Planet Pelosi..

What color is the sky on her planet? Unemployment checks are a stimulus??
Funny, I always thought it was jobs... Happy 4th, unless you live on her planet, no independence there..
Also, It's not my gop; never was. If it was mine I'd throw out 90% of the **** in it, and keep the rest. The idea that the gop is stopping the dems is funny since they don't actually need and republican votes...
I love that sig line. Absolutely Brilliant!
if i have $20,000 and 19 people come up to me and say "we have no money can you give me some?" then i give them each $1000 it is charity.
if i say no but they all take a vote and the vote is 19 to 1 that i give them my money under penalty of imprisonment it is still theft. they took things from me that i earned against my will.
they will then say it was my "moral obligation" to give them the money that i earned and they did not. Provided i earned that money and created that wealth without violating the rights of others i have the right to do with it as i please.
and getting a check for not working does not create wealth. its not about spending money. its about creating wealth. when you take from one part of the economy to give to the other, there is no net gain of wealth. there is movement of money. money and wealth are not the same thing. unemployment checks do not create wealth. JOBS create wealth. unemployment checks are analogous to taking water out of the deep end of the pool and dumping it in the shallow end and wondering why the pool isnt getting any deeper. it is a zero sum.
however, when a company can hire someone to make something the thing that is created is wealth.
i make gourmet chocolates with my wife. we take raw products that are worth very little, put them together in a way that no body else does, and sell them for more then the sum of the parts is worth. THAT is wealth creation and stimulus.
Very nicely put, Kuzi.
No Kuzi, that is capitalism. And we ALL know that capitalism is pure evil.
Nancy Pelosi, Barak Obama and Karl Marx
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
Does this make anyone else laugh? When the party that has whole heartedly tried to destroy christianity talks about "moral obligation" Not sure about anybody else but I'm content my moral obligation is filled by tithing.
my wife is Jewish and i am Agnostic (for lack of a better term) but i feel that we have lead a moral life. we give to charity. we have held charity events. we volunteer in our community. we do the best we can to treat everyone with respect and to help those seek help.
though i understand that there are very good morals that good Christians embody, the word "Moral" and "Christian" are not synonyms.
However, the point still stands, a system where the masses can steal from the deserving individual for their own gain is in essence, wrong. It's necessary to do so for the public good sometimes (I doubt anyone would pay exclusively out of their own pocket to maintain a highway or keep a school running), but to abuse this system to give to the undeserving poor (for those that are confused, "undeserving poor" just means the poor that refuse to work, use our tax dollars for drugs, or just want to live off welfare. "Deserving poor" are the guys/gals that work constantly and still can't make ends meet) or to line Congress' pockets is an affront to our rights.
I also find it ironic that the people in Congress and in society that preach about tolerance, love, and "putting children first" are also quick to abuse power and silence anyone with opposing views.
I'm not at all saying all christians are moral nor am I saying those not christian are immoral, but I am saying they for the most part preach of a strong moral life and the liberals have done so much to tear down the teachings of a moral life.
Next point, wwhwang private schools are a great idea and provide more to the community imo. Plus withou public schools you don't have people who don't have kids nor intend to have kids paying for schools, that my brother is taxation without representation. I could go on for hours about the deconstruction of the welfare status our country is in but, I won't. In closing I would just like to see our country restored to it's days of true freedom. God bless America!
sorry if i projected things on anyone unfairly.
NP Kuzi, just wanted to clear up my statement so it didn't seem like I was bashing non-christians. I was atheist or whatever till about 3 years ago so I understand the two don't go hand in hand.