Fidel's Change of Heart?

Has Fidel Castro had a change of heart and economic philosophy? Thought this was an interesting comment from him and wish he would have elaborated on it a bit more. Of course we all know the communist model is not sustainable in the long term, but to hear it come from the man behind Cuba's communist revolution it is a bit surprising. Anyone else have any thoughts on this or anything else he said?
I believe Communist theory can work on a very small scale, provided you have a group of people each equally committed and tied to the success of the community. You also need a mechanism for removing those who would damage the community from said community. I personally would want no part of it, as I believe in achieving what I am able to and maintaining my freedom, but that is neither here nor there with regards to whether the Communist principle is sound.
Also, your second paragraph is also correct; from what I understand of history, early civilization (read: small villages of 20 or so people) can be defined as communism - everyone had an assigned task, and it was that persons responsibility to provide for the entire village. The system only works with a very small number of people; once you get beyond the low single/double digits, you have problems. If there's only one person who sews in the entire village, that person can't slack off or else they'll be tossed out of the village - if there's 2 or 3 sewers, it becomes easier to slack off; it becomes easier still when there's 10, 50 or 100 sewers.
So I agree with ONe2gofst - communism only works on an extremely small scale; any bigger, and Capitalism is the only system that's been proven to pull people out of poverty. Say what you will about the US style - we Americans still enjoy the highest standard of living in the entire world. In America, even the poor have cellphones, a car, and cable TV - can't say that about other countries
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
In response to Puros post/question---I did find it somewhat interesting and odd for him to do this. My best guess is this is the latest in a continuing effort by Cuba to "modernize" thinking and their image as a way to soften issues with the U.S. as proceeding toward normalizing relations. He appears rational enough (and hell, maybe even man or sane enough) to aknowledge that the system is failing and cannot continue if his country is to grow and become any sort of financial success again. Time helping to heal all wounds perhaps.
I must say, I've heard stories of how the ANTI-Communist scrolling signs on the U.S. Embassy were turned off and the LoudSpeakers damning the U.S. were turned off to ease tensions...
Now Fidel is turning a leaf...
My only thought is selfish... I understand the lives that would be impacted and improved if the trade embargo would be lifted, I understand the Vacation potential and the beauty in CUBA....
But deep down I know that the popularity of Cuban Cigars have already stretched them thin in terms of production and quality. Quite a few Cuban cigars have gotten a black ash over the past years due to a Magnesium depletion in the soil for they do not rotate their crops and do a year of alternate growth to reclaim the soil...
I cringe at the quality of Cuban tobacco if the U.S. with it's uninformed and pocket book heavy consumers deplete the cigars even more and drive up price....
In short, *** communism.
Why don't you call?
it is 100% fair so long as the rights of others are not being violated and everyone has the same inherent natural rights (upheld, not created, by the government). As soon as rights are being violated, then it is unfair.
is it fair in the US? that is a different question.
"Long ashes my friends."
I agree with you on what would happen from the standpoint of Cuban Cigars. I do think that would die down rather quickly though. What I would be really excited about are all the wonderful growers and blenders who know how to get it right who would have access to Cuban soil and tobacco possibly if the current regime was overthrown. I believe that if Cuba went to a form of government that allowed private enterprise, Cuban cigars would actually improve as no one would buy the "original" Cuban brands when master blenders were making better "Cubans". It would no doubt make them less expensive as you are no longer paying for someone's heightened risk and spillage.
With the sole exception of extremely small villages, there's never been a single communist gov't that's ever been anything other than a dictatorship. It's a theory that looks good on paper, has never worked, and has intentionally murdered over 100 million people in pursuit of Utopia (oddly enough, how many people know that the word "Utopia", derived from the original Greek, actually means "nowhere"?)
Oddly enough, most "communists" you find today are typically teenagers on the internet who think they're being "kind hearted and caring for the poor" by calling themselves communists. When you tell them that communisms killed over 100 million people and always results in a dictatorship, they respond in one of two ways: 1) communisms never really been tried, it's been corrupted by greedy party officials every time it's attempted, or 2) Communism is really a bunch of communes living together with no gov't in charge, so it's never really been attempted. Both, of course, are false, as evidenced by over 100 years of history and bloodshed
Anyway, it seems like the oldest communist country is finally starting to crack up; seems like communism may finally die like it should've 50 years ago. The next fight, as I see it, is Communism-lite - aka, Socialism. It seems a lot of ideologues are regrouping and using the reasoning that "ok, so pure communism doesn't work, but we can still use parts of it and make utopia work out"
Communism has been tried many, many times and has been by far the worst political system ever attempted. The loss of human life due to Communism is unfathomable. Easily in the range of 150-200 million people from a combination of work camps, political assassinations/executions, purges, and you can't forget bad economic policy that lead to the starvation of millions upon millions. (read about "deep plowing" under Mao and the Ukraine farming disasters in the Soviet Union) It is a fools dream to think it can work simply because humans are not "cogs in a machine" and in all styles of government: "All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" What? Proven that they didn't attempt to spread communism? The Soviet Union was supporting North Vietnam - they did so militarily, even flying in secret in order to prevent the US from nuking the *** out of them during the Vietnam war, and of course supported with military equipment every single communist government, to include East Germany, North Korea, China, Cuba, etc. etc. The entire premise of Marx and Communism was to create a world-wide revolution of Communism. Oh, and after WWII the countries they "liberated" on the way to Berlin somehow magically became satellite states of the USSR. Poland, East Germany, etc. Not to sound like a jerk, but you really need to do a bit more reading about the Soviet Union.