just noticed...

those last 1000 posts went by quick. sorry.
no contest for me. my next X000th post contest will be 5000th. i was just amazed.
i hope at least a few of those posts helped you all out (even the people that are just viewing as guests)
no contest for me. my next X000th post contest will be 5000th. i was just amazed.
i hope at least a few of those posts helped you all out (even the people that are just viewing as guests)
keep smoking and leaving feedback i look forward to reading more even though i dont even know of majority of the cigars you smoke it always opens my mind up to new things
BTW, nice new avatar.
i picked the wrong week to stop sniffin glue....
all in good fun anyway.
also, at this moment i have 2045 posts and the forum has 22657 posts. so i have about 9% of all the posts on this forum.
thats ok Maddy has about 10%
either i need to post less or all of you need to post more.
Every post I've seen from his has been a wealth of information... You wouldn't want to go on Cigar Jeopardy against him...
the capt was one of the people that i learned from in my early days of cigardom. I still learn from the man every time he posts. I wish he would post more here because then i could learn even more.
maybe some day if i read and learn even more i can be on the level that capt is on.
nothing but respect
i guess im just a bad spoof version of hans solo of the forum.
i think what too many people forget all to often is that though many Americans have many different points of view we all have more in common than we have that divides us.
i think im gunna try harder not to make fun of anyone who has a different point of view than myself. I will make a point to think about what others say. I mean we are just trying to get along and live our lives here. I want to start being better to my fellow man, and try to understand their point of view, and how they got to where they are in life... not make fun of things that they hold dear to them, however wrong i may think they are. with any luck i will better understand my neighbors and alienate less of them. maybe we can start to get along and not be so mean spirited in life.
this is my new personal goal.
nah... i like my first post better. People are people...i just cant be that mean and take cheap personal shots at others.