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mosque at ground zero

Sol1821Sol1821 Posts: 707 ✭✭
what do you guys think about this?


  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    I really think the guys putting the mosque there should be more considerate. Though I do respect their right to practice whatever religion they choose, building a mosque there will send up a LOT of red flags in the eyes of the locals and Americans in general. It's almost like building a church or synagogue after blowing Mecca to the Stone Age.

    Not only that, soon as someone objects to it, there's a lot of Muslim organizations that will keep condemning and preaching about the "infidels" and their intolerance towards Islam, but they say nothing about the violent Muslim fundamentalists that give them that kind of reputation.
  • vegassparkyvegassparky Posts: 365
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    I really think the guys putting the mosque there should be more considerate.
    thats funny right there.
    its no joke.
    just google the title of this thread.

    i would be slightly less concerned if building a mosque at a site like that wasnt a sign of being conquered in the eyes of many in the extremest Muslim community. there is a history of that.
    i laugh at the "considerate comment" because there are many out there that are making the argument that it is being done to show their dominance over the US and the land they conquered.

    i have heard bits and pieces of the argument so i am not prepared to too much further into it or to perpetuate it, but i think it is worth looking into

    i do often wonder where the good Muslims are in situations like this. just like i wondered where the good Muslims were when there were riots in the street over a cartoon, or when a girl get sentenced to be stoned to death because she was the victim of a gang rape. shouldnt those good Muslims be standing up and condemning these clearly violent and hateful acts? the Islamic community is awfully silent on these violent acts while still claiming to be a religion of peace.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    I really think the guys putting the mosque there should be more considerate.
    thats funny right there.
    its no joke.
    just google the title of this thread.

    i would be slightly less concerned if building a mosque at a site like that wasnt a sign of being conquered in the eyes of many in the extremest Muslim community. there is a history of that.
    i laugh at the "considerate comment" because there are many out there that are making the argument that it is being done to show their dominance over the US and the land they conquered.

    i have heard bits and pieces of the argument so i am not prepared to too much further into it or to perpetuate it, but i think it is worth looking into

    i do often wonder where the good Muslims are in situations like this. just like i wondered where the good Muslims were when there were riots in the street over a cartoon, or when a girl get sentenced to be stoned to death because she was the victim of a gang rape. shouldnt those good Muslims be standing up and condemning these clearly violent and hateful acts? the Islamic community is awfully silent on these violent acts while still claiming to be a religion of peace.
    +1. Sorry about the underwhelming statement, kuzi lol. While I do feel the same way as you, I was trying not to offend any BOTL that might be Muslim.
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    I posted my mind on this @ my guild's forums and I think most of it would be bleeped here.... if you want to read what I posted lemme know as I am pretty irate at this.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    I really think the guys putting the mosque there should be more considerate.
    thats funny right there.
    its no joke.
    just google the title of this thread.

    i would be slightly less concerned if building a mosque at a site like that wasnt a sign of being conquered in the eyes of many in the extremest Muslim community. there is a history of that.
    i laugh at the "considerate comment" because there are many out there that are making the argument that it is being done to show their dominance over the US and the land they conquered.

    i have heard bits and pieces of the argument so i am not prepared to too much further into it or to perpetuate it, but i think it is worth looking into

    i do often wonder where the good Muslims are in situations like this. just like i wondered where the good Muslims were when there were riots in the street over a cartoon, or when a girl get sentenced to be stoned to death because she was the victim of a gang rape. shouldnt those good Muslims be standing up and condemning these clearly violent and hateful acts? the Islamic community is awfully silent on these violent acts while still claiming to be a religion of peace.
    +1. Sorry about the underwhelming statement, kuzi lol. While I do feel the same way as you, I was trying not to offend any BOTL that might be Muslim.
    i understand your concern. i am asking those people who are Muslim and against those acts to stand up and identify themselves. if i am wrong in my way of thinking, i would love to know how. that and i would love to see some action...
    ...actions like the the good Catholics that condemn the Priests that molest children.
  • letsgowithbobletsgowithbob Posts: 677 ✭✭
    I wish every religion would build a church at ground zero and all get along. To me it would be very symbolic for anyone to be able to go to ground zero and see churches of all faiths living in harmony. I am also a realist and realize this would probably never happen, but I myself have many different friends of all faiths and very much wish for everyone to be able to understand if not agree with eachother
  • Sol1821Sol1821 Posts: 707 ✭✭
    us brits have to put up with a lot of stuff incase in offends muslims.
    often things go compleatly against commen sense.
    for example this is a resent news story
    this is just pethetic.

    i think most of us brits are fed up of having to put up with *** like this, espesialy when we see america not putting up with it. or at least thats how the media portray it.
    here is a link to a guy called pat condell. almost everything he says is bang on the money, in this video and ofers. if only he was in goverment.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    I can't believe the people of NY would even consider it, I am sure it will become the 14th holiest site of that peace loving religion that tries to kill everybody. I would give you a good right wing view of it but there are some here who just can't stomach it.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    us brits have to put up with a lot of stuff incase in offends muslims.
    often things go compleatly against commen sense.
    for example this is a resent news story
    this is just pethetic.

    i couldnt even get past the headline.
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    I can't believe the people of NY would even consider it, I am sure it will become the 14th holiest site of that peace loving religion that tries to kill everybody. I would give you a good right wing view of it but there are some here who just can't stomach it.

    Oh NY puts up with and does alot. They have schools set up to teach students in their native language, they teach in over 30 languages. Not teach english, have teachers that know the language and teach in that language.

  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    us brits have to put up with a lot of stuff incase in offends muslims.
    often things go compleatly against commen sense.
    for example this is a resent news story
    this is just pethetic.

    i think most of us brits are fed up of having to put up with *** like this, espesialy when we see america not putting up with it. or at least thats how the media portray it.
    here is a link to a guy called pat condell. almost everything he says is bang on the money, in this video and ofers. if only he was in goverment.
    LMFAO. This. Makes. No. Sense. (the news article)
  • denniskingdennisking Posts: 3,703 ✭✭✭
    I wish every religion would build a church at ground zero and all get along. To me it would be very symbolic for anyone to be able to go to ground zero and see churches of all faiths living in harmony. I am also a realist and realize this would probably never happen, but I myself have many different friends of all faiths and very much wish for everyone to be able to understand if not agree with eachother
    My sentiments exactly.
  • zeebrazeebra Posts: 3,174 ✭✭✭
    I think there is already a mosque there. They are just rebuilding or making it bigger. I could have sworn I read that on a few articles. The news people just need a story to talk about.
  • jihiggsjihiggs Posts: 469 ✭✭
    kuzi, the "good muslims" are the ones killing people, and stoning girls that get raped. read their religious text, if you follow whats commanded in it, you would have to kill a lot of people for no good reason.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Not true Higgs, but feel free to rant if ya want. My take on this is that I do understand (the left view) that this is their religion, they are generally a peaceful people, and should not be futher vilified or take the blame for terrorists. I also understand the rights view (and the one I side more with definately) and we all know what that is, cmon we dont even have to write raghead to now if we're being honest.

    My opinion is more simple though, this is a business area. Financial sector, other businesses, etc. There is no reason or need for any relgious momument or worship place of any kind, because in turn it will only be devisive to someone---and more importantly, this has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with business and lets keep the d@mn churchs out of it. Just because there was a travesty there and people died, doesnt mean everyone or anyone has a right to put up a buliding to worship their god. If you want to go further, put back up some buildings to worship what really matters to the area and the country...money, properity, and American pride.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    sorry about bringing up old threads but ...

    i heard something interesting about this today. two things, actually:
    1) this Mosque is going to be called Cordoba House. this is named after Cordoba, Spain where there was a great victory for Islam where Muslim conquerors defeated Spanish Christians in the 8th century

    2) the begin date for construction for this Mosque on ground zero is September 11, 2011
    ten years to the day.

    NY must love getting their eye spat in.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    sorry about bringing up old threads but ...

    i heard something interesting about this today. two things, actually:
    1) this Mosque is going to be called Cordoba House. this is named after Cordoba, Spain where there was a great victory for Islam where Muslim conquerors defeated Spanish Christians in the 8th century

    2) the begin date for construction for this Mosque on ground zero is September 11, 2011
    ten years to the day.

    NY must love getting their eye spat in.
    Wow. If this is true, then those guys are just openly insulting their host country (or maybe they believe they're commemorating the 9/11 attacks in some sick, twisted way).
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    The devils advocate in me would like to make the...."freedom of choice, tolerance, openminded" argument here, but of all the area in and around ground zero combined with many other factors this is exactly why when white guys like me get on a plane and see (very likely a kind and law abiding) Muslim, I make sure Im ready to kill a man in hand to hand combat if needed. A phase I tend to hate rings true in my ears here "they do it to themselves".
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    The devils advocate in me would like to make the...."freedom of choice, tolerance, openminded" argument here, but of all the area in and around ground zero combined with many other factors this is exactly why when white guys like me get on a plane and see (very likely a kind and law abiding) Muslim, I make sure Im ready to kill a man in hand to hand combat if needed. A phase I tend to hate rings true in my ears here "they do it to themselves".
    They do do it to themselves. I hate to sound prejudice against any religion, but c'mon. When an entire religious group makes international organizations that refuse to teach their people not to commit terrorist acts, but instead berate the rest of the world and call them "intolerant, Muslim-hating" infidels, something's wrong.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    The devils advocate in me would like to make the...."freedom of choice, tolerance, openminded" argument here, but of all the area in and around ground zero combined with many other factors this is exactly why when white guys like me get on a plane and see (very likely a kind and law abiding) Muslim, I make sure Im ready to kill a man in hand to hand combat if needed. A phase I tend to hate rings true in my ears here "they do it to themselves".
    They do do it to themselves. I hate to sound prejudice against any religion, but c'mon. When an entire religious group makes international organizations that refuse to teach their people not to commit terrorist acts, but instead berate the rest of the world and call them "intolerant, Muslim-hating" infidels, something's wrong.
    LOL----- "do do"...........sorry ****, not making fun of your post----but I just cant pass up good poo related humor.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    LOL----- "do do"...........sorry ****, not making fun of your post----but I just cant pass up good poo related humor.
    Almost as fun as the word "duty", which sounds like "doo-dee".
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    I build a lotta cabinets for a lotta local Pakistani doctors, all of whom are Muslim, and every one of them is an arrogant as$. White, black, Hispanic doctors - nice as can be. Muslim - peace-loving, Muhammad quoting, wife beating Muslims - **** every one of them. Condescending, arrogant ****. I'm sure there are good Muslims out there, somewhere, but I have not met one yet. And, like vulchor, when I'm around one I keep one eye on them and never let one get behind me.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    There's going to be a lot of controversy on this issue. I think it's just starting. As you listen to the various parties of interest present their cases on the Ground Zero Mosque you need to remember one thing. You cannot trust anything that is said by a Muslim about this Mosque. Nothing. The goal here is to build a Mosque as close to Ground Zero as possible in order to erect a monument to what they see as a great Muslim victory over the United States. Of course they would never admit this when questioned by government officials or the media. They will lie - and their religion tells them that is perfectly OK to lie in furtherance to the Islamist agenda so long as they are lying to non-believers.

    You want a lie? Try this one. It came from Nihad Awad, one of the founders and presently the Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Awad has past connections to the Islamic terrorist group Hamas and has declared his support of the Hamas movement. Last night Awad was a guest on O'Reilly. The topic, of course, was the Mosque. Now ... here's your lie. Awad told O'Reilly that there was no connection with the Muslim community and the 9/11 terrorist hijackers. Islam is supposed to condemn the liar ... but Awad will not be condemned for this lie because it was (a) uttered in the furtherance of Islamist goals; and (b) was told to infidels.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    sorry about bringing up old threads but ...

    i heard something interesting about this today. two things, actually:
    1) this Mosque is going to be called Cordoba House. this is named after Cordoba, Spain where there was a great victory for Islam where Muslim conquerors defeated Spanish Christians in the 8th century

    2) the begin date for construction for this Mosque on ground zero is September 11, 2011
    ten years to the day.

    NY must love getting their eye spat in.
    And can you believe that Mayor Bloomberg is actually supporting this garbage?? How blatant can you get and still proclaim naivety?

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    What a lot of people, especially your average under-educated American (or bleeding heart apologist), forgets is that the Quran was written during a time of turmoil, bloodshed, and war. Later teachings were also added by extremist leaders that permitted lying about anything to infidels, killing infidels if they refused to convert, and even killing other Muslims that you felt you were more "Muslim" than. There are some peaceful Muslims. I've even met quite a few Muslims while I was in the Army and they are nothing short of faithful to their host country (except for that crazed Major that shot up a bunch of soldiers in Ft. Hood, thank God my friends there weren't shot). However, the Muslim community is one that teaches tolerance towards Muslims to the outside world, while trying to kill cartoonists that draw a picture of Muhammad or openly insulting their host country or suing for special rights in their host country (case in point: UK, France, US, Spain, and Italy)
  • Rob1110Rob1110 Posts: 1,577 ✭✭✭
    I can't help it: How funny and ironic would it be if a plane crashed into the mosque during worship hours?

    Sorry, that's just the way my brain operates.
  • Amos_UmwhatAmos_Umwhat Posts: 9,132 ✭✭✭✭✭
    kuzi, the "good muslims" are the ones killing people, and stoning girls that get raped. read their religious text, if you follow whats commanded in it, you would have to kill a lot of people for no good reason.
    No, these aren't good muslims. Any more than the Spanish Inquisition was made up of good Christians, and yes, I've read their text. I've also read several versions of the Christian Bible, and the Dead Sea Scrolls, and we'd all be doing a lot of the same killing if we took it all literally. It is certainly tempting to believe that all muslims are the same as the Satan worshipers than executed the 9/11 attacks, poor Muhammed must be as disappointed as Christ was as the centuries passed and his "followers" killed, burned, raped, and worse anyone who didn't agree with them politically. Of course, I still find it the epitome of bad taste and poor judgement to erect a mosque on this site. Shame!
    WARNING:  The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme.  Proceed at your own risk.  

    "If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed.  If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." --  Mark Twain
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    I can't help it: How funny and ironic would it be if a plane crashed into the mosque during worship hours?

    Sorry, that's just the way my brain operates.
    +1 , then we can build a catholic church and a Jewish synagogue on that site, lmao!
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    I thought that I saw on the news that the zoning board denied this permit yesterday?
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