Maybe you will... Maybe you wont...

Read it!
Article talks about a couple of people who have put millions of dollars in elections while hiding. Another reason why campaign finance reform needs to happen.
Article talks about a couple of people who have put millions of dollars in elections while hiding. Another reason why campaign finance reform needs to happen.
I don't think someone with a lot to hide will go on the enemy's turf and respond to the critics. Tim Phillips does a good job, in my opinion, of standing up to the attacks at his organization.
For an extra chuckle, check out the comments posted about the interview......
Would this response have been more to your liking:
OMG!! Rich people have political interests and fund their respective parties????? Say it ain't so!!!! Oh the humanity!!!! Any one who makes over $250K a year should be in prison!!!! End of story!
Too much?
C'mon, Vulch...... based on your logic, we should all just bury our heads in the sand and wait till the apocalypse of 2012.
I, for one, commend squirrel for his efforts. At least he tries.....
Also, no need to lecture me on Squirrels efforts...he and I have discussed matters on several occasions. Also, didnt say those making over 250K should be in jail, so please lets at least be logical here...which doesnt involve me and 2012 predictions either. Both repubs and dems have donors like this---just so happen these Bros. are the most known and talked about. If no one has a problem with the ultra wealthy throwing around gobs of money to influence politics without trying to use their intellect or ideas, just money to influence....for ANY SIDE of the political spectrum, I think we are in sad shape. Lets just think of the Hollywood donors and musical acts for Dems over the past several years...that did draw ire?
This is their money, they can do with it as they see fit. Why is it anyone's business where and how money is spent? Why is their freedom of speech any less important than anyone else just because they have money and can buy commercial air time and fund think tanks?? Where is the outrage over George Soros for doing the exact same thing?
The fact is, people are fed up with whatever it is they're fed up with. The politician that can mold his campaign the best around these frustrations will win........
When I said the Democratic Socialists of America, I was not referring to the Democrats. I was referring to the actual Socialist party. Just wanted to clarify before anyone got mad because I was calling people names. Was using the organization to make a point.
To analogize this arguement though, it seems that squirrel is pointing to the boxing ring, where Muhammed Ali and Joe Frazier, (the Koch bros.) at their peak, are squaring off against Don Knotts and Lou Costello (99% of us) and saying: "hey, that's not fair", to which Puro replies: "Hey, it's 2 against 2, what couldn't be fair?" Of course, I'm lower middle class, and would like someone representing my interests, but hey, maybe the Koch brothers will trickle on me. Is that Rain?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Well yes however when it is being used to undermine this country I find it very disturbing. to each his own I guess however if you love how things have been over the last 10 years get ready for more of it and even worse. Many future novels focus on laws and nations being ruled by a court or corporations and it's not pretty. Fiction they may be, it is getting very close to reality. I look to the turn of the 20th century in America with the barons and I shiver. Seems as though progress has been made but the barons have gotten larger and smarter. Behind the scenes is much worse.
as far as where the "middle" actually is...
is about all i have for you.