Regional differences

I got to thinking about the different regions of the the states after the BBQ thread started and thought it would be interesting to discuss regional differences in everyday life. I will start with this, the pace of life is significantly different in my region (exterme south) of the world than in others. Some of this is rural vs urban, but not all of it. Also, some parts of the country may not fully appreciate how much impact events that happened 150 years ago still have on our culture here in the south. The War Between the States has placed a mark on this region that may not ever be overcome. As a child (I'm 53) "The War" was discussed as if it had just taken place to a large degree and remnants of it still impact everyday life here. Anyone else want to jump in?
On the downside, all the goods about this area have given rise to a very crappy population. We're full of superhot moms that don't pay attention to their kids, and dads that are complete douches riding around in souped up F250s and 350zs wearing tight jeans and Affliction t-shirts. The kids are then smoking pot and/or doing worse drugs, and the girls dress like **** and act like it too. (Side note: in 2004 our city was declared the Skinniest City in America...not healthiest, mind you, skinniest)
I love the area that I live in, I really do, but it's really hard for me to swallow wanting to raise a family here, so I haven't quite figured out that part yet.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
we have some of the wierdest weather lately probly global warming effecting the lake,hot as hell one day low 60's the next,
in some areas you can walk at night and feel some what safe 3 blocks over you wont even step out after dark for what ever you fear in the big city,
i been here for 30yrs so im pretty immune to alot whats going on,i mind my own and only speak up when the fools spill there juice in my direction,
but all in all if your not used to a some what fast paced city,then its probly going to leave you in aww, but i still live here so there's something that i like about it
just wish i knew what it was,not the tobacco tax gotta be the highest in the nation
And I currently am involved in: work full time, sailing, cigars, tennis, golf, and soon to be school...I'm pretty sure if I bring home another project, my fiance will flat out murder me. She had to talk me out of picking up roadbiking recently lol..
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
hmmmmm I live not far from you Hays and i dont understand this discription, When I get time I will give you my take on My Town. LOL