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new to cigars

hello my name is greywolf,,,,,i am new to cigars i have only been into cigars about a month,,,,,however i i found i am interested in learning and enjoy new cigars,,,i to this date have only had a few cohiba's that i brought back from st lucia,,,,and i really enjoyed them i also had a friend give me a few cigars that i have enjoyed,,,,,any and all information would be a huge help....aslp how do you know where a cigar comes from i know you can tell my the lable but i do not know how...........so please help.... thank you greywolf


  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    hello my name is greywolf,,,,,i am new to cigars i have only been into cigars about a month,,,,,however i i found i am interested in learning and enjoy new cigars,,,i to this date have only had a few cohiba's that i brought back from st lucia,,,,and i really enjoyed them i also had a friend give me a few cigars that i have enjoyed,,,,,any and all information would be a huge help....aslp how do you know where a cigar comes from i know you can tell my the lable but i do not know how...........so please help.... thank you greywolf
    Most boxes will be stamped, or have a tax sticker that will give away where they are from.
  • GadwinDuilGadwinDuil Posts: 474
    Welcome to cigars - and to the forums.

    Expect to spend quite a bit of money in order to broaden your horizons when it comes to cigars - but the best advice I can give you is to watch the Daily Deals here on ccom - and pounce on any of them that you are willing to try.

    That and the Cigar of the Month club here on ccom. The CotM is really awesome if you're willing to pay 33 bucks a month for mystery cigars, but it's always worth it.
  • Gadwinduil,, any ideas or suggestions on cigars to start with.....and thank you for the reply Greywolf
  • brotheradambrotheradam Posts: 896
    Welcome Greywolf, enjoy the forums.
  • Welcome to the forums! I'm pretty new here too but I've been picking away at the list others gave me and 5 Vegas Gold was a great choice. Also just tried a Gurka Turk and I really dug that too. Let your taste buds be your guide!
  • GadwinDuilGadwinDuil Posts: 474
    Gadwinduil,, any ideas or suggestions on cigars to start with.....and thank you for the reply Greywolf
    It really all depends on your own tastes. I personally started with strictly Mild cigars. The first medium I ever had was a Frank's Way Belicoso and it kicked my ass within the first half and it kind of turned me off from the stronger cigars for a while.

    Vegas 5 is a good line to look at when you first start because their line consists of practically every body of cigar and in my opinion are all really good cigars!

    Another piece of advice I can give btw... Is get into trading here on the forums. After you get a little bit of a stash going for yourself, setup trades with people. You'll constantly be receiving cigars you've never even heard of - it's very exciting :-D
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Greyicewolf.... BAD ASS name... welcome.

  • aron325aron325 Posts: 158
    Welcome to the forums. Stick around and you will learn more than you thought possible lol.Great bunch of BOTL's here. I would have to agree with recommending the 5 Vegas line. they are cheap and great smokes. good luck
  • Welcome to the forums....i just recently became an aficionado to. Its a really great hobby especially when you find the perfect cigar with the right taste and perfect draw(...amount of smoke puffed into mouth)

    What I have found to work is to immerse yourself into the culture. Being a college student I have bought a couple of books and have tried cigars based off of recomendations. I also bought a cigar dossier from ccom to keep track of the ones that I have liked and hated. Its a great way to sample and to keep track of the cigars you like.

    I also bought myself a humidor and now i am starting to get into aging my cigars. make sure to get a hummidification kit with it.

    But remember this is just my opinion. You do what is great for you. Welcome to the fabulous world of cigars!!
  • Big T smokesBig T smokes Posts: 211
    Greywolf, I have always smoked Backwoods and crap like that, but only recently learned of the joys of internet sales and was able to smoke real cigars. So I consider myself a bit of a cigar newb as well.

    Look for "taster" sampler packs and at first stick towards the mild end. Here's an excellent one to start off with:


    They are 6 fantastic cigars.

    Start looking for cigar sales and sampler packs that advertise a "Mild" flavor. If you crave more of a punch then try Mild-Mediium. Move yourself up to Medium-Full if you think you want even stronger cigars, and finally you have full-flavored cigars if you feel you need that kind of power.

    You should definately be starting with Mild cigars first though. I made the mistake of saying "screw it, if I'm gonna smoke a cigar and pay decent money for them, I want FULL FLAVOR, baby!"

    The stronger ones can be OVERpowering if your body isn't used to them. I smoked a Comacho 1962 a few weeks ago and it made my stomach sick and I passed out on my couch after I was finished. These things can happen. The joy of cigars however, is once you get a humidore going, you can let the cigar hang out in there until you are ready for it, which I've been doing on the stronger ones I've purchased. (Smoking on a full stomach helps curb any kind of nausea one might get with high niccotine levels btw)

    Also, I personally, have decided to let go of the guilt of not being able to "finish" a cigar. At some point you burn it down far enough it starts to taste like crap anyway. But I've had really strong cigars that are excellent to the halfway point and start to make me feel bad if I go to far with them. IT's ok to put the icgar down. You aren't impressing anyone if you make yourself sick trying to force down a stogie and it might end up causing you to dislike what has been a wonderful, delicious cigar otherwise.

    Keep in mind though, sir, I am a bit of a newb myself but those are some tips I've acquired during my brief time smoking premium cigars.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Welcome. I would suggest the Cigar of the Month Club. There you will get 5 various sticks a month, at a good price which will give you a chance to try new sticks regularly AND it gives you a 10% discount on EVERY order from C.COM while you are in the club. Great deal.
  • surfingzeekosurfingzeeko Posts: 628
    Big T smokes:
    Greywolf, I have always smoked Backwoods and crap like that, but only recently learned of the joys of internet sales and was able to smoke real cigars. So I consider myself a bit of a cigar newb as well.

    haha backwoods! driving the everyday man to never want to smoke cigars again haha. I used to smoke these when i was in high school.
  • Pacman84Pacman84 Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Welcome to the forums brother and get ready to get addicted to this haha.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Welcome to the forums brother and get ready to get addicted to this haha.
    not "addicted"

    this is a hobby, not a habit.

    get ready to be "enthralled"
  • Big T smokesBig T smokes Posts: 211
    Welcome to the forums brother and get ready to get addicted to this haha.
    not "addicted"

    this is a hobby, not a habit.

    get ready to be "enthralled"
    extremely well said.
  • Pacman84Pacman84 Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for correcting me. "Addicted" was a poor choice of word.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    Welcome to our little support group
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