses the correct team.)
Good Luck
I cant believe this has gone all day with not one response. I guess you guys dont knwo how good my packages are. Oh well, your loss
I've heard rumor. LOL
I abstained from this one since I have a PIF coming from you already. Hopefully it will be here soon because my supplies are dwindling. When did you send it? That should give me an idea of when to be looking for it to get here.
Here we go:
What is the easiest way to throw a ball, and have it stop, and completely reverse direction after traveling a short distance?
We'll allow 1 guess per day. Let's see what kind of action we can get here.....
There is a PARTICULAR answer I am looking for. Answers that make sense but are different will be given a "Close, but no cigar..." Pun INTENDED!! haha!!
...Playing Catch
Believe it or not, you've stumbled onto the answer. Let me explain how you ALMOST didn't win!!
You had a 2-part response. First, you asked whether the ceiling is considered a wall. Then, you stated your answer: "If so, you could throw it upward."
Had you stipulated that the ball would hit the ceiling and return to you, you would have been WRONG! But since your response was seemingly mutually exclusive of your first question. Therefore, rather than yelling, "Close, but no cigar!," I howl:
PM me your info so I can get started rummaging through my humidor and get you something good!
My favorite NBA team is the Lakers, which team is my second favorite?
I will post hints later if not already guessed. Same rules apply (one guess per day).
If guessed in the first 5 guesses I will add a little extra into the winners package.
*Bonus* Name the player I like the most on that team. ( Bonus only awarded to the first person that guesses the correct team.)
Good Luck
I abstained from this one since I have a PIF coming from you already. Hopefully it will be here soon because my supplies are dwindling. When did you send it? That should give me an idea of when to be looking for it to get here.
What is this board coming to? Nobody wants free cigars? ...well until its your turn to give I guess.