Lost - just getting started.

Never watched a second of it. All the hype leading up to the series end... i got interested. So... the day AFTER it ended.. .I started watching the first few episodes on Hulu.com. Love it... borrowed season 1 & 2 from a coworker. Totally hooked... 6 years late! Didnt even read the Lost thread here for fear of spoliers.
My mom will eventually be buying the series and I'm sure I'll get around to seeing it all the way through.
Anyways, I really liked the show, but with two toddlers who love Disney movies and a wife who's obsessed with every stupid Real Housewives show out there, I lost some of the episodes I recorded and now I have to backtrack.....
My wife and I did the same thing and are now completely hooked and on season 1 ep 11.
it will never be topped ! I am getting ready to start watching The Wire. I hear that is awesome
Well now that its over, we should start from season 1.